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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 203
Sequence 57feelings of others. Why couldn't he pursue his mission and still be accepted by others? Seems to me he'd have a… |
Sequence 88whether it can be done on a sufficient scale under present conditions? And the best guess is, probably not. That is why so… |
Sequence 169Ass~MEN'f AND REFORM by Ramsay Selden The "right kind of assessment, " asserts Ramsay Selden, can… |
Sequence 185S. I Hiyakawa, who was my president out at San Francisco State, is a wonderful person. When Dr. Hiyakawa was running for… |
Sequence 82Maybe, as I came to be more at home in the world, understanding more of what's really in it and how it works, the dark… |
Sequence 119danced. That is the one group of stories in which you should change your normal voice; tell them quickly and keep the rhythm.… |
Sequence 18concrete, real, and relevant to the lives of young children; (5) provid- ing experiences for children that are outside of the… |
Sequence 123You want them to get busy with all the things I saw out here in the exhibits. You want them to see a banquet out there. You… |
Sequence 103In any case, I remind the students, their job is not to retell Homer word for word, but rather to present the story in their… |
Sequence 261Ohio Join our staff of professionals as we enter our 26th year of excellence in Montessori education. Our school is located… |
Sequence 221Qualified candidates need an under- standing of Montessori philosophy, and strong interpersonal and mana- gerial skills. We… |
Sequence 27If you're getting kias to do good stuff in order to please you, With• out a sticker in sight, you have a problem. If… |
Sequence 129It set me on a path of discovery, I guess, because I'm attracted to people who are what I call great teachers. I usually… |
Sequence 227Q: Since we've been at a conference that has discussed ultimacy, that is, the destiny of the universe and the destiny of… |
Sequence 259own culture. We're better people than that"-not to say, "Oh, don't do that. We've got to go… |
Sequence 279have to go down to Chile to find that. The answer, then, that I am suggesting is again the material appetite-the reason why… |
Sequence 152and an Assistant to Infancy. The school is AMI Recognized with a very supportive staff consisting of 2 lnfant Communities, 2… |
Sequence 206Critical Thinking as a Form of Creative Expression Oftentimes in school children are asked to memorize and repeat. What is… |
Sequence 207--------------------------------~-- But memorize-and-repeat leads to a narrow kind of learning. This approach all too often… |
Sequence 58COSMIC EDUCATION by Margaret E. Stephenson Cosmic Education is, in a way, what we have been leading up to all these days,… |
Sequence 79excitement in Jiving. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as… |
Sequence 167with the soul-space in the surrounding world. Knowledge is a pres- ence of two beings in a single psychic space. One of the… |
Sequence 48assuming they're in a normal language environment. It really does show how good their little brains are at learning the… |
Sequence 97primary and elementary classes. Dr. Montessori attempted to show us that in the child we are dealing with a human being and… |
Sequence 248Erdkinder Atlanta: Danish? Joosten: Yes, there are some schools there. But these are for prestige, not yet for education.… |
Sequence 355to follow an indigenous Aztec pattern of development. That's a very cruel thing to say, but it's absolutely true.… |
Sequence 376Criticism of democracy has ea used the biggest trouble in my own life-not only in reviews but also after lectures-and some… |
Sequence 515Appropriately enough, although Dan was almost certain and a few of us suspected that our data might be off, we did not fully… |
Sequence 79Do they love them? Yes, they do. Do they want to do those little fasteners? Yes, they do. My granddaughter, at seventeen… |
Sequence 81A: Flipping up and down-I don't know ifl' d recommend flipping up and down with toddlers, because they'll try… |
Sequence 89At this same school, the children in the early school care program would come to one building to have their breakfast and do… |
Sequence 173LIFETIME DEVELOPMENT AS SEEN THROUGH THE FIRST THREE YEARS OF LIFE by Judi Orion Early development shapes one's… |
Sequence 188before you can be really sure that they're never going to have a lapse in toileting. And, of course, given the conditions… |
Sequence 189fails to challenge children from an infant community, who, you re- member, have been actively involved in practical life… |
Sequence 54child said, "Well, I think the people in Kosovo and Croatia need the light to stop fighting. And other people need… |
Sequence 115Prepare the environment for the child's interest. And then after preparing the environment and after introducing all… |
Sequence 191the room, we find it's information that we've heard before. And it's nice to be validated as teachers to know… |
Sequence 102that division of labor also made possible the exploitation of labor. Hunter-gatherers could not really exploit each other.… |
Sequence 131nism. This red-baiting took its toll on our new teacher, who felt personally attacked and resigned just before school started… |
Sequence 134our school, unbeknownst to me, was relationships between the school director (me) and the teachers. "Oh, yes, she… |
Sequence 137they did it with ninety-eight percent efficiency. The spacecraft would be headed to the moon, but it wasn't quite on… |
Sequence 85each of the sounds that we use when we speak has a picture of itself, just like the photograph we can have of ourselves. In so… |
Sequence 91it does depend on you. If you try to make it something formal, I do not think it will happen. You just have to either have the… |
Sequence 138We have had a rule for the past two years: Any fiction reading done in or for school must be a classic. This fall a new… |
Sequence 25We must be quick because our species, homo sapiens, having at- tained a certain level of intelligence, is now, in the words of… |
Sequence 159the parish would have twelve Masses every weekend and they'd all be full." Why does this journey with the child… |
Sequence 23Aura: The learning that I received from this project is that everyone needs a guide for the different labors that there are… |
Sequence 77COMMUNITY, FREEDOM, AND DISCIPLINE IN A CARING CLASSROOM by John McNamara John McNamara characterizes adolescents through… |
Sequence 132ive teachers, free choice, and positive interaction with peers. But I think nature experience, and the integration of the… |
Sequence 134vinced by anything that I've read. But, you know, some people are suggesting that. Q. I was just thinking, along the… |
Sequence 189they would guide the younger adolescents. All the objections I heard about having the fifteen- to eighteen-year-olds, had to… |
Sequence 215Let us begin with the microcosm, the baby who listens, even in utero, to the sounds about him or her. She absorbs these sounds… |
Sequence 243belong to the human nation, to humanity, if you keep hearing how horrible and disgusting human beings are? We want the… |
Sequence 353Now what about humanity itself? As we know, at a certain point in the story, we focus on that very. special form of life to… |
Sequence 357work with their hands; but also, because of those special minds, they learned to satisfy their needs indifferent ways over… |
Sequence 360have the power to create you also have the power to destroy-but they couldn't have carried out that role, they couldn… |
Sequence 396Aura: The learning that I received from this project is that everyone needs a guide for the different labors that there are… |
Sequence 68LIBERTY: SPIRITUAL FREEDOM AND MORAL RESPONSIBILITY by Eduardo J. Cuevas Mr. Cuevas' universal article about freedom,… |
Sequence 62kids will blink like you must not be very swift. Well, we're doing it because Ms. Brandt told us we're supposed to… |
Sequence 107• [ will seek to be more observant and encourage my children to explain what they do rather than to tell them what to do. • I… |
Sequence 211changes without any sacrifice at all. Maybe changes now underway are enough to save us. Maybe small changes will increase the… |
Sequence 237into this notion-that there are only two alternatives, you either dominate or you are dominated. There is no partnership… |
Sequence 239ideal, we're talking about something that is viable, that is actually economically more effective, but it's not… |
Sequence 241the good leader, the good manager will exercise that power in a partnership structure. These are very important distinctions… |
Sequence 247solutely no evidence, they write, that male bonobos have any interest whatsoever in passing on their genes-none. Why? First of… |
Sequence 250the older woman is the villain, so never listen to an older woman, right? She's bad. The father is a real jerk. Instead… |
Sequence 251I'll give a little narrative on economics that r give at great length in The Real Wealt/1 of Nations, and I will tell you… |
Sequence 158that doesn't have a big tripod. Teachers are experimenting with using it themselves for reflection. They, and sometimes… |
Sequence 162many children, total reading and writing does start to come together at the end of the primary years. For those that we turn… |
Sequence 163accommodate those specialists' coming in to our school, so they don't all have to get on the little yellow bus and… |
Sequence 164purpose is to be able to get information about how a student is processing: where the holes are, where the difficulties are.… |
Sequence 165tutors, they can find ways to support the student's work at school as well as provide the remediation that's… |
Sequence 166students who can't hear and process and write at the same time need to develop a system where somebody else can take… |
Sequence 174knowledge of development and use that knowledge in the classroom. Of my fourteen teachers that are here today, eleven of those… |
Sequence 175This approach has also presented some challenges. One is that when we screen children across the board, we've had to be… |
Sequence 161miles east of Atlanta, with no prospect of becoming rural. In fact, the tension has come from the fact that we have no desire… |
Sequence 166ing. Students presented to the class and the staff and gained support to move forward, so we did a second occupation focused… |
Sequence 168Just as we've recognized the need for occupations to support the work of them icroeconomy, we've identified the need… |
Sequence 64others the importance of what 1 am going to call the critical period. What we've discovered through our cellular and… |
Sequence 115Everything that happened before comes into question during the adolescent phase, and it should. That's why, as Erikson… |
Sequence 100Learningdisabilitiescan affect some or all of the following domains: reading, attention, or language (articulation,… |
Sequence 140Again, learning disabled children still develop. We must design a way of investigating interventions that allows us not to… |
Sequence 177Figure 14. David Kahn, John Wyatt, Kathleen Allen. Alexandria was a center for embalming. Bodies were brought in from all… |
Sequence 308ROAD MAP EIGHT PEDAGOGY Of PLACE FOR THE OLDER ADOLESCENT JAMES MOUDRY James Moudry poi11ts 011t !,ow large tfte prepared… |
Sequence 312"This is what it's going to be. What can sixteen-year-olds do here? How far can they go?" Chris has… |
Sequence 52Read: Colin and I both read Montessori in preparation for what we're doing today. We reread passages of From Childhood to… |
Sequence 170deep. f believe this to be so, and because the gap between stories and statistics is a synecdoche for the gap between C.P.… |
Sequence 86The question was raised earlier, What did nomadic tribes do with the old or disabled? In many tribes, there is evidence that… |
Sequence 83and sees nature at work. This is a constant exercise. And if carried out in calm and tranquility which touches and educates… |
Sequence 4"There's just this for consolation: an hour here or there when our lives seem, against all odds and… |
Sequence 31or to "know" something. Of course, Dr. Montessori didn't need to know which neurons were firing in the… |
Sequence 36The thing about the elements of Dangerous Writing is that because they're expressed and used by writers, they themselves… |
Sequence 228so many other ways. Scientific studies and practical experiences are preparation for making choices and thinking about the… |
Sequence 25Ratner: I am not concerned about making people feel guilty. To realize that you have done something wrong in the past gives… |
Sequence 39Kahn: Do you anticipate with this pending federal legislation major changes in that ratio? They're talking now four… |
Sequence 43Gadpaille: Have a public meeting in a hall, a church, a school or a large home. Explain Montessori and see how many people… |
Sequence 33adaptable than the mother. I don't even talk about the fathers. Tomorrow, if you go to Europe for three months, the… |
Sequence 26Kahn: What would be the typical schedule of a child's day in your center? Jordon: We follow very much the same routine as… |