Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/3 07 Montessori All Day, All Year Introducing real community into the Children's House goes back to the roots of Montessori education through all-day Montessori. The all-day environment is a house where children live with a "developmental room" of Montessori materials including a living room,…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/3 06 Battling for the Soul of Education: Moving beyond School Reform to Educational Transformation John Abbott is seeking a revolution in education that will put learning back into the hands of the learner. He writes of the learner needing to be free-ranging and weaned from instruction. He is the director of a new wave of thinkers who are members of The…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/3 05 Practical Life from the Second Plane to Third Plane: Orientation to History and Social Organization In lyrical prose, Jim Webster lays out his view on the universal human use of tools and how "humans meet the practical demands of life." Webster lauds physical work and the work of the hand as they both support engagement, social cooperation, a deepening of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/3 04 Exploring the Adolescent's Creative Pathways: Mindfulness, Role Fluidity, Story, and the Dramatic… David McNees' deep foray into creativity theory and drama begins with mindfulness as a preparation for adolescent focus. This article discusses role incarnation, the correlation of the three-period lesson to Landy's role theory, the creation and re-creation…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/3 03 Group Flow and Group Genius Keith Sawyer views the spontaneous collaboration of group creativity and improvisation actions as "group flow," which organizations can use to function at optimum levels. Sawyer establishes ideal conditions for group flow: group goals, close listening,…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/3 02 Creating a Context for Flow: The Importance of Personal Insight and Experience Kevin Rathunde reflects on his early studies of flow in Montessori adolescents and surmises that adults need to experience their own flow in order to guide young people to peak levels. He recounts his early music experiences as having "peaked" and that he…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/3 01 Scaffolding for Discovery in the Third Plane Laurie Ewert-Krocker emphasizes the teacher's role in nature's prepared environment. Without directing or controlling the child's work, learning spaces can be maximized for concentration by connecting the adolescent's intrinsic learning to the beauty and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/2 12 Stumble into Grace Jennifer Rogers writes with apt and lyrical snippets from her perspective as a Montessori parent and from her long history as a primary guide. This short piece examines the word "grace" from multiple facets and serves as a meditation that uplifts and reminds…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/2 11 Profile of a Growing Urban School: The Lumin Experience This fairytale-come-true began with an idealistic public school teacher just out of college who lived in the neighborhood of her students. In stages, working with a community organizing group consisting mainly of concerned parents, Terry Ford founded what is…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/2 10 Cosmic Education: The Child's Discovery of a Global Vision and a Cosmic Task Susan Mayclin Stephenson tackles a large subject, Cosmic Education, which Montessori defined as a "unifying global and universal view[s] of the past, present and future." Stephenson takes the reader from birth to the end of the elementary age with examples of…