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Displaying results 1 - 36 of 36
Sequence 1MONTESSORI IMPLICATIONS OF BRAIN RESEARCH by M. Shannon Helfrich Shannon Helfrich lends clarity to the connection of brain… |
Sequence 13on Montessori's interpretation of intelligence by Kay Baker, Annette Haines, Kevin Rathunde, and Shannon Helfrich. This… |
Sequence 2MOTHER AS THE FIRST PREPARED ENVIRONMENT································· 149 by Susan Tracy THE PSYCHO-MOTOR AND SENSORIAL… |
Sequence 1M. Shannon Helfrich 168 The NAMTA Jou ma/ • Vol. 34, No. I • Winter 2009 |
Sequence 2THE PSYCHO-MOTOR AND SENSORIAL ROOTS OF THE DISCIPLINES FROM BIRTH TO Six by M. Shannon Helfrich Emphasizing that the start… |
Sequence 1THE MATHEMATICAL MIND by M. Shannon Helfrich Begin11i11g with a defi11itio11 of tlie 11wt/Je111atical 111i11d as "a… |
Sequence 2Thai Montessori school-no chairs or tables. One of the basic goals of Montessori primary education is to help a child adapt… |
Sequence 1ObservaTiOn by Shannon Helfrich Helfrich addresses two perspectives from which to think about observation in the classroom:… |
Sequence 260New Jersey, 28 Conrow Rd., Delran, NJ 08075, 609/461-2121. New York 33 year established growing schools seeking a trained 0… |
Sequence 218Located on an attractive 10-acre cam- pus in suburban North Raleigh, MSR is in its 24th year. As a result of both a quality… |
Sequence 372benefits. Please send your resume and references to: FELIX BEDNARSKI, HUMBER- SIDE MONTESSORI SCHOOL, 411 CLENDENAN A VENUE… |
Sequence 194community. Situated on 4 acres, just outside Washington D.C. our Montessori designed facility offers a unique environment… |
Sequence 151Street, Cortez, CO 81321 or phone Fred Blackburn at (970) 565-4747. Connecticut Hall Neighborhood House, a rec- ognized… |
Sequence 253children of all socioeconomic back- grounds in bilingual environments. Resume to Deborah Sullivan, 2246 Federal Blvd.,… |
Sequence 224antSt.,Framingham,MA01701,508- 872-3630, Fax: 508-872-3314. AMI Primary Teacher Needed… |
Sequence 208... Come To The Beautiful, Pacific Northwest For MONTESSORI TEACHER TRAINING AMI Primary Certification MACTE Accredited… |
Sequence 253... Come To The Beautiful, Pacific Northwest For MONTESSORI TEACHER TRAINING AMI Primary Certification MACTE Accredited… |
Sequence 226... Come To The Beautiful, Pacific Northwest For MONTESSORI TEACHER TRAINING AMI Primary Certification MACTE Accredited… |
Sequence 299Canada The Montessori House of Chil- dren, est. 1968, is now accepting applications of trained Montessori teachers for… |
Sequence 220tion, please log onto our web page: www Please send resumes or contact: Nancy Read Smith… |
Sequence 91MONTESSORI IMPLICATIONS OF BRAIN RESEARCH by M. Shannon Helfrich Shannon Helfrich lends clarity to the connection of brain… |
Sequence 252on Montessori's interpretation of intelligence by Kay Baker, Annette Haines, Kevin Rathunde, and Shannon Helfrich. This… |
Sequence 267directress, to begin in Fall '05. Ideal applicants should be enthusiastic, dedicated, and most importantly have respect… |
Sequence 45MONTESSORI TRAINING CENTER OF NEW ENGLAND Montessori Teacher Training Assistants to Infancy Course September 2005-May 2006 (… |
Sequence 233Pruitt Hall, AMI-trained and experi- enced Director of Education, for ad- ditional information. Please send your resume and… |
Sequence 1Volume 34 Number 1 Winter 2009 N·A·M·T·A J 0 u The First Three Years of Life from All Developmental Perspectives R N A… |
Sequence 6MOTHER AS THE FIRST PREPARED ENVIRONMENT································· by Susan Tracy THE PSYCHO-MOTOR AND SENSORIAL ROOTS… |
Sequence 174M. Shannon Helfrich 168 The NAMTA Jou ma/ • Vol. 34, No. I • Winter 2009 |
Sequence 175THE PSYCHO-MOTOR AND SENSORIAL ROOTS OF THE DISCIPLINES FROM BIRTH TO Six by M. Shannon Helfrich Emphasizing that the start… |
Sequence 90THE MATHEMATICAL MIND by M. Shannon Helfrich Begin11i11g with a defi11itio11 of tlie 11wt/Je111atical 111i11d as "a… |
Sequence 129Thai Montessori school-no chairs or tables. One of the basic goals of Montessori primary education is to help a child adapt… |
Sequence 5The holisTic Meaning of inclusion in MonTessori educaTion Preface: The DeePer Meaning of inclusion in MonTessori eDucaTion… |
Sequence 137131 Helfrich • The Importance of Spoken Language The iMPorTance of sPoken language in PrevenTing challenges in reaDing anD… |
Sequence 5ObservatiOn Preface, The ObservaTiOn arTisT ......................................................... by Molly O’Shaughnessy… |
Sequence 267259 Helfrich • Observation ObservaTiOn by Shannon Helfrich Helfrich addresses two perspectives from which to think about… |