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Sequence 4tion of agrarianism, I will try to suggest to you, is tied to Western culture. In other words, Western culture would not have… |
Sequence 12Let me now tum to the last part of my morning lecture: the cultural ramifications of this economic Renaissance. Farmers were… |
Sequence 17exist in other cultures. We're not supposed to speak of Western chauvinism now, but I think that I can prove to you that… |
Sequence 4started to have threshing floors, presses, small little agricultural production centers right on their farms or shared by a… |
Sequence 2Antioch, also contributing to an early form of globalization. This trend continued with the trade links between the Roman… |
Sequence 17The Three Main Tasks of Preparing Adolescents for The Future 1. Allowing for AUTONOMY AND INITIATIVE That leads to… |
Sequence 243tion of agrarianism, I will try to suggest to you, is tied to Western culture. In other words, Western culture would not have… |
Sequence 251Let me now tum to the last part of my morning lecture: the cultural ramifications of this economic Renaissance. Farmers were… |
Sequence 340exist in other cultures. We're not supposed to speak of Western chauvinism now, but I think that I can prove to you that… |
Sequence 347started to have threshing floors, presses, small little agricultural production centers right on their farms or shared by a… |
Sequence 197Antioch, also contributing to an early form of globalization. This trend continued with the trade links between the Roman… |
Sequence 177The Three Main Tasks of Preparing Adolescents for The Future 1. Allowing for AUTONOMY AND INITIATIVE That leads to… |