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Sequence 150Christinia Cheung, Executive Director Pacific Rim International School 454 Peninsula A venue San Mateo, CA 94401 (650) 685… |
Sequence 244ideallocationwithamoderateMedi- terranean climate. Our future el- ementary guide should have excellentinterpersonalandcommu… |
Sequence 214Valley Inn & Spa, 905 Country Club Road, Ojai, CA 93023. Tel: 805-646- 5511. Montessori Leaming Center Est. 1973… |
Sequence 237five Primary, three Lower Elemen- tary, one Upper Elementary and one Middle School. MIR is actively seeking AMI trained… |
Sequence 230Montessori in Red lands, an AMI school, located at the foot of the San Bernardino Mountains, 70 miles east of Los Angeles,… |
Sequence 180environment,a love for children and excellent communication and man- agement skills. Preschool offers high level of parent… |
Sequence 214Positions Available Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking Montessori- trained teachers who are native… |
Sequence 258Tel: 408-615-1254 Positions Available Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking… |
Sequence 44ested in sponsoring any Montessori adults in training. PRINTS is a unique bilingual school which offers two tracks: a… |
Sequence 228on the East Side of San Francisco Bay (north of Oakland and south of Ber- keley). Our second campus is in San Mateo,on the… |
Sequence employment.html for addi- tional details. Contact: jobs@ Pacific Rim… |
Sequence 258Now Accepting Applications for Summer 2010 Primary {3-6 years) Training Director of Training: Dr. Annette Haines 9 in… |
Sequence 187181 The NAMTA Journal ship to motivated candidates. PRINTS is a unique, AMI-rec- ognized, dual immersion school which… |
Sequence 282276 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking AMI-trained… |