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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 137
Sequence 4conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Coles, G. (1987). The learning mystique: A critical look at learning disabilities. New York: Pantheon Books.… |
Sequence 30nature of the method. 24 The final result was that, as Montessori herself writes: "The world of official education… |
Sequence 1Barcelona, Spain RESPECT THIS HOUSE by Mario M. Montessori Recently Dr. Montessori gave a series of lectures at the All… |
Sequence 2A taxi driver who brought her back home one day did not want to accept the fare. "You are Dr. Montessori, aren't… |
Sequence 31REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 2It is no doubt that Maria Montessori saw a divine presence in young children which made them" all-powerful,"… |
Sequence 3in an experience of religious education known as the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd… |
Sequence 5Cavalletti had taken Hebrew classes with Zolli and, after earning her doctorate, became his colleague. He is well-known… |
Sequence 7-------------------------------- -- Many catechists have observed that the atrium becomes even more important to older… |
Sequence 14If you can't look him straight in the eye. He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest, For he's with… |
Sequence 25REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 50REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 5But pedagogy ... has disdained to accept any contribution from anthropology; it has failed to see man as the mighty wrestler… |
Sequence 10Renilde Montessori then presented her vision of origins and innovation. Inspired by the Taliesin community, she began with a… |
Sequence 30of the method and excluding others meant distorting the very nature of the method. 10 The final result was that, as Montessori… |
Sequence 16Montessori, Maria. "Psycho Geometry and Psycho Arith- metic." Introduction, notes, and drawings by C.… |
Sequence 10Once upon a time, there was a Montessori manufacturer who produced this material in an erroneous fashion: The concept of pen… |
Sequence 32is a translation by the Montessori Educational Research Center from the French De /'En/ant a I' Adolescent (Desclee… |
Sequence 6The montage that Mario Montessori fashioned is made up of three elements: two Italian banknotes bearing respectively the… |
Sequence 18The montage that Mario Montessori fashioned is made up of three elements: two Italian banknotes bearing respectively the… |
Sequence 52is a translation by the Montessori Educational Research Center from the French De /'En/ant a I' Adolescent (Desclee… |
Sequence 128Once upon a time, there was a Montessori manufacturer who produced this material in an erroneous fashion: The concept of pen… |
Sequence 162Montessori, Maria. "Psycho Geometry and Psycho Arith- metic." Introduction, notes, and drawings by C.… |
Sequence 200of the method and excluding others meant distorting the very nature of the method. 10 The final result was that, as Montessori… |
Sequence 32The Seminari-Laboratori de Pedagogia, Barcelona Elementary doss, Esco/a Municipal Montessori, Barcelona, 19 30s Neu Col… |
Sequence 33education of children. She prepared a children's chapel, called an Atrium, so children could have a living experience… |
Sequence 34Outdoor class, Esco/a Nocionol Montessori, Barcelona, I930s Cntatan folk dancing, 1930s Spain, continued lnstitucio… |
Sequence 35Working with geometric nomenclature, Barcelona, 19 30s Taking care of domestic animals, Barcelona, 1930s 35 Child working… |
Sequence 58Psycho-Disciplines, continued For more than a decade in Barcelona, with the collaboration of her son, Mario Montessori, Dr… |
Sequence 92Discovering the Universal Child Montessori child. Sophia College, Bombay, around I 94 2 Working outside, Allahabad, I 9 28… |
Sequence 126Movement and Silence, continued Children love silence and immobility and practice it spontaneously. One day [in Sevres,… |
Sequence 132Religious Education Such things, therefore, must appeal to their tender minds as the end of effort patiently sustained,… |
Sequence 138Religious Education, continued Pope John Paul II visiting on atrium in Rome, /983 The atrium is in Nostro Signora de Lourdes… |
Sequence 152Margot Waltuch and Amos, 1933 Peace and Education, continued A Time for Peace on Earth Sandwiched between two world wars,… |
Sequence 165/915 Second trip to the United States, accompanied by her son. Mario. Addresses International Kindergarten Union and… |
Sequence 166India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 168Books Published by Maria Montessori Mario Monressori, /roly, 191 2 __ during Her Lifetim_e _____ _ 1909. II Metodo de/Ja… |
Sequence 185Far Journey to the Southlands (Australia and New Zealand) We are indebted to Debbie Senoff-Langford of Chicago for graciously… |
Sequence 6For more than a decade in Barcelona, with the collabora- tion of her son, Mario Montessori, Dr. Montessori contin- ued to… |
Sequence 7short, Montessori's emerging spiritual identity in her work is the fervor of the reform movement. Sofia Cavalletti, co-… |
Sequence 3to the Montessori-Pierson Estates, that gave me the possibility to do this very interesting (at least for me!) work. Let me… |
Sequence 16a Montessori approach, materials helping children to ac- quire one-to-one correspondence? From my talk one thing should be… |
Sequence 4The foundation for the disciplines is laid throughout the pri- mary curriculum: Mathematics, geography, zoology, and botany,… |
Sequence 25Figure 29. A self-similar structure constructed of triangles. Jn the self-similar construction in Figure 29, Montessori proved… |
Sequence 2School, Family and Society 119 committee included Ernesto Nathan. The trip also had the patronage of the National Education… |
Sequence 3120 Par! Two - For u Science of !he Formation of Man novelty for them on this very first day"4. Then other children… |
Sequence 16School, Family and Society 133 5 Montessori reports on her Barcelona experience in / bambini vive111i 11ella Chiesa. Note di… |
Sequence 6Hopes and Disappointments 141 with geometric drawing and a second stage with actual free drawing. Finally, removing the… |
Sequence 5Far from Italy: First Europe and then India 159 who received Montessori's resignation as director of the Scuola di… |
Sequence 6160 Par/ Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man disappointments, requests for help, mediations, threatened break-ups and… |
Sequence 11Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the ''Method" 203 child education in the Children's llouses… |
Sequence 14206 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" "Notizie sul movimento per il metodo… |
Sequence 14bubble) and common space (don't break anybody else's bubble). In this exercise, we can move our bodies in many… |
Sequence 525 Montessori • Nature in Education Our ideas about flowers are too symbolic, and we try to mould a child’s reactions to our… |
Sequence 525 Montessori • Nature in Education Our ideas about flowers are too symbolic, and we try to mould a child’s reactions to our… |
Sequence 2374 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 these objects which the child will need. It is not sufficient for her to… |
Sequence 2732 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 References Blain, Lionel. “Two Philosophies Centered on Hope: Those of G… |
Sequence 1The Spiritual Development of the Child by Sofia Cavalletti In the summer of 1975 Sofia Cavalletti conducted the first U.S.… |
Sequence 6mense history that God has made and is making with man throughout the centuries. Each of us has entered into this history and… |
Sequence 2seem able to give a more complete response. From the psychological point of view, it appeared to us that the child finds in… |
Sequence 101102 (1929). Education of mentally defective children. Lecture given in Barcelona, Spain. Reprinted (1977). Communications… |
Sequence 112Smart, Dr. J. Ewart. Dr. Maria Montessori 1870-1952--The origins of Montessori. Holland: Association Montessori… |
Sequence 180182 With Dr. Montessori in Barcelona. (1919, Hay 1). Times Educational Supplement, p.208, (2). Zimmerman, Carla L. (1974… |
Sequence 1From the Archives THE MONTESSORI APPARATUS. (1919) By Claude A. Claremont, B.Sc. Assistant to Dr. Montessori in her… |
Sequence 3adjustment of the movements, a closer attention; and hence it is quite natural that it should come later. The older children… |
Sequence 4MARIA MONTESSORI - P/EDAGOGEN MED DET STORE HJERTE 87 I Casa dei Bambini lxrte b0rnene at skrive fire-fem maneder, for de… |
Sequence 364 HETBESTE Augustus verscheidene honderden arme gezinnen uit hun vuile en overbevolkte kazerne woningen gehaald en… |
Sequence 5October specially prepared cnvironment, one in which he could make his own discoverics and arrive at concepts throughhis… |
Sequence 7108 MEINE MUTTER MARIA MONTESSOR/ Oktober fiinf Jahren konnten die meisten und Mutter war allein mit dreien Kinder der Casa… |
Sequence 318 DET BESTE September fremst forundret mor, var ikke at tilbakestaende barn kunne klare seg sa godt, men at normale barn… |
Sequence 5Seleção de The Reader’s Digest Outubro, 2020 5 surpresos. E logo, um por um, começaram também a conseguir escrever dizendo… |
Sequence 3I I 58 SELECClONES DEL READER'S D!GE-S_T Noviembre El primer paso consistio en libe rar a los niiios civilizandolos… |
Sequence 586 MIN MOR. MAR.IA MQNTESSOR.I med en klass som just hade Hirt sig skriva nllgra ord, skrev l')on foljande mening pll… |
Sequence 49conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 169REFERENCES Coles, G. (1987). The learning mystique: A critical look at learning disabilities. New York: Pantheon Books.… |
Sequence 243nature of the method. 24 The final result was that, as Montessori herself writes: "The world of official education… |
Sequence 12Barcelona, Spain RESPECT THIS HOUSE by Mario M. Montessori Recently Dr. Montessori gave a series of lectures at the All… |
Sequence 13A taxi driver who brought her back home one day did not want to accept the fare. "You are Dr. Montessori, aren't… |
Sequence 168REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 6It is no doubt that Maria Montessori saw a divine presence in young children which made them" all-powerful,"… |
Sequence 12in an experience of religious education known as the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd… |
Sequence 36Cavalletti had taken Hebrew classes with Zolli and, after earning her doctorate, became his colleague. He is well-known… |
Sequence 38-------------------------------- -- Many catechists have observed that the atrium becomes even more important to older… |
Sequence 22If you can't look him straight in the eye. He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest, For he's with… |
Sequence 197REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 82But pedagogy ... has disdained to accept any contribution from anthropology; it has failed to see man as the mighty wrestler… |
Sequence 221Renilde Montessori then presented her vision of origins and innovation. Inspired by the Taliesin community, she began with a… |
Sequence 62of the method and excluding others meant distorting the very nature of the method. 10 The final result was that, as Montessori… |
Sequence 100Montessori, Maria. "Psycho Geometry and Psycho Arith- metic." Introduction, notes, and drawings by C.… |
Sequence 134Once upon a time, there was a Montessori manufacturer who produced this material in an erroneous fashion: The concept of pen… |
Sequence 210is a translation by the Montessori Educational Research Center from the French De /'En/ant a I' Adolescent (Desclee… |
Sequence 244The montage that Mario Montessori fashioned is made up of three elements: two Italian banknotes bearing respectively the… |
Sequence 34The Seminari-Laboratori de Pedagogia, Barcelona Elementary doss, Esco/a Municipal Montessori, Barcelona, 19 30s Neu Col… |
Sequence 35education of children. She prepared a children's chapel, called an Atrium, so children could have a living experience… |
Sequence 36Outdoor class, Esco/a Nocionol Montessori, Barcelona, I930s Cntatan folk dancing, 1930s Spain, continued lnstitucio… |