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Displaying results 1 - 84 of 84
Sequence 3This study is interesting because it is the only research in the liter- ature which specifies Montessori materials by age-… |
Sequence 3Gitter, Lena L. (1968). Interpretation and Summary of Montessori Modulaties. ~ American Mon- tea,ori Society Bulletin, 1(4), 1… |
Sequence 1CONSTRUCTING THE EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE: PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND CHILDREN by Antonia Lopez Th:is presenwt:ion on the school-… |
Sequence 30nature of the method. 24 The final result was that, as Montessori herself writes: "The world of official education… |
Sequence 1THE SPIRITUAL REGENERATION OF MAN by Maria Montessori This article recasts the role of normalization as "spiritual… |
Sequence 25REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 50REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 3really meant is often arduous work and could potentially make prac- tical implementation more complicated, but in our desire… |
Sequence 8Dwyer, Muriel. "Opening of the 52nd Montessori Interna- tional Course in Child Development." Montessori… |
Sequence 12You may perhaps condemn the plan [so let us think of the Appendices] as visionary and unpractical, but I hope that you will… |
Sequence 166India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 178A Montessori Journey 1907 to 2007 Patrons Anonymous Donation through Si Helena Monressori School Association Montessori… |
Sequence 188Notes and Sources, continued Montessori in England, Scotland, and Ireland Montessori teachers have been training in London… |
Sequence 2Ps1co-AruTMtr1cA AND Ps1co-GEOMETRiA by Benedetto Scoppola Tlie introduction of the psycho-disciplines tlirougli Professor… |
Sequence 1THE CHILD' s CONSTRUCTION OF GEOMETRY IN Psrco-GEOMETRiA by Benedetto Scoppola Begi1111i11g will, Mo11tessoris… |
Sequence 4106 Part Two - For a Science o.fthe Formation of Man teaching setting and care for physical life, while criticism focused on… |
Sequence 8the present. What Montessori offers here is a fundamental approach: allow the human personality to freely develop, cultivate… |
Sequence 15Montessori focuses not on the evils or the threats created by science and technology (though we know she felt them deeply-as… |
Sequence 19Now 12 says, for the betterment of society. The high school is the training ground for a scie11tia co11- at11rnlis, an exalted… |
Sequence 1A Study of College/University Accredited Montessori Teacher Training Programs by Mary Maher Boehnlein Ph.D., Introduction… |
Sequence 20Ward, Florence Elizabeth.a (1913). The Montessori method and the American school. New York: Macmillan & Co. l.… |
Sequence 2930 Varga, Virginia,. (1977). Physiology of the absorbent mind. The Constructive Triangle, ~. 5-7, (3). Wikramaratne, Lena… |
Sequence 42Ballard, Hartin. (1973). The old, old story of the "New Education--2" Teacher, 70, 142-49, (7). 43 Banta… |
Sequence 4344 Claremont, Claude. of Montessori. (1949, June 3). The activity school--The purposefulness Times Educational Supplement… |
Sequence 6061 CULTURAL STUDIES Devi, Dipti. (1963). Festivities observed in the Montessori Shishu Bhavan. Around the Child,~. 54-58… |
Sequence 8687 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 8990 Heater, Sandra Harvey. (1980). Teaching yreschool reading. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press. (120. (NOT… |
Sequence 9091 Stevens, George L. (1963). Reading for young children. Paper presented at the 1963 Americand Montessori Society national… |
Sequence 9192 Joosten, A. M. (1974). Helping one helping all (II): Helping the child in the conquest of the written language. Bombay… |
Sequence 96Montessori, Mario. (1974). Playing with numbers. Connnunications, .!.ll, 9-10, (2). 97 Montessori, Mario. (1959).… |
Sequence 102(1923,25,30,37, 46,). Dr. Montessori on independence. Lecture excerpts reprinted in (1976). Communications, 3/4, 28-36, (… |
Sequence 117118 Montessori Talks to Parents Newsletter. published by North American Montessori Teachers' Association, 2859… |
Sequence 140142 Karlson, Alfred L. & Stodolsky, Susan S.(1973) Predicting school outcomes from observations of child behavior… |
Sequence 171173 Harmon, Thomas. (1965). The Hudson Montessori Association. Montessori Review,!, 9-11, (3). Harmon, Thomas. (1965/66… |
Sequence 186188 SENSORlAL Barron, Marlene. (1983). Sensorial extensions: Helping the child move from being task specific to… |
Sequence 193195 Kahn, David. (1981). Dealing with problems: Beyond the elitist principle: Kahn/Plank interview. NAMTA Quarterly… |
Sequence 200202 Hanrath, c. .!., 7-8, (1972). (2) . First AMI training course in Mexico. Comnrnunications, l Harmon, Thomas. (1967… |
Sequence 207Fraser, c. Gerald. name on toys. (1972, December 16). New York Times, p.36, Montessori Society scores use of l, (l).… |
Sequence 21This study is interesting because it is the only research in the liter- ature which specifies Montessori materials by age-… |
Sequence 84Gitter, Lena L. (1968). Interpretation and Summary of Montessori Modulaties. ~ American Mon- tea,ori Society Bulletin, 1(4), 1… |
Sequence 84CONSTRUCTING THE EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE: PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND CHILDREN by Antonia Lopez Th:is presenwt:ion on the school-… |
Sequence 243nature of the method. 24 The final result was that, as Montessori herself writes: "The world of official education… |
Sequence 164THE SPIRITUAL REGENERATION OF MAN by Maria Montessori This article recasts the role of normalization as "spiritual… |
Sequence 344NAMTANEWS Fall Workshops Bring New Partnerships From the Children's House to the Statehouse: Making the Network Work… |
Sequence 197REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 326really meant is often arduous work and could potentially make prac- tical implementation more complicated, but in our desire… |
Sequence 596CONTRIBUTORS Devan Barker was a founding faculty member of The Hershey Montessori Farm School, having completed his doctoral… |
Sequence 13Dwyer, Muriel. "Opening of the 52nd Montessori Interna- tional Course in Child Development." Montessori… |
Sequence 45You may perhaps condemn the plan [so let us think of the Appendices] as visionary and unpractical, but I hope that you will… |
Sequence 168India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 180A Montessori Journey 1907 to 2007 Patrons Anonymous Donation through Si Helena Monressori School Association Montessori… |
Sequence 190Notes and Sources, continued Montessori in England, Scotland, and Ireland Montessori teachers have been training in London… |
Sequence 36Ps1co-AruTMtr1cA AND Ps1co-GEOMETRiA by Benedetto Scoppola Tlie introduction of the psycho-disciplines tlirougli Professor… |
Sequence 236available for primary and elemen- tary class teachers. The Duluth Montessori School is an AMI school with an excellent… |
Sequence 300Georgia Montessori of Macon in Macon, Georgia is seeking an Education Director with a flexible start date, commencing no… |
Sequence 401is cultivating wisdom and peace in children and themselves. With over 250students, weservechildrcn ages I-year through 9th… |
Sequence 190THE CHILD' s CONSTRUCTION OF GEOMETRY IN Psrco-GEOMETRiA by Benedetto Scoppola Begi1111i11g will, Mo11tessoris… |
Sequence 120106 Part Two - For a Science o.fthe Formation of Man teaching setting and care for physical life, while criticism focused on… |
Sequence 188the present. What Montessori offers here is a fundamental approach: allow the human personality to freely develop, cultivate… |
Sequence 320Montessori focuses not on the evils or the threats created by science and technology (though we know she felt them deeply-as… |
Sequence 340Now 12 says, for the betterment of society. The high school is the training ground for a scie11tia co11- at11rnlis, an exalted… |
Sequence 152Les Enfants Montessori is seeking a certified 3-6 Primary Teacher. Hours are 9:00 to 5:00, Monday through Friday. lf… |
Sequence 441435 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds atmosphere. Knowledge of the Catholic Faith a must; Catechesis of the Good Shepherd… |
Sequence 52Personals: POSITIONS A VAJLABLE ELEMENTARY DIRECTOR/DIRECTRESS Well established 6-9 class seeking experienced di- rector… |
Sequence 57Personals: POSIT/ONS AVAILABLE Experienced Catholic teacher to teach and ad- minister new (Fall, 1981) private elementary… |
Sequence 53A Study of College/University Accredited Montessori Teacher Training Programs by Mary Maher Boehnlein Ph.D., Introduction… |
Sequence 28Ward, Florence Elizabeth.a (1913). The Montessori method and the American school. New York: Macmillan & Co. l.… |
Sequence 3730 Varga, Virginia,. (1977). Physiology of the absorbent mind. The Constructive Triangle, ~. 5-7, (3). Wikramaratne, Lena… |
Sequence 50Ballard, Hartin. (1973). The old, old story of the "New Education--2" Teacher, 70, 142-49, (7). 43 Banta… |
Sequence 5144 Claremont, Claude. of Montessori. (1949, June 3). The activity school--The purposefulness Times Educational Supplement… |
Sequence 6861 CULTURAL STUDIES Devi, Dipti. (1963). Festivities observed in the Montessori Shishu Bhavan. Around the Child,~. 54-58… |
Sequence 9487 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 9790 Heater, Sandra Harvey. (1980). Teaching yreschool reading. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press. (120. (NOT… |
Sequence 9891 Stevens, George L. (1963). Reading for young children. Paper presented at the 1963 Americand Montessori Society national… |
Sequence 9992 Joosten, A. M. (1974). Helping one helping all (II): Helping the child in the conquest of the written language. Bombay… |
Sequence 104Montessori, Mario. (1974). Playing with numbers. Connnunications, .!.ll, 9-10, (2). 97 Montessori, Mario. (1959).… |
Sequence 110(1923,25,30,37, 46,). Dr. Montessori on independence. Lecture excerpts reprinted in (1976). Communications, 3/4, 28-36, (… |
Sequence 125118 Montessori Talks to Parents Newsletter. published by North American Montessori Teachers' Association, 2859… |
Sequence 148142 Karlson, Alfred L. & Stodolsky, Susan S.(1973) Predicting school outcomes from observations of child behavior… |
Sequence 179173 Harmon, Thomas. (1965). The Hudson Montessori Association. Montessori Review,!, 9-11, (3). Harmon, Thomas. (1965/66… |
Sequence 194188 SENSORlAL Barron, Marlene. (1983). Sensorial extensions: Helping the child move from being task specific to… |
Sequence 201195 Kahn, David. (1981). Dealing with problems: Beyond the elitist principle: Kahn/Plank interview. NAMTA Quarterly… |
Sequence 208202 Hanrath, c. .!., 7-8, (1972). (2) . First AMI training course in Mexico. Comnrnunications, l Harmon, Thomas. (1967… |
Sequence 215Fraser, c. Gerald. name on toys. (1972, December 16). New York Times, p.36, Montessori Society scores use of l, (l).… |