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Sequence 113Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE CALIFORNIA PRIMARY AND/OR ELEMENTARY Direc- tor/ress for Northern California. The school… |
Sequence 97ENGLAND El.ementary in England. The first 3 Ele- mentary Schools in England are opening in autumn 1989. Unique opportunity… |
Sequence 117SCHOOL FOR SALE Sonoma, California. One primary class- room school 3-6. Solid reputation in 9th yr. Complete class and play… |
Sequence 142Lovely country setting located 1 hour from Jersey seashore and within easy commute of Philadelphia with its fine educational… |
Sequence 115Personals CALIFORNIA BRIGHT STAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL is seeking 1 primary and 1 elementary guide with experience for the 1.… |
Sequence 139Personals CALIFORNIA Primary and/or Elementary Directress!Di- rector (full and/or part-time) wanted for small, Catholic,… |
Sequence 111PERSONALS ARIZONA AM I primary uachrr n«ded for 3-to 6-ycar-old dass starting fall '91. Good salary and bcne6cs,… |
Sequence 177POSITIONS Arizona AMI Elementary and Primary teaching positions available. Please send resume and credentials to:… |
Sequence 221Virginia Ghent Montessori School is accepting applications for the position ofElemen- ta ry Directress/Director for the… |
Sequence 73Personals: POSITIONS A VAILABLE: AMI trained Primary teacher to take over 3rd year class and AMI Junior teacher to begin a 6… |
Sequence 5450 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Prominent south shore community located on the Great South Bay. seeking AMI junior… |
Sequence 53Racine Mon1csso11 School has an opening for a Montessori pre-school 1eachcr beginning Fall 1982. Applicant mus1 have BA and… |
Sequence 5450 EDWARDS MO TESSORI SCHOOL. bilingual education. ,eeking AMI ELEMENTARY TEACHER FOR THE FALL. This AMI 4 class• room… |
Sequence 61Spokane, Washington -NAMTA October 8 & 9 Contact: Jacquie Maughan P.O. Box 3952 WORKSHOPS 1982-83 San Diego,… |
Sequence 7066 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE NEW ENGLAND Scituate, Massachuse11s: Elementary teacher needed Sept. 1983 10 reach a… |
Sequence 7470 Excellent opportunity available for Primary Mon• tessori Directress with established school in Uni- versity town. Respond… |
Sequence 71Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Opportunity for one elementary and one primary directress for Fall, 1984. Established school… |
Sequence 75March 8-9 Vancouver, B.C., CANADA Theme: Montessori Heritage Keynote - Margot Waltuch - Montessori: Yesterday and Today… |
Sequence 6057 NAMTA Conferences The Regional Conferences - Complete First Half Three strong conferences in Washington. Minneapoli,. and… |
Sequence 596·9 program in September. 1985. Salary negotiable. For further information please contact: Romeo Montessori Center. Susan… |
Sequence 73Contact Madeleine Onman, The Woods Academy, 6801 Grccntree Road. Bethe&la, MD 20817. 301-365-3080. Three highly… |