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Sequence 4Rathunde, Kevin, & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. "Middle School Students' Motivation and Quality of… |
Sequence 5241 Rathunde • Nature Experience and Education internally, we need those kinds of research and tools to help our parents… |
Sequence 11University of Maine University of Northern Colorado Villanova (PAl undergraduate, indep. study graduate undergraduate I… |
Sequence 3738 Birchmei, A.K. (1980). Rehabilitation, 19, 115. Bizman, A. (1978). Journal of School Psychology, ~. 194. Blau, H. (… |
Sequence 5354 Report of the Conference on New Ideals in Education Held at Oxford from August 12-19 1 1918. (1918). London: Women's… |
Sequence 56Graves, F. P. Is the Montessori method a fad? (1914, June). Lecture presented at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia… |
Sequence 5758 Merrill, Jenny. (1912, October 31). A neglected corner in Montessori method. Journal of Education, 453-454, (4)… |
Sequence 6465 Bell, Mrs. Alexander Graham. (1914). What the Montessori method means to me. Freedom for the Child, !, 7-10, (3). Berger… |
Sequence 7771l Waikin, Edward, (1966). The return of Montessori. Montessori in Perspective. Washington D.C.: National Association for… |
Sequence 139Donahue, Sonja M. (1976). Montessori echoes. The Constructive Triangle, l, 26-29, <4>. Editor. (1913). A… |
Sequence 145Fisher, Maurice D. (1971). Educational assumptions for constructing objectives and evaluating programs for culturally… |
Sequence 10Rathunde, Kevin, & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. "Middle School Students' Motivation and Quality of… |
Sequence 153Educationbeginswith parent-infant programs and continues through toddler, primary, elementary and middleschool.… |
Sequence 251241 Rathunde • Nature Experience and Education internally, we need those kinds of research and tools to help our parents… |
Sequence 63University of Maine University of Northern Colorado Villanova (PAl undergraduate, indep. study graduate undergraduate I… |
Sequence 4538 Birchmei, A.K. (1980). Rehabilitation, 19, 115. Bizman, A. (1978). Journal of School Psychology, ~. 194. Blau, H. (… |
Sequence 6154 Report of the Conference on New Ideals in Education Held at Oxford from August 12-19 1 1918. (1918). London: Women's… |
Sequence 64Graves, F. P. Is the Montessori method a fad? (1914, June). Lecture presented at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia… |
Sequence 6558 Merrill, Jenny. (1912, October 31). A neglected corner in Montessori method. Journal of Education, 453-454, (4)… |
Sequence 7265 Bell, Mrs. Alexander Graham. (1914). What the Montessori method means to me. Freedom for the Child, !, 7-10, (3). Berger… |
Sequence 8571l Waikin, Edward, (1966). The return of Montessori. Montessori in Perspective. Washington D.C.: National Association for… |
Sequence 147Donahue, Sonja M. (1976). Montessori echoes. The Constructive Triangle, l, 26-29, <4>. Editor. (1913). A… |
Sequence 153Fisher, Maurice D. (1971). Educational assumptions for constructing objectives and evaluating programs for culturally… |