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Displaying results 101 - 153 of 153
Sequence 65RESPONSE TO Two STUDIES BY KEVIN RATHUNDE AND MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI by Kay M. Baker The studies titled Middle School… |
Sequence 273John Long took Elementary Montessori training at the Washington (DC) Montessori Institute. He holds an M.Ed. from Cleveland… |
Sequence 2866 LOYOLA COLLEGE IN MAJ<YLANO Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in… |
Sequence 298P.O. Box315 Bellingham, WA 98227 Phone: 360-714-1762 or cedar_ Work in a two-classroom school, ona wooded… |
Sequence 130DEVELOPING CHARACTER, WILL, AND SPIRIT by Molly O'Shaughnessy Molly O'Shaughnessy's essay explores character… |
Sequence 233ed-.eatiOH 10, " Now Wo,ed ~ The Montessori Training ) Center of Minnesota ir Announces 2004 Courses Elementary… |
Sequence 211Maine The Kennebec Montessori School is seeking a lower elemen- tary teacher to begin immediately. KMSwasfoundedin1976.… |
Sequence 216LOYOLA COLLEGE IN MARYLAND Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in Montessori… |
Sequence 269and finance experience. The school has approximately 200 students, ages 1 through 6 years. Compensa-… |
Sequence 273LOYOLA COLLEGE IN MARYLANO Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in Montessori… |
Sequence 46Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in Montessori Education Offering the Master… |
Sequence 144MONTESSORI COMMUNITY VALUES: SOWING THE SEEDS OF MORALITY by Greg MacDonald Greg MacDonald comes to the point of his paper… |
Sequence 242LOYOLA COLUIGBJNN.ilYLAND Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in Montessori… |
Sequence 259Benefits: Health coverage on om group plan, Support for Professional Development, Paid Holidays, sick and vacation days.… |
Sequence 268Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in Montessori Education Offering the Master… |
Sequence 25THE CHILD IN NATURE: MONTESSORI' s ANSWER TO THE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS by Phyllis Pottish-Lewis lll this article, fo1111ded… |
Sequence 67UNIVERSAL MORAL DEVELOPMENT: THE BASIS FOR HUMAN UNITY AND PEACE by Allyn Travis Because the elementary years represent t!,e… |
Sequence 265COMMUNITY VISION OF THE SCHOOL by Maura C. Joyce Looking at Maria Mo11tessori's historical persona, Maura foyce focuses… |
Sequence 303MONTESSORI OUTREACH: A PLATFORM FOR CHANGE by Molly O'Shaughnessy Molly O'5/za ughnessy' s plan for social… |
Sequence 348INVESTING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD All but a dozen states now offer some form of state-financed preschool education. But funding… |
Sequence 361miles west of Chicago. We have a very low staff turnover rate, and are looking for a Preschool Directress who will be… |
Sequence 363LOYOLA COLLEGEJNMARn..\ND Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in Montessori… |
Sequence 368MCS has a unique 6-acre campus environment atop Pantops Moun- tain that incorporates the indoor and ou tdoorspaces, and… |
Sequence 59MONTESSORI INTERVENTION IN THE ELEMENTARY: A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH by Jennifer Bloch-Garcia and Sonya Maslenikov Jennifer… |
Sequence 151WHOLE-SCHOOL APPROACHES TO MONTESSORI SPECIAL EDUCATION by Paula Leigh-Doyle, Jacquie Maughan, and Maura Joyce… |
Sequence 244Primary (3-6) Lead Teacher for Summer Program Dynamic, creative and flexible individuals wanted. You will be in charge of… |
Sequence 256For additional info on our school please visit our website Sunset Hills Montessori School is… |
Sequence 114ELEMENTARY MORAL OUTCOMES LEADING TO A SuccEssFUL ADOLESCENT Col\1MUNITY by Greg MacDonald Greg MncDona/d applies the… |
Sequence 212HIGH SCHOOL HUMANITIES: SOCIAL SCIENCES, HISTORY, AND METACOGNITION by James Moudry Jn111esMoudry puts thegrowing111odem… |
Sequence 21THE MONTESSORI INFANT AND THE WHOLE DEVELOPMENTAL CONTINUUM by Judi Orion Ms. Orion explicates the concept of the spiritual… |
Sequence 49HISTORICAL VIEW OF THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT AS DEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOMES by Kay M. Baker Dr. Baker defines l/llma11 nature… |
Sequence 85NORMALIZATION UNDER THREE by Judi Orion Montessori speaks of normalization as ti,e single 111ost important aspect of the… |
Sequence 237city charm, it is close enough to Atlanta and Savannah to enjoy many of their cultural offerings. Our school continues to… |
Sequence 153Educationbeginswith parent-infant programs and continues through toddler, primary, elementary and middleschool.… |
Sequence 272start in August 2011. Necessary qualifications include Bachelor's degree, Montessori Elementary certification, working… |
Sequence 146electronic form and be directed to the search consultants,Marc Frankel and Judith Schechtman of Triangle Associates, at http… |
Sequence 258252 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 China M o n t e s s o r i Te a c h e r s a l l levels, The… |
Sequence 4539 Nehring • Implementing Inclusion Theory into Practice iMPleMenTing inclusion Theory inTo PracTice by Catherine Nehring… |
Sequence 292286 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Louisiana Audubon Charter School is the only Public Montessori school… |
Sequence 71 Schaefer • Social Cohesion, Grace, and Courtesy: An Editorial Social coheSion, Grace, and courteSy: an editorial by Pat… |
Sequence 6863 Orion • Birth to Six: A Foundation for All that Comes Later BiRTh To six: a foUndaTion foR all ThaT Comes laTeR by… |
Sequence 331323 Parker • The Essential Is Invisible to the Eye The “special kind of instruction” offered in our training, com- bined… |
Sequence 269263 Massie • Helping Children with Attentional Challenges helPing children WiTh aTTenTional challenges in The MonTessori… |
Sequence 57Personals: POSIT/ONS AVAILABLE Experienced Catholic teacher to teach and ad- minister new (Fall, 1981) private elementary… |
Sequence 5Montessori in the Humanist Tradition By Ron Miller Mr. Miller integrates contemporary humanistic thinking with classical… |
Sequence 53Racine Mon1csso11 School has an opening for a Montessori pre-school 1eachcr beginning Fall 1982. Applicant mus1 have BA and… |
Sequence 57Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Henson Valley Montessori School is seeking bo1h a Primary 1eacher and an experienced… |
Sequence 1811-b Orem, R. C. (Ed.). (1974). Montessori: Her method and the movement. What you need to know. New York: G. P. Putnam s… |
Sequence 186180 Rodman, Blake. (1985, May 1). The Montessori method is making its way to U.S. high school. Education Week. 6, (2).… |
Sequence 31Bambino, was formed to develop materials and to continue the study of the develop- ment of the religious potential in children… |
Sequence 60In August 1985 the HVMS Board of Directors decided to upgrade the existing playground ... How should it be done?"… |
Sequence 73Contact Madeleine Onman, The Woods Academy, 6801 Grccntree Road. Bethe&la, MD 20817. 301-365-3080. Three highly… |