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Sequence 3• Montessori trained and certified teachers and administrators representing both the Association Montessori Internationale… |
Sequence 1ObservaTiOns by A. M. Joosten Joosten begins his article by telling us that love and knowledge together are the foundation… |
Sequence 1errOrs and Their cOrrecTiOns by A. M. Joosten “Our primary concern is not that the child learns to do something without… |
Sequence 43• Montessori trained and certified teachers and administrators representing both the Association Montessori Internationale… |
Sequence 233227 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds erations. Qualifications include an Undergraduate Degree, Montessori Training, and 4+… |
Sequence 207199 Joosten • Observations ObservaTiOns by A. M. Joosten Joosten begins his article by telling us that love and knowledge… |
Sequence 223215 Joosten • Errors and their Corrections errOrs and Their cOrrecTiOns by A. M. Joosten “Our primary concern is not that… |