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Sequence 10Elements of the Definition of Class Discussion I. An interchange between students, not primarily between stu- dents and… |
Sequence 141Bright Star Montessori School is seeking experienced primary and elementary guides for the 1987-88 school year. Bright Star… |
Sequence 145School, 372 Hiden Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606. (804) 596-2555. WASHINGTON Cathedral Montessori School is located in… |
Sequence 33Elements of the Definition of Class Discussion I. An interchange between students, not primarily between stu- dents and… |
Sequence 192ILLINOIS Opportunity to work with respect, support, independence. Beautiful environments. Experienced colleagues and… |
Sequence 180and 12 years, is currently accepting appli- cations for Montessori Elementary teach- ers (ages 6-9 and 9-12). A school owned… |
Sequence 209Montessori Academy is fully equipped, including curriculum sup- port materials, science and arts mate- rials, and library… |
Sequence 216ences by February 15, 1995, to: John B. Wallace, Chair, Search Commit- tee, P.O. Box 53444, Houston, TX 77052-3444.… |
Sequence 218profit, independent, Montessori school, for ages 3-12, located in down- town Wilmington, Delaware. Our school offers a… |
Sequence 121care" one. Work with qualified and experienced Mon tessorians who prac- tice Montessori-all day. Applications are… |
Sequence 274proactive attitude in the areas of fundraising and marketing; and demonstrated leadership in Board relations and fiscal… |
Sequence 238Christine McDonald are both AMI trained and enjoy the support of a talented, dedicated faculty/ staff, and a mature,… |