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Displaying results 201 - 257 of 257
Sequence 334ASSESSMENT In addition to the I BO-required assessments, students enrolled in Environmental Systems and Society will be… |
Sequence 337Science Scientific A111erica11 Sierra S111it/1s011ia11 Wired ADDITIONAL COURSE INFORMATION The term "laboratory… |
Sequence 338with the mathematics staff to take full advantage of academic syn- thesis whenever it occurs. This course also develops the… |
Sequence 39REFERENCES Arensburg, Baruch, & Anne-Marie Tillier. "Speech and the Neanderthals." Endeavour 15.1 (… |
Sequence 202within the context of a prepared environment. The school commu- nity of different individuals encapsulates a small society,… |
Sequence 208OTHER COMPONENTS OF THIS New EDUCATION One might very well ask what other components in education must exist to develop… |
Sequence 64How SCIENCE AND HISTORY LEAD TO COMMUNITY SERVICE by Annabeth Jensen A nabet/1 Jensen's presentation is the proceedings… |
Sequence 85and service to the earth itself. When students work in service of something larger than themselves, they feel connected. This… |
Sequence 5TABLE OF CONTENTS Publisher:~ Note by David Kahn ........................................................ Yll Foreword by… |
Sequence 3016 Chapter II Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children II. I Civil commitment and scientific research Berlin, 22… |
Sequence 33Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children 19 juvenile delinquency. These responsibilities were found in the lack of care… |
Sequence 35Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children 21 all those people who wanted to take children away from the streets or from… |
Sequence 37Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children 23 society so that civil progress did not come about to the detriment of one… |
Sequence 39Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children 25 ' Jean M. G. ltard ( 1775-1838) !,rraduated in medicine and decided to… |
Sequence 4026 Chapter III Science and Society: The Woman Question 111.1 Scientists and not science are against woman Between the late… |
Sequence 41Science and Society: The Woman Question 27 How to deal with claims of woman's inferiority? By abandoning the reasons of… |
Sequence 43Science and Society: The Woman Q11es1io11 29 effective action that everywhere honored women's industriousness and left… |
Sequence 51Science and Society: The Woman Question 37 11 M. Montessori, ·'Greetings of Italian Women. in International Council of… |
Sequence 136122 Par/ Two - For a Science of Ifie Formal ion of Man compared to her previous one, she went to the Child Education… |
Sequence 139School, Fami(I' and Society 125 his dignity and sensibility. With The Child in the Fami~1·. Montcssori's… |
Sequence 180166 Part T11·0 - For a Science of the Formation of Man prison camp in Ahmendnagar. Mother and son would be rejoined again two… |
Sequence 77humanity. It is this latter part, culture, that which represents the study to be carried out in the schools, the universal… |
Sequence 84The Atlantic Wire. "Americans vs. Basic Historical Knowledge." June 3, 2010. <http://www.… |
Sequence 160150 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Phoebe Allen received her elementary training in Bergamo, Italy, in 1974… |
Sequence 177171 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education ———. (1948) 1976. From Childhood to Adolescence Including “Erdkinder… |
Sequence 1711 Black • Community grouping allows each of the children to work at their own pace and rhythm, eliminating the bane of… |
Sequence 2923 Black • Community a May you make of yourself a light, inspiring awe and wonder in each of the lives you touch everyday… |
Sequence 3731 Ferreira • Children’s House: The Prepared Environment as an Oasis the motives for activity as they stimulate spontaneous… |
Sequence 4438 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 step on the path to normalization. The child who has experienced the… |
Sequence 148 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 ---. Education for a New World. 1946. Oxford: Clio, 1989. ---. From… |
Sequence 172166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 In this kind of relationship with God the older child discovers a new… |
Sequence 174168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 48. Thomas Groome, Sharing Faith: A Comprehensive Ap- proach to… |
Sequence 10398 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 it is also a place to experience what it is like to live and work in a… |
Sequence 115110 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Leonard, G. “An Interview with Thomas Berry.” The NAMTA Journal 16.3 (… |
Sequence 131126 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 It is important to understand that Dr. Montessori did not advocate that… |
Sequence 6458 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 Complex global issues are a compelling and developmentally appropriate… |
Sequence 6559 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems awareness wherever there is a Montessori adolescent program. This is a need for… |
Sequence 9185 McNamara • Naturally Integrates Science, Mathematics, Technology uses a similar expression: “Forced growth weakens the… |
Sequence 10397 McNamara • Naturally Integrates Science, Mathematics, Technology bibliogrAphy Grazzini, Camillo. “An Interview with… |
Sequence 2921 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Artist Attentive, Mindful, Focused One of the core principles of Montessori education is… |
Sequence 4739 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Artist Lehrer, Jonah. How We Decide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009. McLaren,… |
Sequence 10698 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 and different. The careful precision, the slow movements, the silence,… |
Sequence 10799 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Scientist bibliOgraPhy Joosten, A. M. “Errors and Their Correction.” Bombay: Indian… |
Sequence 22AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 21 Thus, the apparent passivity of the infant belies the profound work in which the infant is… |
Sequence 24AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 23 • patience and the ability to share • respect for others • a willingness to abide by rules… |
Sequence 30AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 29 The activities young children are most enthusiastic about are those that are necessary for… |
Sequence 118AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 117 Once they have reached this level, the children no longer act thoughtlessly, but put the… |
Sequence 166AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 165 Today, young people often finish university without having made a choice of vocation and… |
Sequence 3633 Leonard • Cosmic Stories and Contemporary Science This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled Montessori… |
Sequence 4845 Leonard • Cosmic Stories and Contemporary Science Marsh, George P. The Earth as Modified by Human Action: Man and Nature.… |
Sequence 6360 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Second, these words from Teilhard de Chardin: The day will come, when… |
Sequence 66Announcement: 19th INTERNATIONAL MONTES.SORI CONGRESS 1979 in Amsterdam International Year of the Child 50th Anniversary… |
Sequence 6864 NAMTA - AMI-USA present THE REGIONAL WORKSHOP "The Child in Society" Milwaukee . ......... Savannah… |
Sequence 60NAMTA NEWS NAMTA LAUNCHES NEW CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE FOR FALL 1984 As a service LO teachers and parents, the NAMT A Board… |
Sequence 60Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 210204 Midwest training course, Chicago, Illinois. (1965). The Constructive Triangle, !, 21, (1). Montessori in America.… |
Sequence 6Treasure Article 2017 page 5 also benefit others. The dung beetles and other scavengers, for example, are sweepers of the… |