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Sequence 1Grace and courteSy acroSS the PlaneS of develoPment by Pat Ludick Pat Ludick’s commentary on grace and courtesy is… |
Sequence 1MAriA MoNTessori’s CosMiC sTories AND CoNTeMPorAry sCieNCe Gerard Leonard is an AMI trainer. He currently trains elementary… |
Sequence 1711 Ludick • Grace and Courtesy Across the Planes of Development Grace and courteSy acroSS the PlaneS of develoPment by Pat… |
Sequence 3532 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Gerard Leonard is an AMI trainer. He currently trains elementary teachers… |
Sequence 62NAMTA News: NAMTA AND AMI-USA CREATE NEW TEACHER REVIEW PROGRAM NAMT A and AMI-USA are embarking on a new collaboration… |
Sequence 77NAMTA News: New Release on Discipline - Project Video David Kahn announced that he is resuming his video documentary work on… |
Sequence 60NAMTA NEWS NAMTA LAUNCHES NEW CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE FOR FALL 1984 As a service LO teachers and parents, the NAMT A Board… |