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Sequence 2A H1sTORY/D1scovERY APPROACH TO MATHEMATICS by Christopher Kjaer and Michael Waski The following two articles represent… |
Sequence 1QUALITIES OF A MONTESSORI SECONDARY MATHEMATICS PROGRAM by Christopher Kjaer, John McNamara, and Michael W aski The… |
Sequence 1How tHe matHematical minD of tHe aDolescent DeveloPs from early aDolescence to late aDolescence by Michael Waski “It is… |
Sequence 250 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 Here is an essential principle of education: to teach de- tails is to… |
Sequence 305A H1sTORY/D1scovERY APPROACH TO MATHEMATICS by Christopher Kjaer and Michael Waski The following two articles represent… |
Sequence 49QUALITIES OF A MONTESSORI SECONDARY MATHEMATICS PROGRAM by Christopher Kjaer, John McNamara, and Michael W aski The… |
Sequence 93 Waski • Development of a Framework DeveloPment of a framework by Michael Waski “Montessori disciplines are more than just… |
Sequence 115 Waski • How the Mathematical Mind of the Adolescent Develops How tHe matHematical minD of tHe aDolescent DeveloPs from… |
Sequence 5650 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 Here is an essential principle of education: to teach de- tails is to… |