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Sequence 2CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS OF Anol.ESCENTS: A COMPARATIVE STIJDY compiled by John Long Almost eve,y Montessori seconda,y… |
Sequence 10Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 3Joosten: It is a kind of in-service training for a regular institution, so not like we have the pre-primary and primary people… |
Sequence 2social integration of the handicapped and multiply handicapped child. They have systematically applied Montessori therapy to… |
Sequence 8687 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 147--f;: .. - . ----:i~;,,•w•- ~....,DaCATION FOR THE 21ST CENT(JR AMI ill hold an International Study Conference ngton, D.C… |
Sequence 91CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS OF Anol.ESCENTS: A COMPARATIVE STIJDY compiled by John Long Almost eve,y Montessori seconda,y… |
Sequence 188Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 24Joosten: It is a kind of in-service training for a regular institution, so not like we have the pre-primary and primary people… |
Sequence 40social integration of the handicapped and multiply handicapped child. They have systematically applied Montessori therapy to… |
Sequence 499:00-12:00 12:00-1:30 1:30-2:30 2:45-4:00 8:00 P.M. Day 1 Option I Creativity (Jones) Option 5 Language (Kovach)… |
Sequence 9487 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |