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Sequence 108OHIO Hudson Montessori School is currently accepting applications for a Director/ess at the 6-9 and 9-12 year old Elementary… |
Sequence 117OHIO Cincinnati Public Schools needs four 6-12 trained teacher beginning September 1987. Send letters of inquiry and resumes… |
Sequence 144good. Please call James or Elizabeth Webster at (704)542-7021 for informa- tion. Send resumes or questions to OMNI… |
Sequence 115of Trustees, Montessori Family School, 102 W. Franklin Ave., Pennington, NJ 08534 .. Preschool & Toddler… |
Sequence 141TENNESSEE Administrator for established Montessori school with 3-6 and 6-9 dasses; adding 9-12, fall, 1990. New facility on… |
Sequence 140Administrator, MONTESSORI INTERNA- TIONAL CHILDREN'S HOUSE, 1641 Winches- ter Road, Annapolis, MD, 21401, (301) 757-7789… |
Sequence 155PENNSYLVANIA NEW HORIZONS MONTESSORI SCHOOL of Fbrt Washington, PA, founded 1970, invites appli- cations for primary and… |
Sequence 149THE CHILDREN'S HOUSE, 80 Sagamore Rd., Rye, NH 03870. No phone calls, please. Applications are now being accepted LO com… |
Sequence 116school situated 30 miles from the Pocono Mts. and 30 miles from New York City in north- western New Jersey. Staff and… |
Sequence 208FOR FALL OF '93. Primary teacher to team teach in small day home setting. Beautiful envi- ronment in the museum district… |
Sequence 289Virginia Teach in one of the best loca- tions in the country! We are look- ing for dynamic, energetic, Montessori-certified… |