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Displaying results 1 - 60 of 60
Sequence 14this principle in this way will surely make a difference in our world. In The Promulgation of Universal Peace, 'Abdu… |
Sequence 7perfect society touched this woman. And the positivist, who disbelieved in religion, continues: "One day, in great… |
Sequence 1PEACE AND EDUCATION by A. M. Joosten AbsJoosten'scommentarycitestheMontessorieducationalviewpointasintegral to the… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI: w ORLD PEACE THROUGH THE CHILD by E. Mortimer Standing E. Mortimer Standing's remarks concerning… |
Sequence 27John Dewey's American pedagogy and William Heard Kilpatrick's realization of this (Project-Method, 1918); Carleton… |
Sequence 28The Italian government did not join the IBE and thereby indirectly favored the dominating influence of the Geneva group of… |
Sequence 29"Do this and you'll get that." Ultimately, that feels punitive. Analo- gously, I don't have… |
Sequence 12programmed computer can be called up and printed out. This theory might seem modern to you; in reality, however, it is over… |
Sequence 25REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 4HISTORY Of course, Maria Montessori' s work encountered detractors from the beginning 1 . Close on the heels of her… |
Sequence 5So Montessori was excluded, and eventually the progressive educa- tion movementcentered in Geneva became "the center… |
Sequence 22So Montessori was excluded, and eventually the progressive educa- tion movementcentered in Geneva became "the center… |
Sequence 23HISTORY Of course, Maria Montessori' s work encountered detractors from the beginning 1 . Close on the heels of her… |
Sequence 50REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 281929); Edouard Claparede (with "individualized" education, 1921); Roger Cousin et (with the teamwork method… |
Sequence 29The Geneva group, intent as they were on putting forward their own methods, excluded Montessori more and more. The result was… |
Sequence 201The Geneva group, intent as they were on putting forward their own methods, excluded Montessori more and more. The result was… |
Sequence 2021929); Edouard Claparede (with "individualized" education, 1921); Roger Cousin et (with the teamwork method… |
Sequence 10She was not the only one impressed. As soon as this phenomenon became known, the press came, because the press is always there… |
Sequence 165/915 Second trip to the United States, accompanied by her son. Mario. Addresses International Kindergarten Union and… |
Sequence 166India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 1EDUCATION AND PEACE: CURRICULUM INTEGRATION AT MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL by Regina Feldman Tl,e following text explores… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AND THE BUILDING OF PEACE by Andre Roberfroid Andre Robe1froid explores the roots of peace-building through Montes… |
Sequence 39to Natural and Urban Environments." Joumal of Envi- ro11111ental Psyclzology 11 (1991): 201-230. van den Berg, A.G… |
Sequence 4Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children 19 juvenile delinquency. These responsibilities were found in the lack of care… |
Sequence 3Farji-0111 Italy: First Europe and then India 157 promises became almost offensive, Maria Montessori would not hesitate to… |
Sequence 6108 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 maria monteSSori’S GreateSt act of civility On August 31, 1898 Maria… |
Sequence 321 Cunningham • From Cosmic Education to Civic Responsibility problems” (Barres). She recognized and respected their… |
Sequence 1Feature: Dialogue: Jean-Jacques Rousseau meets Maria Montessori by Gordon Maas Rousseau and Montessori have a great deal in… |
Sequence 7ress, though the details and the terminology differ as one travels west from Moscow to Geneva to Paris to Cambridge to Boulder… |
Sequence 103104 (1937). Hy method. Lecture at the 6th International Montessori Conference Copenhagen, 1937. Reprinted Around the Child… |
Sequence 9switch on and keep on the ~itive buttons in yourself, those marked optimism, serenity, confidence, ~itive thinking, love… |
Sequence 59this principle in this way will surely make a difference in our world. In The Promulgation of Universal Peace, 'Abdu… |
Sequence 57perfect society touched this woman. And the positivist, who disbelieved in religion, continues: "One day, in great… |
Sequence 73PEACE AND EDUCATION by A. M. Joosten AbsJoosten'scommentarycitestheMontessorieducationalviewpointasintegral to the… |
Sequence 83MARIA MONTESSORI: w ORLD PEACE THROUGH THE CHILD by E. Mortimer Standing E. Mortimer Standing's remarks concerning… |
Sequence 240John Dewey's American pedagogy and William Heard Kilpatrick's realization of this (Project-Method, 1918); Carleton… |
Sequence 241The Italian government did not join the IBE and thereby indirectly favored the dominating influence of the Geneva group of… |
Sequence 37"Do this and you'll get that." Ultimately, that feels punitive. Analo- gously, I don't have… |
Sequence 50programmed computer can be called up and printed out. This theory might seem modern to you; in reality, however, it is over… |
Sequence 197REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 224HISTORY Of course, Maria Montessori' s work encountered detractors from the beginning 1 . Close on the heels of her… |
Sequence 225So Montessori was excluded, and eventually the progressive educa- tion movementcentered in Geneva became "the center… |
Sequence 601929); Edouard Claparede (with "individualized" education, 1921); Roger Cousin et (with the teamwork method… |
Sequence 61The Geneva group, intent as they were on putting forward their own methods, excluded Montessori more and more. The result was… |
Sequence 36She was not the only one impressed. As soon as this phenomenon became known, the press came, because the press is always there… |
Sequence 167/915 Second trip to the United States, accompanied by her son. Mario. Addresses International Kindergarten Union and… |
Sequence 168India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 271EDUCATION AND PEACE: CURRICULUM INTEGRATION AT MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL by Regina Feldman Tl,e following text explores… |
Sequence 12MONTESSORI AND THE BUILDING OF PEACE by Andre Roberfroid Andre Robe1froid explores the roots of peace-building through Montes… |
Sequence 256to Natural and Urban Environments." Joumal of Envi- ro11111ental Psyclzology 11 (1991): 201-230. van den Berg, A.G… |
Sequence 33Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children 19 juvenile delinquency. These responsibilities were found in the lack of care… |
Sequence 171Farji-0111 Italy: First Europe and then India 157 promises became almost offensive, Maria Montessori would not hesitate to… |
Sequence 114108 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 maria monteSSori’S GreateSt act of civility On August 31, 1898 Maria… |
Sequence 2721 Cunningham • From Cosmic Education to Civic Responsibility problems” (Barres). She recognized and respected their… |
Sequence 57Personals: POSIT/ONS AVAILABLE Experienced Catholic teacher to teach and ad- minister new (Fall, 1981) private elementary… |
Sequence 43Feature: Dialogue: Jean-Jacques Rousseau meets Maria Montessori by Gordon Maas Rousseau and Montessori have a great deal in… |
Sequence 15ress, though the details and the terminology differ as one travels west from Moscow to Geneva to Paris to Cambridge to Boulder… |
Sequence 111104 (1937). Hy method. Lecture at the 6th International Montessori Conference Copenhagen, 1937. Reprinted Around the Child… |
Sequence 17switch on and keep on the ~itive buttons in yourself, those marked optimism, serenity, confidence, ~itive thinking, love… |