News On This Day, 6 January 1907, Trailblazing The Italian physician and educator opened her first school in Rome on this day in 1907. In the article by Sonja Anderson from Smithsonian Magazine, she looks at "How Trailblazing Teacher Maria Montessori Transformed the Realm of Children’s Education". Read the ...
News Donations of Historical Personal Documents from Legacy Montessorians The AMI Montessori Archives have also benefitted from donations of books and historical personal documents of legacy Montessorians, such as Claude Claremont, Margot Waltuch, Phoebe Child, Margaret Homfray, Antonietta Paolini, Grazia Honegger Fresco, and Maria ...
News AMI Research Threads This October AMI launched its new series AMI Research Threads. As part of the series, we will post a research article recommended by our Global Research Group on the first Thursday of every month. The purpose of the series is to curate, highlight, and comment o...
News Maria Montessori Study Visits We are delighted to announce that after major renovation work Maria Montessori’s study is again open for visits. Maria Montessori’s former study is preserved at the AMI Head Office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where we curate it with exceptional care and atte...
News NAMTA Journal Collection Added Throughout its 50-year history the North American Montessori Teachers’ Association (NAMTA) has provided teachers, schools, and parents with support to further their understanding of Montessori principles. NAMTA has been instrumental in advancing the work of Mo...
News Beta Testing the AMI Montessori Archives Welcome to the AMI Montessori Archives AMI is delighted to be able to launch a beta version of the AMI Montessori Archives on the occasion of our 2024 Annual General Meeting. This project would not have been possible without generous grant funding and the farsig...
News Jean Miller Donates Collection Jean Miller Donates Collection to the AMI Montessori Archives Dr Jean Miller, AMI 6–12 Trainer, has donated her extensive collection of Montessori papers and archival records to AMI to be included in the AMI Montessori Archives. Jean’s long career has spanned mo...
News On This Day, 31 August 1940 On 31 August 1940 Maria Montessori celebrated what would be the first of six birthdays spent in India. The 1940 day was an exceptionally celebratory occasion, as she was able to spend it with her son Mario, released from a Prisoners of War Camp, just for this o...
News In Memory of Carolina Montessori AMI is very sad to announce that Carolina Montessori passed away, unexpectedly, today, in the early hours of Sunday, 7 April, 2024. Carolina was known to many of you as the most knowledgeable person in respect of the details of her great-grandmother’s life and ...
News A Moment to Remember Maria Montessori Today we take a moment to remember Maria Montessori. On May 6, 1952, "Maria Montessori went on from this life," as her son Mario wrote. Touched by the unanimous feeling of responsibility expressed by the Montessori community, with a deep dedication to further ...