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Displaying results 1 - 47 of 47
Sequence 1OFT-TOLD TALES by David H. Millstone With Homer as thefr guide, Vermont elementary students spend six months in a voyage to… |
Sequence 5my students how they found a practice audience: *"My little brother and sister." *"My morn when… |
Sequence 5- move from the concrete to the abstract; - allow individual differences in development; and - value cultural diversity.… |
Sequence 7• Children Now • California Tomorrow (Immigration law group) • Oakland Urban Strategies Council • Children's Lobby •… |
Sequence 8The Farm School, Athol, MA Founded in 1989, The Farm School supports programs for three to five days; it builds its depth on… |
Sequence 7notice that his soul has already become estranged from nature. We simply ask our children to adapt themselves to their prison… |
Sequence 585 Wessels • Resilient Communities: An Ecological Perspective on the same insects that live on the bark of trees, but due… |
Sequence 1Making The Inner Self Vivid By Jeanne Franklin Chery Jeanne Chery is an elementary teacher at Ruffing Montessori School in… |
Sequence 4950 Spodek, Bernard. (1970). What are the sources of early childhood curriculum? Young Children, 26, 48-50. (3). Standing… |
Sequence 115ALCUIN MONTESSORI SCHOOL, estab- lished 1961. Five primary-all extended day; five elementary. Montessorian as full-time… |
Sequence 76OFT-TOLD TALES by David H. Millstone With Homer as thefr guide, Vermont elementary students spend six months in a voyage to… |
Sequence 80my students how they found a practice audience: *"My little brother and sister." *"My morn when… |
Sequence 79- move from the concrete to the abstract; - allow individual differences in development; and - value cultural diversity.… |
Sequence 106• Children Now • California Tomorrow (Immigration law group) • Oakland Urban Strategies Council • Children's Lobby •… |
Sequence 49The Montessori School of Northampton is looking for an experienced Director/ Directress to start up a 9-12 program over a… |
Sequence 267the Berkshires, where opportunities for seasonal recreation abound. The Five College Consortium (Mount Holyoke, Smith… |
Sequence 258Salary scale based on degrees and ex- perience. Excellent benefits. For an application call Brian Giersch, Supvr. of… |
Sequence 263Infant/Toddler Community, 13 months to3 years; Primary, 3 to 6 years; Lower Elementary, 6 to 9 years. School year from… |
Sequence 214ideal for development of Erdkinder. Please send letter and resume to Anne T. Riley, 5004 Randonstone Lane, Bowie, MD 20715 (… |
Sequence 296The Farm School, Athol, MA Founded in 1989, The Farm School supports programs for three to five days; it builds its depth on… |
Sequence 196(508) 655-7333, FAX (508) 655- 3867. The Montessori School Of Northampton, of Northampton, MA is looking for an… |
Sequence 204taurants, beautiful parks, major universities and a renowned medi- cal center. Cost of living is rela- tively low. The Post… |
Sequence 269CMS is an AMI recognized school, founded in 1981, and serves over 100 children with toddler, primary, and lower elementary… |
Sequence 259tact GordonMaas by telephone (978- 465-0065), E-mail (Mogomaas@, or facsimile (978-465- 0119), or mail to 2 Perry… |
Sequence 145243 Essex Street Beverly, MA 01915 Fax: 978-922-0594 Thacher Montessori School, Milton, MA… |
Sequence 152Vermont West River Montessori Schoo}; We are a full-day, non-profit Montessori preschool,located inbeautifuJSouth- ern… |
Sequence 223KS 66208 or call 913-649-6160. E- mail Maryland Position avail for fuJl-time Pri- mary Directress (3-6)… |
Sequence 246Plus The ori9fnaf Montessori Material Kaybee's Favorites Collection including: Wooden Grammar Symbols INFANT /Toct… |
Sequence 217The original Montessori Material Kaybee's Favorites Collection including: Wooden Grammar Symbols INFANT /T ODCLER MA… |
Sequence 601The original Montessori Material Kaybee's Favorites Collection including: Wooden Grammar Symbols INFANT/TODDLER… |
Sequence 267The original Montessori Material Kaybee's Favorites Collection including: Wooden Grammar Symbols INFANT/TODDLER… |
Sequence 220Maryland Wanted Montessori teachers for toddler room (ages 2-3) and prepri- mary (3-6). Positions open now. Please send… |
Sequence 236The Most Complete Col/ectio11 of Montessori Matcri.:ils & Classroom Furniture From Infant to Upper Elemen&… |
Sequence 230The Most Complete Collection of Momessori Materials & Classroom F11mit11re From Infant to Upper Elementary Kaybee… |
Sequence 295The Most Complete Collectio11 of Montessori Materials & Classroom Furniture From Infant to Upper Elementary Kaybee… |
Sequence 54Massa eh usetts The Amherst Montessori School in Amherst, MA is accepting appli- cations for an AMJ or AMS Toddler Teacher… |
Sequence 65The Mosr Complete Collectio11 of Momessori Materials & Classroom Fumilure From Infant to Upper Elementary Kaybee… |
Sequence 89notice that his soul has already become estranged from nature. We simply ask our children to adapt themselves to their prison… |
Sequence 253families for the Toddler class, (ages fourteen months to three years), and a fourth Primary class. The school will continue… |
Sequence 253Please contact us at 713-665-2195 by telephone, 713-665-1478 by fax, bye- mail or write to 9821… |
Sequence 347International Montessori Training Institute f'rimar~ level (ages )-6) A.M.I. Tra1111ng Now accepting applications for… |
Sequence 9185 Wessels • Resilient Communities: An Ecological Perspective on the same insects that live on the bark of trees, but due… |
Sequence 49Making The Inner Self Vivid By Jeanne Franklin Chery Jeanne Chery is an elementary teacher at Ruffing Montessori School in… |
Sequence 5750 Spodek, Bernard. (1970). What are the sources of early childhood curriculum? Young Children, 26, 48-50. (3). Standing… |
Sequence 70Persona ls: POSITIONS A VA 1/,11 BLE INTER"<A TIONAI Taipei Montessori School need, three AM I Primar}… |