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Sequence 8Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 10Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 1Cosmic Education at the middle school level, while including the areas of geography, biology, and geology, also includes the… |
Sequence 9enable young adolescents to integrate academics with life in a relevant manner. INTRODUCTION Cosmic Education within a… |
Sequence 1The Montessori Secondary Schoo! - Developing the Urban Compromise by David Kahn Here folfows a simple chronicle of a… |
Sequence 90Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 110Cosmic Education at the middle school level, while including the areas of geography, biology, and geology, also includes the… |
Sequence 71p ARTICIPANTS IN THE ADOLESCENT COLLOQUIUM Kay Baker is AMI Elementary Director of Training at the Washington (DC)… |
Sequence 199Lake Erie and are about 30 miles from Cleveland. We invite qualified candidates to contact Deborah Bricker at ( 440) 357-… |
Sequence 235Ruffing Montessori School, serv- ing 275 students ages three through 14, is offering the following posi- tions for the… |
Sequence 206A lowcostoflivingand true qual- ity of life including excellent muse- ums and restaurants, beautiful park land, wuversities… |
Sequence 151enable young adolescents to integrate academics with life in a relevant manner. INTRODUCTION Cosmic Education within a… |
Sequence 200TheMontessoriSchoolofRaleigh An Equal Opportunity Employer Accredited by the American Montessori Society and… |
Sequence 280South Suburban Montessori School in Brecksville, Ohio is seeking an Upper Elementary and Children's House Director/… |
Sequence 250Paula Leigh-Doyle, Head of School 440-357-0918 Hudson Montessori School isac- cepting resumes for… |
Sequence 60WANTED: EXPERIENCED AMI ELE- MENTARY DIRECTRESS/DIRECTOR for new school opening Sept '79 in Evergreen, Colo in the… |
Sequence 5The Montessori Secondary Schoo! - Developing the Urban Compromise by David Kahn Here folfows a simple chronicle of a… |
Sequence 73PRIMARY - We need a primary AMI directress for our excellent Montessori school. This growing school currently serves 78… |
Sequence 49Personals: POSITIONS A VA I LA BLE AM I teacher needed September 1983 for well- established pre-primary clas,, of 30… |