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Sequence 9• Children choose their own activities after they have been introduced to a certain material or procedure. • Since there is… |
Sequence 1THE CHILD AND SOCIETY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Kru 111ins Grnzzini puts the relationsl1ip between child a11d society… |
Sequence 2THE CHILD AND SOCIETY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Km 111i11s Grnzzini puts the relatio11s/1ip between child and society… |
Sequence 38• Children choose their own activities after they have been introduced to a certain material or procedure. • Since there is… |
Sequence 118THE CHILD AND SOCIETY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Kru 111ins Grnzzini puts the relationsl1ip between child a11d society… |
Sequence 91THE CHILD AND SOCIETY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Km 111i11s Grnzzini puts the relatio11s/1ip between child and society… |