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Sequence 16invention, it also provides the holistic, integrated basis for clarifying complex tensions between human and natural systems.… |
Sequence 4center of our efforts to insure, in Gianna Gobbi's words, "healthy psychic life and [to pave] the way for human… |
Sequence 1Two TRIBUTES To SoFIA CAVALLETTI The following tributes were presented to Sofia c.avalletti at the NAMT A conference entitled… |
Sequence 2ogy and Semitic culture and history. Over the years, I slowly became aware that, in addition to Italian and Hebrew, Sofia… |
Sequence 10AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 8• "Catechist and children are very happy, particularly the little ones (three to four years)." • "… |
Sequence 2ARE WE SUCCEEDING IN NURTURING THE SPIRIT? by Aline D. Wolf Aline Wolfs challenge to Montessorians to look seriously at our… |
Sequence 2LITURGY IN THE CosMic PLAN OF Goo by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti's conviction that the greatest realities are… |
Sequence 4all connected. And so we want to look at the unity of the whole and foster in the child that sense of the unity and the cosmos… |
Sequence 15REFERENCES Cavalletti, Sofia. II potenziale religioso tra i 6 e i 12 anni. Trans. Rebekah Rojcewicz. Rome: Citta Nuova… |
Sequence 5In 1954, Sofia Cavalletti began a quest to understand the nature of the child's relationship with God, and to discover… |
Sequence 1OBITUARY: GIANNA GOBBI by Camillo Grazzini On January 29, in her eighty-third year, Gianna Gobbi suddenly, unexpectedly,… |
Sequence 8OBITUARY: GIANNA GOBBI by Camillo Grazzini On January 29, in her eighty-third year, Gianna Gobbi suddenly, unexpectedly,… |
Sequence 10that exceeds us. Maybe the particulaxity of wonder is that we find activity and contemplation inseparably blended within it… |
Sequence 16REFERENCES American Federation of Teachers. "Making Standards Matter, 2001." American Educator 25.4 (2001,… |
Sequence 18uniqueness into a richer idea of society and what we can achieve as humanity. REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary… |
Sequence 9the parish would have twelve Masses every weekend and they'd all be full." Why does this journey with the child… |
Sequence 16On October 28, 1931, Mahatma Gandhi told Maria Montessori in a speech at the Montessori training college in London: You have… |
Sequence 44The next time a big cousin walked by tire child, kicked him, and hurled insults at him, he pulled his twisted body 11p as… |
Sequence 15REFERENCES Blake, William." Auguries of Innocence." 1803. Blake, William. So11gs of /1111oce11ce n11d of… |
Sequence 1REFLECTIONS ON THE DEATH OF SOFIA CAVALLETTI AUGUST 23, 2011 by David Kahn, 2012 Other i111portant threads in these… |
Sequence 3November of 2010 was my last visit with Sofia, and I was led by Silvana Montanaro. We were greeted by Sofias companion, and… |
Sequence 1INTRODUCTION by Patricia Coulter Why these writings? First, I would like to offer something of the story as to how they came… |
Sequence 2variations of this curriculum, the sketchier one, contained this brief addendum: "Sofia Cavalletti, biblical scholar… |
Sequence 3A word about the title: before Sofia died in August 2011, she was able to give her "yes" to the final draft… |
Sequence 4Sofia frequently referred to Psalm 21:4, when writing in response to the death of someone. Often, she would change the pronoun… |
Sequence 2point of 50 years on the "path," to which the children led them and guided their every step. That is at the… |
Sequence 2160 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 stock us with a powerful set of presuppositions, to make us all feel we… |
Sequence 5163 Excerpt • Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter This is particularly the case in relation to the child’s religious for- mation… |
Sequence 7165 Excerpt • Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter 2) God’s life is within us (Christ, the light). It is so powerful that it… |
Sequence 8166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 In this kind of relationship with God the older child discovers a new… |
Sequence 2into Montessori - but with an added dimension. We had all experienced a lack at the very heart of the most normalized… |
Sequence 3The catechesis of the Good Shepherd in North America had grown from a tiny mus- tard seed so small that you could blow it away… |
Sequence 1314 Cavaletti, Sofia. (1983). The religious potential of the child. New York: Paulist Press. 1. Communications.… |
Sequence 3334 Usterkorn, Jon. ( 1977). MAMrA Quarterly, 1, On the significance of personality substitution. 1-15, (15). Peller,… |
Sequence 163165 Berryman, Jerome. (1980). Montessori and religious education. Religious Education, 75, 294-307, (14). Reprinted in… |
Sequence 156invention, it also provides the holistic, integrated basis for clarifying complex tensions between human and natural systems.… |
Sequence 8center of our efforts to insure, in Gianna Gobbi's words, "healthy psychic life and [to pave] the way for human… |
Sequence 21Two TRIBUTES To SoFIA CAVALLETTI The following tributes were presented to Sofia c.avalletti at the NAMT A conference entitled… |
Sequence 22ogy and Semitic culture and history. Over the years, I slowly became aware that, in addition to Italian and Hebrew, Sofia… |
Sequence 41AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 49• "Catechist and children are very happy, particularly the little ones (three to four years)." • "… |
Sequence 159ARE WE SUCCEEDING IN NURTURING THE SPIRIT? by Aline D. Wolf Aline Wolfs challenge to Montessorians to look seriously at our… |
Sequence 595• Begin site and facilities development work • Begin student recruitment • Finalize staff, drawing in part from the advisory… |
Sequence 12LITURGY IN THE CosMic PLAN OF Goo by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti's conviction that the greatest realities are… |
Sequence 50all connected. And so we want to look at the unity of the whole and foster in the child that sense of the unity and the cosmos… |
Sequence 61REFERENCES Cavalletti, Sofia. II potenziale religioso tra i 6 e i 12 anni. Trans. Rebekah Rojcewicz. Rome: Citta Nuova… |
Sequence 67In 1954, Sofia Cavalletti began a quest to understand the nature of the child's relationship with God, and to discover… |
Sequence 254OBITUARY: GIANNA GOBBI by Camillo Grazzini On January 29, in her eighty-third year, Gianna Gobbi suddenly, unexpectedly,… |
Sequence 108that exceeds us. Maybe the particulaxity of wonder is that we find activity and contemplation inseparably blended within it… |
Sequence 126REFERENCES American Federation of Teachers. "Making Standards Matter, 2001." American Educator 25.4 (2001,… |
Sequence 132uniqueness into a richer idea of society and what we can achieve as humanity. REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary… |
Sequence 159the parish would have twelve Masses every weekend and they'd all be full." Why does this journey with the child… |
Sequence 22On October 28, 1931, Mahatma Gandhi told Maria Montessori in a speech at the Montessori training college in London: You have… |
Sequence 147The next time a big cousin walked by tire child, kicked him, and hurled insults at him, he pulled his twisted body 11p as… |
Sequence 83REFERENCES Blake, William." Auguries of Innocence." 1803. Blake, William. So11gs of /1111oce11ce n11d of… |
Sequence 93REFLECTIONS ON THE DEATH OF SOFIA CAVALLETTI AUGUST 23, 2011 by David Kahn, 2012 Other i111portant threads in these… |
Sequence 95November of 2010 was my last visit with Sofia, and I was led by Silvana Montanaro. We were greeted by Sofias companion, and… |
Sequence 97INTRODUCTION by Patricia Coulter Why these writings? First, I would like to offer something of the story as to how they came… |
Sequence 98variations of this curriculum, the sketchier one, contained this brief addendum: "Sofia Cavalletti, biblical scholar… |
Sequence 99A word about the title: before Sofia died in August 2011, she was able to give her "yes" to the final draft… |
Sequence 100Sofia frequently referred to Psalm 21:4, when writing in response to the death of someone. Often, she would change the pronoun… |
Sequence 102point of 50 years on the "path," to which the children led them and guided their every step. That is at the… |
Sequence 135CURRICULUM VITAE Translator's Note Short as it is, Sofias c11rric11/u111 vitae belongs in a chapter of its own. lts… |
Sequence 166160 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 stock us with a powerful set of presuppositions, to make us all feel we… |
Sequence 169163 Excerpt • Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter This is particularly the case in relation to the child’s religious for- mation… |
Sequence 171165 Excerpt • Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter 2) God’s life is within us (Christ, the light). It is so powerful that it… |
Sequence 172166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 In this kind of relationship with God the older child discovers a new… |
Sequence 104 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 rooted in our tradition will we be able to offer others our richness, be… |
Sequence 126 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 forEWord by Barbara Kahn All is Gift is essentially a story about… |
Sequence 137 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God atrium with the children (part two). Through these dialogues, we are… |
Sequence 148 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 create a space for reflection. Through these conversations, one real-… |
Sequence 159 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God PrEfaCE by Patricia Coulter People are aching to hear a hopeful word… |
Sequence 1610 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 Before going into details, the following is a brief overview of the date… |
Sequence 1711 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God God with Children, and Gianna also appears in some photographs as… |
Sequence 1812 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 This observation convinced Sofia that this relationship satisfies a… |
Sequence 1913 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God exchange that children may be accustomed to in school, where chil-… |
Sequence 2216 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 This word resounds like a refrain throughout Sofia’s writings; for… |
Sequence 2317 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God notES 1. Margaret O’Gara, “The Study of Theology,” in No Turn- ing… |
Sequence 2923 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God introduCtion to Part onE by Patricia Coulter Part one is divided… |
Sequence 3024 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 the whole person in one’s totality, preventing any evasion into the… |
Sequence 3125 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God could be called the face of God that children manifest as profoundly… |
Sequence 8579 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God thE CatEChESiS of thE Good ShEPhErd With ChildrEn by Sofia… |
Sequence 8882 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 approach: not atrium, nor materials, nor manner of doing things. As… |
Sequence 9084 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 Similarly, another appendix is provided for those • who may be… |
Sequence 9185 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God S: What is it about? C: (Offer several responses.) S: How many… |
Sequence 9286 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 go all the way back … even to before the beginning of creation. How long… |
Sequence 9892 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 Sofia lights one candle (except for the light from the windows there is… |
Sequence 9993 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God As they discuss this, their sequencing and placement of these objects… |
Sequence 10094 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 and gifts, which will be part of the procession. All the children are now… |
Sequence 108102 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 ~ The sheep work. They are intelligent. ~ With the light, they are more… |
Sequence 109103 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God during it, meditatively. Sofia reads the verse of the creation of… |
Sequence 111105 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God S: The richness of God is in all…. C: We have it now. S: And more… |
Sequence 114108 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 fEbruary 19, 1976 The older children have been doing their own work on… |
Sequence 115109 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God C: (The same child responds): To love God ... to help God… to… |
Sequence 117111 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God ~ If my light grows, all grow. ~ (Refers to the person in parable of… |
Sequence 126120 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 C: It’s to reach a brighter light. ~ It’s to be filled with the Holy… |
Sequence 127121 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God S: What kind of prayer...? ~ Asking God for forgiveness. ~ (Tells… |
Sequence 132126 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 when the priest blesses us with the sign of the cross… a sign of… |
Sequence 133127 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God ~ The Good Shepherd. ~ The Found Sheep. ~ Jesus says, “patience.”… |