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Displaying results 1 - 60 of 60
Sequence 8Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 10Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 5and Montessori teaching in the U.S. fell on hard times. Some of the new "Montessori" schools in the U.S.… |
Sequence 1MonTessori prAcTices: opTions For A digiTAl Age by Mark Powell Mark Powell’s plea for an open-minded view on the full scope… |
Sequence 105Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE CALIFORNIA The American Montessori Academy of Roseville, California, is pleased to announce… |
Sequence 111PERSONALS ARIZONA AM I primary uachrr n«ded for 3-to 6-ycar-old dass starting fall '91. Good salary and bcne6cs,… |
Sequence 90Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 189Positions CALIFORNIA SEEKING ADMINISTRATOR for AMI-accred- ited, non-profit Montessori school in Redlands, California.… |
Sequence 190Marin Montessori School in Corte Madera, is seeking one AMI primary guide for Septem- ber, 1993. We welcome applicants who… |
Sequence 216CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI PRIMARY TEACHER 2 yrs exper preferred. Good salary, ben- efits & future. Must be caring,… |
Sequence 17and Montessori teaching in the U.S. fell on hard times. Some of the new "Montessori" schools in the U.S.… |
Sequence 46CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI Elementary and Primary teach- ing positions available. Please send resume and credentials to:… |
Sequence 261Established in 1963, MMS now has 200 students from age 2 through 12. Our beautifulcampus is located directly on the San… |
Sequence 163puters; and excellent oral and written communication skills. Competitive salary and benefits. Letter and resume to B.… |
Sequence 251CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI primary (3-6) and elementary (6-9) openings Sept. '97. Scenic Papago Park & Camelback… |
Sequence 210Marin Montessori School in Corte Madera, is seeking one AMI primary guide for September, 1997. One of our founding members,… |
Sequence 356Good salary, benefits. MCDC is a small 2 classroom school in a con- verted house, founded in 1978. It is located in a rural… |
Sequence 377Nienhuis, Gonzagareddi materi- als, outdoor areas, stage in el- ementary. Existing primary and lower elementary, potential… |
Sequence 267Montessori programs. We are lo- cated in the small city ofEmeryville on the east side of San Francisco Bay. Interested… |
Sequence 182come the benchmark of quality education in Marin County and is highly regarded by Montessorians throughout the world. We… |
Sequence 185mensurate with education and experience. Interested candidates should send resumes/ references to: Montessori Children… |
Sequence 186the west side of San Francisco Bay, south of San Francisco. Contact Christinia Cheung or Patricia Gwin by telephone and/ or… |
Sequence 212grade students. Although we are unsure if we will have any teacher openings for the 1999-2000 school year, we encourage… |
Sequence 147CLASSIFIEDS Alaska Island Montessori School in Ju- neau, AK, is looking for an AMI cer- tified primaryguideforthc 1999-2000… |
Sequence 148out the world. MMS is housed in a uniquely beautiful facility set on the shore of San Francisco Bay. It serves two hundred… |
Sequence 149sion plan, professional development fees, tuition discounts & more.Nelda Nutter (805-683-9383, 805-683-9384 fax,… |
Sequence 251CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Good Earth Montessori Charter School is looking for an AMI trained elementary teacher for the 2000-… |
Sequence 242CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Montessorilnt. School seeks AMI directresses/ directors for primary and infant/ toddler program. Please… |
Sequence 245on the east side of San Francisco Bay (north of Oakland and south of Ber- keley). Our second campus is in San Mateo,… |
Sequence 133administrative experience, prefer- ably in a Montessori environment. We are looking for a dynamic, vi- sionary leader who is… |
Sequence 134(north ofOakland and south ofBer- keley). Our second campus is in San Mateo,onthewestsideofSanFran- - cisco Bay, south of… |
Sequence 212CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Mesa Public Schools seek teach- ers with Montessori credentials (AMI or AMS), ages 6-12. Salary range… |
Sequence 190benefit package. AMI or AMS Certi- fication required. 831-455-1546, Fax 831-455-9628. Pacific Rim 1ntemationa1 School (… |
Sequence 237five Primary, three Lower Elemen- tary, one Upper Elementary and one Middle School. MIR is actively seeking AMI trained… |
Sequence 220ary and benefits, a beautiful, well- equipped environment, and a won- derful community of teachers, staff, and families who… |
Sequence 229ementary Directress/ or. Marin Montessori School, located on the San Francisco Bay in beautiful Marin County, California,… |
Sequence 281ber of 2003. This school has one toddler, and four primary class- rooms. We have a committed, sup- portive, cheerful and… |
Sequence 212For more information please con- tact: Margo S. O'Neill, Head of School at Khalsa… |
Sequence 214Positions Available Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking Montessori- trained teachers who are native… |
Sequence 257Grand Lake Montessori formerly Casa dei Bambini. Seeking a teacher to join our di- verse staff. Average stay of teachers… |
Sequence 258Tel: 408-615-1254 Positions Available Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking… |
Sequence 41San Francisco Bay Area Montessori School of Fremont (South East Bay Area) seeks lower elementary teacher. Excellent salary… |
Sequence 226520-398-0776 Fax Ore-mail to: California Casa di Mir Montessori School is seeking an experienced… |
Sequence 228on the East Side of San Francisco Bay (north of Oakland and south of Ber- keley). Our second campus is in San Mateo,on the… |
Sequence 150California Teaching Positions Available Founded in 1992, The Renais- sance School is located in Oakland, the eastern side… |
Sequence 247charter Montessori elementary through middle school. Live and work in the San Francisco Bay Area. Go to www.… |
Sequence employment.html for addi- tional details. Contact: jobs@ Pacific Rim… |
Sequence 258Now Accepting Applications for Summer 2010 Primary {3-6 years) Training Director of Training: Dr. Annette Haines 9 in… |
Sequence 186180 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 Toddler/Primary & Elemen- tary Teachers, The Child Unique… |
Sequence 187181 The NAMTA Journal ship to motivated candidates. PRINTS is a unique, AMI-rec- ognized, dual immersion school which… |
Sequence 282276 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking AMI-trained… |
Sequence 132126 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 ciples and practices of diversity throughout the school community. head… |
Sequence 159153 Powell • Montessori Practices: Options for a Digital Age MonTessori prAcTices: opTions For A digiTAl Age by Mark Powell… |
Sequence 59Near Nonh Moncessori School. 1010 W. Chicago Ave .. Chicago. IL has positions available for Fall '79: AMI director/ess… |
Sequence 61Exp. elementary Montessori teacher position available in Arvada. Colo. Denver suburb. School is situated on JO-acre ranch in… |
Sequence 73Personals: POSITIONS A VAILABLE: AMI trained Primary teacher to take over 3rd year class and AMI Junior teacher to begin a 6… |
Sequence 5854 Established Montessori Children's House in Fay• etteville, Arkansas, is seeking two certified primary teachers. One… |
Sequence 51AMI Elementary and Pre-primary teaching posi- tions available. Live in beautiful sunny Arizona. Great Year round climate.… |
Sequence 7067 for 1he career minded Mon1essorian. Send resume and credcmials 10: Momessori ln1crna1ional . School. Inc. PO Box 2362… |