Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/1 07 Preparing Ourselves to See the True Nature of the Child Describes the fundamental attitude of learning-from-the-child as integral to observation. Discusses how one learns what motivates each child through patience, humility, repeated experience, objectivity, and faith. Outlines some human tendencies, and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/1 05 The Montessori Family and Me Provides a glimpse of the Montessori past by sharing letters from and stories about Maria and Mario Montessori. Shares insights and lessons learned over a lifetime's connection the Montessori family.
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/1 06 Montessori in South Africa: The Challenge, The Dream, and The Promise Discusses the history of the Montessori movement in South Africa. Outlines the contributions and learnings from Montessori's 21 years in South Africa. Asserts that Montessorian actions in Africa have relevance to Montessori internationally.
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/1 04 The Integration of Cultures: The Montessori Contribution Asserts that Maria Montessori's concept of education is a theory, explaining that Montessori did not teach a method, but rather a vision for child development. Compares Montessori theory with five other educational theories. Emphasizes the power of different…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/1 02 World Odyssey: Revelations of the Possible Reflects briefly on the history of the Montessori movement. Advocates restoring the AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) to its original dimensions. Introduces plans for "Educateurs sans Frontieres" (Educators without Borders), an International Study…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/1 03 Past, Present, and Possible: A Montessori Global Perspective Discusses Mario Montessori's role in the Montessori movement. Reflects on the current state of the world and the plight of children, explaining that hard work is needed to combat current problems in the world. Advocates a reawakening to the fundamental work…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 10 A Letter from Mr. Mario M. Montessori Reprint of 1973 letter issued by the Association Montessori Internationale to its members regarding signs that although people have been striving for greater general welfare, individual rights, freedom, and leisure, extending reduced work and more leisure to…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 08 The Child Before Seven Years of Age, The Child After Seven Years of Age and What Children Taught Dr… The three lectures reprinted here, given in 1957 London Elementary course, integrate the Montessori perspective on the Elementary child and Cosmic Education: (1) differences between children before and after 7 years of age; (2) characteristics of children 7…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 23/2 09 Spiritual Outlook and the Child Examines the role of education in enhancing the natural spirituality of children. Maintains that when young children are given freedom of choice in activities, their behavior becomes gentle, compassionate, and purposeful. Asserts that children unconsciously…