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Displaying results 1 - 62 of 62
Sequence 2THE CHil.D AND TIIE ADULT by Sofia Cavalletti 7be one who makes himself as little as this little eh ild is the greatest i:n… |
Sequence 2DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 1) by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti cites Montessori's description of… |
Sequence 1Two TRIBUTES To SoFIA CAVALLETTI The following tributes were presented to Sofia c.avalletti at the NAMT A conference entitled… |
Sequence 3If we delay catechesis until the customary age of six, the child has moved into a new ethical stage in life when God is more… |
Sequence 2THE TOTONACA PEOPLE AND THE CATECHESIS OF THE GooD SHEPHERD by Maria Christlieb Robles Illustrating the spread of the… |
Sequence 8• "Catechist and children are very happy, particularly the little ones (three to four years)." • "… |
Sequence 1THE RELATION BETWEEN THE CHILD'S WORK AND COSMIC WORK by Gianna Gobbi Gianna Gobbi' s essay speaks to the &… |
Sequence 1OBITUARY MARIA CHRISTLIEB ROBLES Both the Montessori community and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd lost a friend,… |
Sequence 2LITURGY IN THE CosMic PLAN OF Goo by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti's conviction that the greatest realities are… |
Sequence 4Two MYSTERIES The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd has been called" the meeting ground of two mysteries: the mystery… |
Sequence 1OBITUARY: GIANNA GOBBI by Camillo Grazzini On January 29, in her eighty-third year, Gianna Gobbi suddenly, unexpectedly,… |
Sequence 2Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi jointly worked out a program that seemed to correspond to the needs of the various ages,… |
Sequence 3Gobbi presented a synthesis of a part of her personal experiences with the children in a little book called Alcuni principi… |
Sequence 6Gobbi presented a synthesis of a part of her personal experiences with the children in a little book called Alcuni principi… |
Sequence 7Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi jointly worked out a program that seemed to correspond to the needs of the various ages,… |
Sequence 8OBITUARY: GIANNA GOBBI by Camillo Grazzini On January 29, in her eighty-third year, Gianna Gobbi suddenly, unexpectedly,… |
Sequence 3God and the child have a unique relationship, particularly before the age of six. In the context of religious formation, the… |
Sequence 7Arabian deserts." The world we live in today, missionaries are discov- ering, is one we all need to fight for. &… |
Sequence 132Religious Education Such things, therefore, must appeal to their tender minds as the end of effort patiently sustained,… |
Sequence 138Religious Education, continued Pope John Paul II visiting on atrium in Rome, /983 The atrium is in Nostro Signora de Lourdes… |
Sequence 2the sheep. Johnny was perfectly still and the sixty students looked on with anticipation. "The shepherd calls and the… |
Sequence 1INTRODUCTION by Patricia Coulter Why these writings? First, I would like to offer something of the story as to how they came… |
Sequence 1AN ADVENTURE: THE CATECHESIS OF THE GooD SHEPHERD by Sofia Cavalletti Translator's Note This essay was written in… |
Sequence 32Docu111c11/s, ed. Austin Flannery, op (New York: Costello Publishing Company, 1975), p. 917. 12. Maria Montessori, I… |
Sequence 3433. Translator's note: Although Sofia Cavalletti does not mention it in the text, I have taken the liberty of naming this… |
Sequence 1The Spiritual Development of the Child by Sofia Cavalletti In the summer of 1975 Sofia Cavalletti conducted the first U.S.… |
Sequence 2and the actual place of prayer. The children's atrium is the environment between the Church and the school. Tactile… |
Sequence 65THE CHil.D AND TIIE ADULT by Sofia Cavalletti 7be one who makes himself as little as this little eh ild is the greatest i:n… |
Sequence 11DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 1) by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti cites Montessori's description of… |
Sequence 21Two TRIBUTES To SoFIA CAVALLETTI The following tributes were presented to Sofia c.avalletti at the NAMT A conference entitled… |
Sequence 34If we delay catechesis until the customary age of six, the child has moved into a new ethical stage in life when God is more… |
Sequence 43THE TOTONACA PEOPLE AND THE CATECHESIS OF THE GooD SHEPHERD by Maria Christlieb Robles Illustrating the spread of the… |
Sequence 49• "Catechist and children are very happy, particularly the little ones (three to four years)." • "… |
Sequence 81THE RELATION BETWEEN THE CHILD'S WORK AND COSMIC WORK by Gianna Gobbi Gianna Gobbi' s essay speaks to the &… |
Sequence 178NAMTANEWS No MONTESSORI ACADEMY THIS SUMMER NAMTA's annual Montessori Academy will take a break this summer as plans… |
Sequence 246OBITUARY MARIA CHRISTLIEB ROBLES Both the Montessori community and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd lost a friend,… |
Sequence 12LITURGY IN THE CosMic PLAN OF Goo by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti's conviction that the greatest realities are… |
Sequence 66Two MYSTERIES The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd has been called" the meeting ground of two mysteries: the mystery… |
Sequence 254IN MEMORIAM GIANNA GOBBI Gianna Gobbi died in Rome, Italy, on January 29, 2002. Gianna's work in Montessori began in… |
Sequence 254OBITUARY: GIANNA GOBBI by Camillo Grazzini On January 29, in her eighty-third year, Gianna Gobbi suddenly, unexpectedly,… |
Sequence 255Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi jointly worked out a program that seemed to correspond to the needs of the various ages,… |
Sequence 256Gobbi presented a synthesis of a part of her personal experiences with the children in a little book called Alcuni principi… |
Sequence 101God and the child have a unique relationship, particularly before the age of six. In the context of religious formation, the… |
Sequence 150THE CHILD AS SPIRITUAL TEACHER FOR THE ADULT by Linda Kaiel Linda Kaiel conveys spiritual meaning with direct descriptions… |
Sequence 157Arabian deserts." The world we live in today, missionaries are discov- ering, is one we all need to fight for. &… |
Sequence 134Religious Education Such things, therefore, must appeal to their tender minds as the end of effort patiently sustained,… |
Sequence 140Religious Education, continued Pope John Paul II visiting on atrium in Rome, /983 The atrium is in Nostro Signora de Lourdes… |
Sequence 94the sheep. Johnny was perfectly still and the sixty students looked on with anticipation. "The shepherd calls and the… |
Sequence 97INTRODUCTION by Patricia Coulter Why these writings? First, I would like to offer something of the story as to how they came… |
Sequence 101AN ADVENTURE: THE CATECHESIS OF THE GooD SHEPHERD by Sofia Cavalletti Translator's Note This essay was written in… |
Sequence 132Docu111c11/s, ed. Austin Flannery, op (New York: Costello Publishing Company, 1975), p. 917. 12. Maria Montessori, I… |
Sequence 13433. Translator's note: Although Sofia Cavalletti does not mention it in the text, I have taken the liberty of naming this… |
Sequence 135CURRICULUM VITAE Translator's Note Short as it is, Sofias c11rric11/u111 vitae belongs in a chapter of its own. lts… |
Sequence 159153 Kahn • Review of Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter review of like leaven By Patricia coulter by Barbara Kahn I first met… |
Sequence 126 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 forEWord by Barbara Kahn All is Gift is essentially a story about… |
Sequence 137 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God atrium with the children (part two). Through these dialogues, we are… |
Sequence 1711 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God God with Children, and Gianna also appears in some photographs as… |
Sequence 1812 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 This observation convinced Sofia that this relationship satisfies a… |
Sequence 217211 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God a rEfErEnCES Cavalletti, Sofia. 1985. “Characteristics of the Good… |
Sequence 219213 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God about PatriCia CoultEr Ever since her original studies at the Good… |
Sequence 7The Spiritual Development of the Child by Sofia Cavalletti In the summer of 1975 Sofia Cavalletti conducted the first U.S.… |
Sequence 30and the actual place of prayer. The children's atrium is the environment between the Church and the school. Tactile… |