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Displaying results 1 - 38 of 38
Sequence 1MURIEL DWYER: ON THE WAY TO THE AIRPORT by David Kahn Although Ms. Dwyer has written a short pamphlet entitled Key to… |
Sequence 15have time for questions. But you'll find all the stages in the booklet. Still, the last stage is not to be forgotten-… |
Sequence 16make any adjustments to your language work there? Or did it follow exactly what we do here? A. Really and truly, Lilian, no,… |
Sequence 17it does depend on you. If you try to make it something formal, I do not think it will happen. You just have to either have the… |
Sequence 18have their roots from different countries, from different peoples-I mean, there in America you should have an enormous number… |
Sequence 22BARBARA KAHN: Here is another question about things that we wish were happening but that aren't happening: What happens… |
Sequence 23ROSALIE: I'm almost finishing a course in dyslexia. So if you'd like I will answer as well as I can for someone who… |
Sequence 6There are two groups of children, two "Case" that I can never forget (there are pictures of them in the hall… |
Sequence 7It is not surprising that Ms. Dwyer renamed her reading classic, originally entitled A Reading Scheme for English (assembled… |
Sequence 8Dwyer, Muriel. "Opening of the 52nd Montessori Interna- tional Course in Child Development." Montessori… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES By-laws of the Association Montessori lnternalio,rnle. Am- sterdam: AMI. AMI Strategic P/a,1 2008-2012. Amsterdam… |
Sequence 951 O’Shaughnessy and Patell • Interview on the History of Observation MOLLY. It does not mean just let them go on their way… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 96AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 97AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 7879 DISADVANTAGED Braun, Samuel. Nursery education for disadvantaged children: An historical review. (1966). In Montessori… |
Sequence 94Didactic materials. (1919, November 6). Times Educational Supplement, p. 557, (2). Dwyer, Muriel. (1973). Operation solid… |
Sequence 169171 Dwyer, Muriel. (1970). Report form Tanzania. Communications, ill, 15-17, (3). Elisabeth, Sr. M. (1967). Around the… |
Sequence 186188 SENSORlAL Barron, Marlene. (1983). Sensorial extensions: Helping the child move from being task specific to… |
Sequence 192194 Bjorksten, Christel. (1983). Neuropsychological "soft signs" in children and rehabilitation… |
Sequence 117MURIEL DWYER: ON THE WAY TO THE AIRPORT by David Kahn Although Ms. Dwyer has written a short pamphlet entitled Key to… |
Sequence 89have time for questions. But you'll find all the stages in the booklet. Still, the last stage is not to be forgotten-… |
Sequence 90make any adjustments to your language work there? Or did it follow exactly what we do here? A. Really and truly, Lilian, no,… |
Sequence 91it does depend on you. If you try to make it something formal, I do not think it will happen. You just have to either have the… |
Sequence 92have their roots from different countries, from different peoples-I mean, there in America you should have an enormous number… |
Sequence 96BARBARA KAHN: Here is another question about things that we wish were happening but that aren't happening: What happens… |
Sequence 97ROSALIE: I'm almost finishing a course in dyslexia. So if you'd like I will answer as well as I can for someone who… |
Sequence 11There are two groups of children, two "Case" that I can never forget (there are pictures of them in the hall… |
Sequence 12It is not surprising that Ms. Dwyer renamed her reading classic, originally entitled A Reading Scheme for English (assembled… |
Sequence 13Dwyer, Muriel. "Opening of the 52nd Montessori Interna- tional Course in Child Development." Montessori… |
Sequence 32REFERENCES By-laws of the Association Montessori lnternalio,rnle. Am- sterdam: AMI. AMI Strategic P/a,1 2008-2012. Amsterdam… |
Sequence 5951 O’Shaughnessy and Patell • Interview on the History of Observation MOLLY. It does not mean just let them go on their way… |
Sequence 74AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 8679 DISADVANTAGED Braun, Samuel. Nursery education for disadvantaged children: An historical review. (1966). In Montessori… |
Sequence 102Didactic materials. (1919, November 6). Times Educational Supplement, p. 557, (2). Dwyer, Muriel. (1973). Operation solid… |
Sequence 177171 Dwyer, Muriel. (1970). Report form Tanzania. Communications, ill, 15-17, (3). Elisabeth, Sr. M. (1967). Around the… |
Sequence 194188 SENSORlAL Barron, Marlene. (1983). Sensorial extensions: Helping the child move from being task specific to… |
Sequence 200194 Bjorksten, Christel. (1983). Neuropsychological "soft signs" in children and rehabilitation… |