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Sequence 6• Self-Perfection and its close allies Repetition and Exactness (the tendency to become better human beings); and • Creation… |
Sequence 8"The concept is that the total environment design conveys the essential principles of all disciplines through… |
Sequence 2Erdkinder Atlanta: Danish? Joosten: Yes, there are some schools there. But these are for prestige, not yet for education.… |
Sequence 12nation. The lessons are to entice and inflame the interest of the child. The Montessori program at our school was initially… |
Sequence 36to isolate one element out of a complex, the isolated parts and their separate behaviors never explain the associated… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 67 In an attempt to see science, geography, history, music, and art into one whole picture of… |
Sequence 3Cosmic Education page 114 Truly it is no new idea for it has been the natural plan wherever there was education in the real… |
Sequence 55Cosmic Education page 114 Truly it is no new idea for it has been the natural plan wherever there was education in the real… |
Sequence 102AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 67 In an attempt to see science, geography, history, music, and art into one whole picture of… |
Sequence 56Cosmic Education page 114 Truly it is no new idea for it has been the natural plan wherever there was education in the real… |
Sequence 103AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 67 In an attempt to see science, geography, history, music, and art into one whole picture of… |
Sequence 12adaptable than the mother. I don't even talk about the fathers. Tomorrow, if you go to Europe for three months, the… |
Sequence 9Errors IIIUI T/teir Co"ectio11, T/te E1niro111fle11t, Its Amurgelflettt o,uf Moillte11011ce, Tlte Mo11tessori House of… |
Sequence 184• Self-Perfection and its close allies Repetition and Exactness (the tendency to become better human beings); and • Creation… |
Sequence 186"The concept is that the total environment design conveys the essential principles of all disciplines through… |
Sequence 248Erdkinder Atlanta: Danish? Joosten: Yes, there are some schools there. But these are for prestige, not yet for education.… |
Sequence 122nation. The lessons are to entice and inflame the interest of the child. The Montessori program at our school was initially… |
Sequence 115to isolate one element out of a complex, the isolated parts and their separate behaviors never explain the associated… |
Sequence 68AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 67 In an attempt to see science, geography, history, music, and art into one whole picture of… |
Sequence 115Cosmic Education page 114 Truly it is no new idea for it has been the natural plan wherever there was education in the real… |
Sequence 56PRELIMINARY INFORMATION about the 18th International Montessori Congress in Munich The Congress will take place in the… |
Sequence 33adaptable than the mother. I don't even talk about the fathers. Tomorrow, if you go to Europe for three months, the… |
Sequence 13Errors IIIUI T/teir Co"ectio11, T/te E1niro111fle11t, Its Amurgelflettt o,uf Moillte11011ce, Tlte Mo11tessori House of… |