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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 105
Sequence 2Jensen, J. & Kohlberg, L. (1966). Report of a ,-e,earch and denwnatrotion proj«t f01' culturolly duadvantaged… |
Sequence 3Prusso, K. (1977). Preki1ukrgarl.en Head St.a;rt evaluation year end report 1976-1977, Repqrt No. 7808. Philadelphia:… |
Sequence 3Tamminen, A. W. & Weatherman, R. F. (1967). An evaluatum of a presclwol training program for culturally deprived child… |
Sequence 9professionals. That naturally implies that essential questions must also derive from the student: the best questioru in my… |
Sequence 16invention, it also provides the holistic, integrated basis for clarifying complex tensions between human and natural systems.… |
Sequence 10others treat them. Much inner-city violence, many acts of violence committed everywhere, are com- mitted because children… |
Sequence 26American Media, continued McClure's Magazine, May, 191 I This issue of McClure's magazine carried the first… |
Sequence 25education. Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865) had no formaleducation- no, not precisely. All together, in total, Mr. Lincoln had about… |
Sequence 1UNIFYING THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT: A TRAINER' s PERSPECTIVE by Greg MacDonald In this article, Greg MacDonald… |
Sequence 1THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE by Annette M. Haines An11ette Hni11es begins with the "e111bryo11ic co11stmctio11&… |
Sequence 18Pantheon Washington, D.C., Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, and the Rotunda he designed for the University of Virginia,… |
Sequence 1suPPorTing sTudenTs Who have exPerienced TrauMa by Travis Wright Travis Wright presents an important understanding of trauma… |
Sequence 6gist Francis M. Crinella of the Sonoma State Hospital in Eldridge, Cali• fornia, is among the dissenters: " ...… |
Sequence 2Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment The following is transcribed by Ann Freeman from tape recordings of a conversa-… |
Sequence 3they could feel comfortable with) of how these different decisions could be arrived at. To solve dilemmas such as these became… |
Sequence 5anticipate what comes next and thus to go actively with us. It is well known that time as such is meaningless to the child.… |
Sequence 1Reminiscences and Thoughts About Montessori Day Care By Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson A reprint from a 1975 NAMTA Quarterly,… |
Sequence 6Two Printing Errors in Our Last Workshop Announcement The Workshop brochure recently mailed entitled, "NAMTA… |
Sequence 2eighties, Montessori enrollment trends may suffer as people look for "conven- tional" alternatives or less… |
Sequence 5Two of our teachers were (experienced) Bergamo trained; the Amsterdam trained one had 16 years' experience team-teaching… |
Sequence 6He is incompetent. He has no skill in classroom management. He is not at all sensitive to the individual child. He has to read… |
Sequence 7system. AMS weakness - same as AMI. Also, scattered knowledge and little understanding about scope and sequence. Weakness 3 -… |
Sequence 10Enrollment I. 16 2. 8-14 3. 4. 25-30 5. 15-20 6. 14-15 7. 15 8. 25 9. 25-35 Budget Concerns Supports? College… |
Sequence 11University of Maine University of Northern Colorado Villanova (PAl undergraduate, indep. study graduate undergraduate I… |
Sequence 3fers "remedial math". • Geography (W. 21, B. 21, D. 38 hrs.): Focus in Washington is on the child's… |
Sequence 20Ward, Florence Elizabeth.a (1913). The Montessori method and the American school. New York: Macmillan & Co. l.… |
Sequence 2930 Varga, Virginia,. (1977). Physiology of the absorbent mind. The Constructive Triangle, ~. 5-7, (3). Wikramaratne, Lena… |
Sequence 46Long, John. (1982). NAMTA Quarterly, The elementary child, the curriculum and Montessori. 2, 10-16, (7). 47 Lucas, Ann F… |
Sequence 6970 Holmes, H. W. (1912). The Montessori methods. Education, 33, 1-10, (6). Holmes, Henry w. (1913). Promising points in… |
Sequence 94Didactic materials. (1919, November 6). Times Educational Supplement, p. 557, (2). Dwyer, Muriel. (1973). Operation solid… |
Sequence 143145 Maraschiello, Richard. (1981). Evaluation of the rekinder arten head start program 1979-1980. (Report No, 8132.… |
Sequence 145Fisher, Maurice D. (1971). Educational assumptions for constructing objectives and evaluating programs for culturally… |
Sequence 146148 Spicker, Howard H. (1969). The influence of selected variables on the effectiveness of preschool programs for… |
Sequence 156158 Berk, Laur a E • ( 19 7 3) •;a::.:l:.iYc,S:-=i:..;s:.....;oc;fc--'a:..;c'"'… |
Sequence 157159 Karnes, Merle B. (1973). The evaluation and implications of research with young handicapped and low-income children at… |
Sequence 159161 Cos, Helen R. (1968). Effect of maternal attitudes, teacher attitudes, and type of nursery school training on the… |
Sequence 64Jensen, J. & Kohlberg, L. (1966). Report of a ,-e,earch and denwnatrotion proj«t f01' culturolly duadvantaged… |
Sequence 65Prusso, K. (1977). Preki1ukrgarl.en Head St.a;rt evaluation year end report 1976-1977, Repqrt No. 7808. Philadelphia:… |
Sequence 72Tamminen, A. W. & Weatherman, R. F. (1967). An evaluatum of a presclwol training program for culturally deprived child… |
Sequence 130North America than Margaret Stephenson. Her thirty years here have been singlemindedly given to building teacher education.… |
Sequence 124J. W. Marriott Hotel 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20004 202-393-2000 Cost of accommodations will be $120* per… |
Sequence 14professionals. That naturally implies that essential questions must also derive from the student: the best questioru in my… |
Sequence 156invention, it also provides the holistic, integrated basis for clarifying complex tensions between human and natural systems.… |
Sequence 195study on language development. She includes preliminary language games, question games, sound games, sound analysis for adults… |
Sequence 208FOR FALL OF '93. Primary teacher to team teach in small day home setting. Beautiful envi- ronment in the museum district… |
Sequence 156others treat them. Much inner-city violence, many acts of violence committed everywhere, are com- mitted because children… |
Sequence 198MONTESSORI TEACHER EDUCATION COUABORATIVE an AMI affiliate operating the Ohio Montessori Training Institute (Cleveland, Ohio… |
Sequence 221Virginia Ghent Montessori School is accepting applications for the position ofElemen- ta ry Directress/Director for the… |
Sequence 44UJ'l0\11:\(, NAMTAC0,11RI:\l!S Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences Phoenix, Arizona February 29-March 2, 1996 Featuring… |
Sequence 209CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI primary (3-6) and elementary (6- 9) openings Sept. '97. Scenic Papago Park & Camelback… |
Sequence 291bonus offered. Currently have 8 classrooms taught by AMI-certi- fied teachers and are ready to ex- pand to meet the growing… |
Sequence 204taurants, beautiful parks, major universities and a renowned medi- cal center. Cost of living is rela- tively low. The Post… |
Sequence 208SPOKANE, WASHINGTON- NOW HIRING FOR SEPTEMBER 1999! Need qualified Montessori certified elementary teacher. Com- petitive… |
Sequence 271Ron Ackerman, Head of School, (email) Christine McDonald, Director of Studies, (email) cmcdonald@… |
Sequence 273serves 3-6 year olds, with morning and afternoon classes. The island is proud of our school and it shows through the support… |
Sequence 268Charlottesville, VA. Seeking ex- perienced 3-6 Primary teachers. Full time with opportunity to assume Curriculum Director… |
Sequence 269Please send/fax or e-mail your resumeto: Skinner Montessori School 400EastEvergreenBoulevard#112 Vancouver, WA 98660 1-800… |
Sequence 210mountains two hours away. His- toricJarnestownand Williamsburg among many other historic sites, of- fer a variety of… |
Sequence 255Williamsburg Montessori School, in Williamsburg Virginia, seeks full time Lower Elementary directress for fall 2006. WMS is… |
Sequence 28American Media, continued McClure's Magazine, May, 191 I This issue of McClure's magazine carried the first… |
Sequence 154education. Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865) had no formaleducation- no, not precisely. All together, in total, Mr. Lincoln had about… |
Sequence 35UNIFYING THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT: A TRAINER' s PERSPECTIVE by Greg MacDonald In this article, Greg MacDonald… |
Sequence 10THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE by Annette M. Haines An11ette Hni11es begins with the "e111bryo11ic co11stmctio11&… |
Sequence 248Pantheon Washington, D.C., Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, and the Rotunda he designed for the University of Virginia,… |
Sequence 348and a lower elementary class. Please contact Barbara Beasley, Director@ 757-428-1034 or e-mail chog@ Our… |
Sequence 158Texas Inviting AMI trained primary and elementary guides to join our vibrant community. St. Catherine's Montessori in… |
Sequence 8276 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 American Association on Environmental Education), (summer). Fontaine,… |
Sequence 183177 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds For the Þrst time since 1993, we are offering a 9-month academic year primary course… |
Sequence 210205 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds Primary Co-Teacher 2015-2016, Montessori School of Northern Virginia Are you looking… |
Sequence 213208 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Australia Experienced Montessori Di- rectors for Canberra school,… |
Sequence 138132 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 Florida Upper Elementary Guide, Chil- dren’s House Montessori School… |
Sequence 147141 Wright • Supporting Students Who Have Experienced Trauma suPPorTing sTudenTs Who have exPerienced TrauMa by Travis… |
Sequence 46gist Francis M. Crinella of the Sonoma State Hospital in Eldridge, Cali• fornia, is among the dissenters: " ...… |
Sequence 43teacher in attractive resort area. AMI pre- ferred. Contact Marie Scott, Montessori Children's Center, 200 W. 7th St.,… |
Sequence 62Theme: N.A.M.T.A. Workshops 1976-1977 The Child's Right t.o Work October 29-31, 1976 Location: Colombiere College,… |
Sequence 23Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment The following is transcribed by Ann Freeman from tape recordings of a conversa-… |
Sequence 19they could feel comfortable with) of how these different decisions could be arrived at. To solve dilemmas such as these became… |
Sequence 5450 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Prominent south shore community located on the Great South Bay. seeking AMI junior… |
Sequence 4844 Announcement: • NAMTA PRESENTS THE MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY: A WIDER PERSPECTIVE A program for the elementary… |
Sequence 43anticipate what comes next and thus to go actively with us. It is well known that time as such is meaningless to the child.… |
Sequence 2622 Reminiscences and Thoughts About Montessori Day Care By Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson A reprint from a 1975 NAMTA… |
Sequence 49FIRST ANNUAL SUMMER INSTITUTE U nicoi State Park, Helen, Georgia July 25-30, 1982 PROGRAM Administrowrs: This week will be… |
Sequence 55BLUEGRASS REGION OF KENTUCKY A well established AM I certified. primary level school. expanding 10 include an dcmcntary level… |
Sequence 51FIRST ANNUAL SUMMER INSTITUTE Unicoi State Park, Helen, Georgia July 25-30, 1982 PROGRAM Administrators: This week will be… |
Sequence 67Schedule of Events for 1983. (Other Workshops) February 12: AMI/USA Regional Workshop - New York City, N.Y. Contact: Ravi… |
Sequence 50Two Printing Errors in Our Last Workshop Announcement The Workshop brochure recently mailed entitled, "NAMTA… |
Sequence 37eighties, Montessori enrollment trends may suffer as people look for "conven- tional" alternatives or less… |
Sequence 43Two of our teachers were (experienced) Bergamo trained; the Amsterdam trained one had 16 years' experience team-teaching… |
Sequence 44He is incompetent. He has no skill in classroom management. He is not at all sensitive to the individual child. He has to read… |
Sequence 45system. AMS weakness - same as AMI. Also, scattered knowledge and little understanding about scope and sequence. Weakness 3 -… |
Sequence 62Enrollment I. 16 2. 8-14 3. 4. 25-30 5. 15-20 6. 14-15 7. 15 8. 25 9. 25-35 Budget Concerns Supports? College… |
Sequence 63University of Maine University of Northern Colorado Villanova (PAl undergraduate, indep. study graduate undergraduate I… |
Sequence 67fers "remedial math". • Geography (W. 21, B. 21, D. 38 hrs.): Focus in Washington is on the child's… |
Sequence 28Ward, Florence Elizabeth.a (1913). The Montessori method and the American school. New York: Macmillan & Co. l.… |
Sequence 3730 Varga, Virginia,. (1977). Physiology of the absorbent mind. The Constructive Triangle, ~. 5-7, (3). Wikramaratne, Lena… |
Sequence 54Long, John. (1982). NAMTA Quarterly, The elementary child, the curriculum and Montessori. 2, 10-16, (7). 47 Lucas, Ann F… |
Sequence 7770 Holmes, H. W. (1912). The Montessori methods. Education, 33, 1-10, (6). Holmes, Henry w. (1913). Promising points in… |
Sequence 102Didactic materials. (1919, November 6). Times Educational Supplement, p. 557, (2). Dwyer, Muriel. (1973). Operation solid… |
Sequence 151145 Maraschiello, Richard. (1981). Evaluation of the rekinder arten head start program 1979-1980. (Report No, 8132.… |