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Displaying results 1 - 48 of 48
Sequence 1KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH MONTESSORI ROOTS An Interview with Mildred Gunawardena In an interview with Damd Kahn, Mildred Guna:… |
Sequence 9the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 4and our activity was developed in many places, from Kashmir to Ceylon. This in itself was a great advantage for conducting… |
Sequence 3Since the death of Mario Montessori in 1982, the expansion of Montessori endeavors has grown to a frenzy of inchoate… |
Sequence 16Montessori, Maria. The Montessori Elementary Material. 1916. Trans. Florence Simmonds. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1965. Vol… |
Sequence 96An Auspicious Beginning Small images from top to bottom: Dr. Montessori meeting children in Kotohena with the first… |
Sequence 97Lower and Upper Elementary Montessori school and in 1950 was reluctantly recognized by the newly independent government as… |
Sequence 166India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 1671948 Training courses in Mmedabad, Adyar, and Poona; lectures in Bombay. Trip to Gwalior. India; supervises the opening of a… |
Sequence 2THE SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD FROM THE MONTESSORI PERSPECTIVE by Nimal Vaz Ni ma! Vaz's prese11tatio11 of Mo11tessori's… |
Sequence 12And this is all essential for reading. I know that reading has taken over in many schools as the most important subject-you… |
Sequence 14168 Par/ Tll'o - For a Science of 1he Formation of Man observations also concerned the relations between plants and… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 5Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 15Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 48AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 96AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 16Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 49AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 97AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 1THE CHILD IN NATURE ________________________________________________________________________ Lena Wikramaratne, (1909 – 1982… |
Sequence 1Feature: Science Education and Scientific Education by A. M. Joosten We can, nowadays, hardly open a newspaper and read an… |
Sequence 1Editorial Report: Parents and Adults in the House of Children Unite Around the Child by AM. Joosten Mr. Joosten's… |
Sequence 1How We Came To The Advanced Montessori Course at Kodaikanal by Mr. Yaidheeswaran One of the great achie11eme111s of Mario… |
Sequence 105106 (n.d.). The three levels of ascent. Reprinted (1962). Around the Child, 2, 1-3, (3). (1933). The two natures of the… |
Sequence 71----------------------------- -~--- - .. - - - i~ii.-- f t , Q .• .. t~ Mildred Gunawardena's Primary… |
Sequence 72KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH MONTESSORI ROOTS An Interview with Mildred Gunawardena In an interview with Damd Kahn, Mildred Guna:… |
Sequence 107the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 34and our activity was developed in many places, from Kashmir to Ceylon. This in itself was a great advantage for conducting… |
Sequence 12Since the death of Mario Montessori in 1982, the expansion of Montessori endeavors has grown to a frenzy of inchoate… |
Sequence 74Montessori, Maria. The Montessori Elementary Material. 1916. Trans. Florence Simmonds. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1965. Vol… |
Sequence 98An Auspicious Beginning Small images from top to bottom: Dr. Montessori meeting children in Kotohena with the first… |
Sequence 99Lower and Upper Elementary Montessori school and in 1950 was reluctantly recognized by the newly independent government as… |
Sequence 168India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 1691948 Training courses in Mmedabad, Adyar, and Poona; lectures in Bombay. Trip to Gwalior. India; supervises the opening of a… |
Sequence 7THE SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD FROM THE MONTESSORI PERSPECTIVE by Nimal Vaz Ni ma! Vaz's prese11tatio11 of Mo11tessori's… |
Sequence 158And this is all essential for reading. I know that reading has taken over in many schools as the most important subject-you… |
Sequence 182168 Par/ Tll'o - For a Science of 1he Formation of Man observations also concerned the relations between plants and… |
Sequence 74AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 122AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 155Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 69Wikramaratne • The Child In Nature 69 THE CHILD IN NATURE… |
Sequence 28Feature: Science Education and Scientific Education by A. M. Joosten We can, nowadays, hardly open a newspaper and read an… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: Parents and Adults in the House of Children Unite Around the Child by AM. Joosten Mr. Joosten's… |
Sequence 63Full time Montessori directress with BA, AMI or AMS beginning fall 79. Double sessions, benefits, salary open. Send resume to… |
Sequence 35How We Came To The Advanced Montessori Course at Kodaikanal by Mr. Yaidheeswaran One of the great achie11eme111s of Mario… |
Sequence 113106 (n.d.). The three levels of ascent. Reprinted (1962). Around the Child, 2, 1-3, (3). (1933). The two natures of the… |