Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 07 Montessori and the Deeper Freedom Synthesizes the Montessori stages of life from birth to adulthood and provides an integrated description of Montessori educational principles. Examines the role of the teacher as learner, revolutionary, and scientist following the child through life…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 05 The Kodaikanal Experience: Kahn - Montessori Interview An interview with Mario Montessori explores the origins of Cosmic Education and experiences of Montessori and his mother, Maria Montessori, in Kodaikanal, India, during World War II. Their experiences contributed to development of theories regarding the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 06 The Unconscious in History Describes the absorbent mind as the manifestation of individual unconscious and as the unconscious forces manifested in nature's evolution. The natural creative unconscious directs the instinctive balance of nonhuman lives. Human consciousness creates a…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 04 The Impact of India Describes the experiences of Maria Montessori and her son, Mario, during their internment in India during World War II. Discusses how their observations of communities of Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, and Zoroastrians at the Theosophical Society…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 02 Respect This House Recounts an anecdote about Maria Montessori's series of radio talks about children given during the early days of the Spanish Civil War. They illustrate the obtrusive nature of political oppression. As a result of these radio talks, Maria Montessori gained…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 03 The Botanical Cards Describes the founding of an experimental school in 1936 in Laren, Holland by Maria Montessori, which began to synthesize the cultural materials based on children's capacity for hearing and absorbing language. Discusses young children's responsiveness to…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/1 15 Digging Down Deep: Educational Experiences with the Earth in a Gardening/Farming Context Chronicles a teacher's experiences and impressions of a tour of six farm schools visited in New England. Integrates these experiences within a perspective of research and history. Concludes that the possibilities for a variety of experiences and intellectual,…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 01 Mario Montessori: In Search of a Deeper Freedom, A Life's Journey of Educational Ideas Introduces this theme issue on Mario Montessori's writings. Describes how his life experiences contributed to the idea of freedom in education, seen as a recurring theme in his mother, Maria Montessori's writings, and also contributed to the integration of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/1 14 Erdkinder under Construction: What the Farm Schools Showed Us Describes the process of designing a residential working farm for adolescents, beginning with an overview of its philosophical and theoretical foundations, followed by a description of a recent tour of non-Montessori farm schools in New England, and ending…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/1 13 Emerging Psychological Characteristics of Farm Life Argues farming can teach the populace that human existence has purpose and dimension beyond material acquisition. Emphasizes the proper balance between nature and culture, word and deed, tragedy and therapy, shame and guilt which leads to the formation of an…