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Displaying results 101 - 131 of 131
Sequence 158The Montessori Training Center of Minnesota Enjoy Ille rewards of /le/ping children develop in llannony with life ...… |
Sequence 256dent, confident self-starter who is dedicated to Montessori. Fabulous opportunity to shape new Mon- tessori community and… |
Sequence 257The school and its well-estab- lic;hed AMI programs are highly reputable in the Greater Austin and Central Texas areas,… |
Sequence 263established classrooms with 175 en- rolled students. Newly renovated, well equipped, spacious and bright classrooms; full… |
Sequence 264students travel to Fairfield for day- long nature hikes, while Middle school students camp for extended periods of time… |
Sequence 133children than most Montessorians care to support but never fails to emphasize the fact that hands-on exploration, time in the… |
Sequence 6862 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 in twelve of the sixteen states and examined student behavior and… |
Sequence 6963 Sobel • Place-Based Education mechanical advantage by involving students in the reconstruction of a neighborhood trail… |
Sequence 7569 Sobel • Place-Based Education and Slaughter) continued to rank below the overall state average in their scores taken as a… |
Sequence 7973 Sobel • Place-Based Education affective basis for stewardship behavior—for acting in ways that improve the quality of the… |
Sequence 148 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 lation as a whole. I believe that it is best to place young children in… |
Sequence 173168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 raise a $3,000 down payment. It came down to the deadline for closing on… |
Sequence 205200 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 of 30,000 located in the high tech cor- ridor that runs between… |
Sequence 206201 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds Primary classrooms, and organized professionals to work at our Front Desk. Fast paced,… |
Sequence 387381 Murphy-Ryan • The Role of the Physician of Children, Adolescents and Adults. Supplement to Journal of the American… |
Sequence 388382 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 the Texas consensus conference panel on medication treatment of… |
Sequence 128122 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 the Oregon Charter School Registry, is required. Salary is commensurate… |
Sequence 41the Dallas public schools to open a private school and are currently continuing to train teachers. And Terry is standing in… |
Sequence 75Going forward, we must expect and encourage students to dig deeply into subjects and ideas they are curious about. Teachers… |
Sequence 50I"'---------------------------------~- Announcement: 1981 NAMTA Workshop February 6, 7 at Vancouver, 8.C.… |
Sequence 9The Professional Montessorian: An Examination of Conscience By Charlene S. Trochta Ms. Trochta encourages the invaluable… |
Sequence 19The Genesis of a Montessori Trainer By Rita Schaefer The University of Portland has accepted the Primary AMI Teacher Training… |
Sequence 2016 myself into training because somebody told me about them. That day I bought The Absorbent Mind and E. M. Standing's… |
Sequence 5652 FOR SALE C:0111plc1c sc1 Nicnhliis primary ma1erials: ,ome new. ,ome used. plu, some dcmenrnry. anc)' Dub111,~). 23… |
Sequence 6056 N.A.M.T.A. News: MONTESSORI IN THE HEART OF TEXAS Thanks to Linda Reed for her giving of a wonderful and successful event… |
Sequence 41Announcement: Texas Montessori Institute Assistants to Infancy Training in affiliation with the Association Montessori… |
Sequence 47~AMTA - AMI/USA Summer lnslilule Schedule - Jui) 1983 - lrvinf?, Texas "tl'"\O,\\ 1 ?.a \tO,nA \ 1… |
Sequence 15Carl Rogers Speaks to Montessorians Interview by Sylvia Dubovoy and Charlene Trochta Carl Rogers this past November… |
Sequence 7067 for 1he career minded Mon1essorian. Send resume and credcmials 10: Momessori ln1crna1ional . School. Inc. PO Box 2362… |
Sequence 9A WORLD CORE CURRICULUM by Robert Muller Assistant Secretary-General. United Nations Robert Muller's inspirational… |
Sequence 77N.A.M.T.A. News: CAROL ALVER RESIGNS FROM NAMTA Carol Alver, who has served NAMTA over a ten year period as President and… |