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Sequence 28Language and the New York: Norton, 1997. Donald, Merlin. Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of… |
Sequence 22Now this didn't all happen in one year. This project became ongoing in this class. Each year the children new to the… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 84AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 85AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 187Language and the New York: Norton, 1997. Donald, Merlin. Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of… |
Sequence 88Now this didn't all happen in one year. This project became ongoing in this class. Each year the children new to the… |
Sequence 86AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |