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Displaying results 1 - 76 of 76
Sequence 4The Structuralist View Point The structuralist point of view is not opposite or exclusive of the essentialist, but it is… |
Sequence 10Footnotes l Sofia Cavalletti, "The Spiritual Development of the Child," Montessori Thlks to Par- ents,… |
Sequence 1New Montessori Scholarship__; THE ACQUISITION OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE THE NEBULA HYPOTHESIS by Annette Haines ThefoUowi:ng two… |
Sequence 11The humanities also deal with the interpersonal. The child learns to discuss, to interpret, to act out what he knows,… |
Sequence 2impulses that even now throb in thine own little selfish heart. Lift up thy eyes, behold that life, and then tum away, and… |
Sequence 4sensorially, they are simultaneously absorbing the world into them- selves. Children build their conception of self and… |
Sequence 5We and our students ought to learn that such human possibilities transcend handicap and deprivation, transcend discrimination… |
Sequence 4resented by over 27,000 "beeps"-were included in the final sample. These "beeps" captured… |
Sequence 34foJlowed by the genius. His characteristics are absorbed attention, a profound concentration which isolates him from all the… |
Sequence 9importance of positive interactions with caretakers and other support- ive adults, these results are significant as well.… |
Sequence 11This principle that children need opportunities to move through the world, explore it, and test their powers in it applies to… |
Sequence 13William James and ecological psychology suggests an answer-and this principle too is in harmony with Montessori teaching. In… |
Sequence 4are laid down. Then the windows close and much of the fundamental architecture of the brain is completed. (7) So we… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI, SAMUEL ORTON, AND ANNA GILLINGHAM by Barbara Kahn This brief biography of Samuel T. Orton and his… |
Sequence 7foundations of meaning, they lose their appeal. Nature has an im- portant role to play in shaking these foundations. THE… |
Sequence 19Proposal/or a Scientlfic Pedagogy 63 Hence, a scientific pedagogy that promoted a new culture of the child and of his rights… |
Sequence 3239 Rathunde • Nature Experience and Education education. There are many indications that nature actually has a positive… |
Sequence 88 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 1 • Winter 2016 But we have actually only discussed the first reason why read- ing to one… |
Sequence 3369 Montessori • Attention the attention of children is the stumbling-block of their education. William James speaks of… |
Sequence 11273 Massie • Helping Children with Attentional Challenges a MonTessori vieW of aTTenTion Dr. Montessori’s experiences as a… |
Sequence 1Glossary of Montessori Terms Any science has it own vocabulary and terminology and the Montessori method is no exception.… |
Sequence 3Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent page 66 My vision of the future is no longer people taking exams and… |
Sequence 3Science and the Montessori Casa dei Bambini page 108 been so popular, I reasoned this would be the next step in a logical… |
Sequence 1A Science of Peace introduction ‘To ask anyone to speak on peace would appear quite foreign to our time, since we think today… |
Sequence 1Indirect Preparation: Old Vision; New Perspectives This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled Documenting… |
Sequence 23Indirect Preparation: Old Vision; New Perspectives page 146 Indirect Preparation: Old Vision; New Perspectives This talk was… |
Sequence 53A Science of Peace page 116 A Science of Peace introduction ‘To ask anyone to speak on peace would appear quite foreign to… |
Sequence 61Science and the Montessori Casa dei Bambini page 108 been so popular, I reasoned this would be the next step in a logical… |
Sequence 103Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent page 66 My vision of the future is no longer people taking exams and… |
Sequence 161Glossary of Montessori Terms Any science has it own vocabulary and terminology and the Montessori method is no exception.… |
Sequence 24Indirect Preparation: Old Vision; New Perspectives page 146 Indirect Preparation: Old Vision; New Perspectives This talk was… |
Sequence 54A Science of Peace page 116 A Science of Peace introduction ‘To ask anyone to speak on peace would appear quite foreign to… |
Sequence 62Science and the Montessori Casa dei Bambini page 108 been so popular, I reasoned this would be the next step in a logical… |
Sequence 104Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent page 66 My vision of the future is no longer people taking exams and… |
Sequence 162Glossary of Montessori Terms Any science has it own vocabulary and terminology and the Montessori method is no exception.… |
Sequence 2Kramer: I don't think it is fair to compare Montessori to the handful of minds - Freud, Darwin, Marx - whose thinking had… |
Sequence 14identity which was most unique; the word was "nobody." The word "nobody" provided a… |
Sequence 230 of my existence because I can't go to a concert in New York or San Francisco or Cleveland or to the theater without… |
Sequence 26 he encounters and in what context, but also ones that permit him to go beyond them. He learns the world in a way that… |
Sequence 334 Language may be studied from the humanistic point of view that it is an adaptive medium whereby the human relates to his… |
Sequence 3later studies did seek the sources of her philosophy such as Birchnell (1970) on philosophy, Keough (1973) on receptivity to… |
Sequence 41The Structuralist View Point The structuralist point of view is not opposite or exclusive of the essentialist, but it is… |
Sequence 47Footnotes l Sofia Cavalletti, "The Spiritual Development of the Child," Montessori Thlks to Par- ents,… |
Sequence 74New Montessori Scholarship__; THE ACQUISITION OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE THE NEBULA HYPOTHESIS by Annette Haines ThefoUowi:ng two… |
Sequence 53The humanities also deal with the interpersonal. The child learns to discuss, to interpret, to act out what he knows,… |
Sequence 16impulses that even now throb in thine own little selfish heart. Lift up thy eyes, behold that life, and then tum away, and… |
Sequence 22sensorially, they are simultaneously absorbing the world into them- selves. Children build their conception of self and… |
Sequence 128For example, in a time when inquiry into human conduct was encour- aged, Plato's Meno is seen as an exploration into what… |
Sequence 151We and our students ought to learn that such human possibilities transcend handicap and deprivation, transcend discrimination… |
Sequence 127resented by over 27,000 "beeps"-were included in the final sample. These "beeps" captured… |
Sequence 49foJlowed by the genius. His characteristics are absorbed attention, a profound concentration which isolates him from all the… |
Sequence 165importance of positive interactions with caretakers and other support- ive adults, these results are significant as well.… |
Sequence 167This principle that children need opportunities to move through the world, explore it, and test their powers in it applies to… |
Sequence 169William James and ecological psychology suggests an answer-and this principle too is in harmony with Montessori teaching. In… |
Sequence 39are laid down. Then the windows close and much of the fundamental architecture of the brain is completed. (7) So we… |
Sequence 203MARIA MONTESSORI, SAMUEL ORTON, AND ANNA GILLINGHAM by Barbara Kahn This brief biography of Samuel T. Orton and his… |
Sequence 224foundations of meaning, they lose their appeal. Nature has an im- portant role to play in shaking these foundations. THE… |
Sequence 77Proposal/or a Scientlfic Pedagogy 63 Hence, a scientific pedagogy that promoted a new culture of the child and of his rights… |
Sequence 249239 Rathunde • Nature Experience and Education education. There are many indications that nature actually has a positive… |
Sequence 148 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 1 • Winter 2016 But we have actually only discussed the first reason why read- ing to one… |
Sequence 2921 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Artist Attentive, Mindful, Focused One of the core principles of Montessori education is… |
Sequence 3022 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 We make this possible for children in all of their work in the Children’… |
Sequence 377369 Montessori • Attention the attention of children is the stumbling-block of their education. William James speaks of… |
Sequence 279273 Massie • Helping Children with Attentional Challenges a MonTessori vieW of aTTenTion Dr. Montessori’s experiences as a… |
Sequence 9Glossary of Montessori Terms Any science has it own vocabulary and terminology and the Montessori method is no exception.… |
Sequence 67Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent page 66 My vision of the future is no longer people taking exams and… |
Sequence 109Science and the Montessori Casa dei Bambini page 108 been so popular, I reasoned this would be the next step in a logical… |
Sequence 117A Science of Peace page 116 A Science of Peace introduction ‘To ask anyone to speak on peace would appear quite foreign to… |
Sequence 147Indirect Preparation: Old Vision; New Perspectives page 146 Indirect Preparation: Old Vision; New Perspectives This talk was… |
Sequence 42Kramer: I don't think it is fair to compare Montessori to the handful of minds - Freud, Darwin, Marx - whose thinking had… |
Sequence 18identity which was most unique; the word was "nobody." The word "nobody" provided a… |
Sequence 3430 of my existence because I can't go to a concert in New York or San Francisco or Cleveland or to the theater without… |
Sequence 106 he encounters and in what context, but also ones that permit him to go beyond them. He learns the world in a way that… |
Sequence 3834 Language may be studied from the humanistic point of view that it is an adaptive medium whereby the human relates to his… |
Sequence 57later studies did seek the sources of her philosophy such as Birchnell (1970) on philosophy, Keough (1973) on receptivity to… |
Sequence 3Treasure Article 2017 page 2 that most people still would not ordinarily associate with children. What causes such a change… |