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Sequence 2this experiment with children so impoverished that two of them did not even have homes, but slept at night with their mother… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI EDUCATION IN EXILED TIBETAN CHILDREN'S VILLAGES by Ela Eckert translated by Sue Irwin Resenrc/rer £In… |
Sequence 2these schools are run privately; Montessori is seldom found in the regular school system. Setting up a Montessori class is… |
Sequence 3by the children's enthusiastic work, by their concentration, their varied interests and knowledge at an early age, as… |
Sequence 9more difficult to supply these remote locations with food, clothing, and medication. Ursula Eichstaedt published a harrowing… |
Sequence 10Doris Murray had no textbooks, and which could she have chosen, considering the huge variety of abilities of her pupils?… |
Sequence 14In the late 1930s, Mahatma Gandhi gave her the name Umadevi2, which she subsequently used either together with her original… |
Sequence 15She helped the Tibetans in many ways. She started by collecting clothes and appealing for donations from friends in fndia and… |
Sequence 16refugee children with a path to a successful future, whether in their adopted country oflndia or in their old home of Tibet.… |
Sequence 24• Since 1995 there has been a teacher training institute in Dharamsala. Montessori and other teachers are trained at the… |
Sequence 4rules and more willing to devote their energies to larger issues less close to home. For the older students, the sensitivity… |
Sequence 13people in the world who live nomadic lifestyles. Likewise there are people living truly agricultural lifestyles and, of course… |
Sequence 4customs of indigenous cultures is important at all levels, but especially for Montessori education, where showing respect for… |
Sequence 11nomadic existence where there was little water for washing. Later, when houses were made of walls of pressed mud, it remained… |
Sequence 16Tile Arts The arts of the Himalayan region are astounding. The colors are rich and the images reflect thousands of years of… |
Sequence 20Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply… |
Sequence 25Again, thank you for coming to see us. At our Donor Party Friday night, one of our parents brought up the project in Bhutan.… |
Sequence 26Tai and his grandfather reading Tinlin in Tibet. But what our grandchildren love are the stories I bring back from Asia about… |
Sequence 18this experiment with children so impoverished that two of them did not even have homes, but slept at night with their mother… |
Sequence 176MONTESSORI EDUCATION IN EXILED TIBETAN CHILDREN'S VILLAGES by Ela Eckert translated by Sue Irwin Resenrc/rer £In… |
Sequence 177these schools are run privately; Montessori is seldom found in the regular school system. Setting up a Montessori class is… |
Sequence 178by the children's enthusiastic work, by their concentration, their varied interests and knowledge at an early age, as… |
Sequence 184more difficult to supply these remote locations with food, clothing, and medication. Ursula Eichstaedt published a harrowing… |
Sequence 185Doris Murray had no textbooks, and which could she have chosen, considering the huge variety of abilities of her pupils?… |
Sequence 189In the late 1930s, Mahatma Gandhi gave her the name Umadevi2, which she subsequently used either together with her original… |
Sequence 190She helped the Tibetans in many ways. She started by collecting clothes and appealing for donations from friends in fndia and… |
Sequence 191refugee children with a path to a successful future, whether in their adopted country oflndia or in their old home of Tibet.… |
Sequence 199• Since 1995 there has been a teacher training institute in Dharamsala. Montessori and other teachers are trained at the… |
Sequence 186rules and more willing to devote their energies to larger issues less close to home. For the older students, the sensitivity… |
Sequence 76people in the world who live nomadic lifestyles. Likewise there are people living truly agricultural lifestyles and, of course… |
Sequence 131customs of indigenous cultures is important at all levels, but especially for Montessori education, where showing respect for… |
Sequence 138nomadic existence where there was little water for washing. Later, when houses were made of walls of pressed mud, it remained… |
Sequence 143Tile Arts The arts of the Himalayan region are astounding. The colors are rich and the images reflect thousands of years of… |
Sequence 147Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply… |
Sequence 152Again, thank you for coming to see us. At our Donor Party Friday night, one of our parents brought up the project in Bhutan.… |
Sequence 153Tai and his grandfather reading Tinlin in Tibet. But what our grandchildren love are the stories I bring back from Asia about… |