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Sequence 1Sofia Cavalletti in Washington, D.C. Summer, 1983 by Babara Kahn Cavalletti and Workshop - 1983. In Washington, D.C. last… |
Sequence 3The catechesis of the Good Shepherd in North America had grown from a tiny mus- tard seed so small that you could blow it away… |
Sequence 2519 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God a aCknoWlEdGMEntS by Patricia Coulter With profound gratitude to… |
Sequence 27Sofia Cavalletti in Washington, D.C. Summer, 1983 by Babara Kahn Cavalletti and Workshop - 1983. In Washington, D.C. last… |
Sequence 29The catechesis of the Good Shepherd in North America had grown from a tiny mus- tard seed so small that you could blow it away… |