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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 243
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 1beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 2Children were pre- and posttested on measures of cognitive skills, curiosity, self-concept, and spontaneous language.… |
Sequence 2best conduct a collaborative project which would provide impartial involvement of both AMI and AMS. With the assistance of NAM… |
Sequence 1PARENTS AS FIRST EDUCATORS IN THE 21ST CENTURY by Judi Orion Judi Orion s description of hame care of the infant-toddler for… |
Sequence 2CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS OF Anol.ESCENTS: A COMPARATIVE STIJDY compiled by John Long Almost eve,y Montessori seconda,y… |
Sequence 1THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Carnillo Grazzini The first section of Mr.… |
Sequence 10Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 13community, since the former and the latter are quite distinct in terms of the community members, the aims, and therefore the… |
Sequence 2THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A PERSONAL PILGRIMAGE by Marianne Moore Marianne Moore's eloquent characterization of the… |
Sequence 8cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 185cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 191THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A PERSONAL PILGRIMAGE by Marianne Moore Marianne Moore's eloquent characterization of the… |
Sequence 2How SENSITIVELY TIMED ARE SENSITIVE PERIODS? by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Schaefer Zener's theory base for sensitive… |
Sequence 2WORK by Annette M. Haines Dr. Haines touches on the work of adaptation of the infant, the work of the "psycho-… |
Sequence 2NAMTA's MIDDLE SCHOOL RESEARCH HITS THE MARK by Annette M. Haines I have finally had the privilege of reading Kevin… |
Sequence 2THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 228THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 3unica," readers should refer to Camillo Grazzini's article "Cosmic Education at the Elementary Level… |
Sequence 16Action. Ed. K.H. Pribram. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1969. Gesell, Arnold, Frances L. Ilg, Janet L. Rodell, et al.… |
Sequence 12• an international network of training and study centres dedicated to the propagation of Montessori's teachings and the… |
Sequence 12You may perhaps condemn the plan [so let us think of the Appendices] as visionary and unpractical, but I hope that you will… |
Sequence 10REFERENCES Grazzini, Camillo. "The Four Planes of Development." The Child, the Family, the Future. AMI… |
Sequence 13If I could just clarify a couple of other things, I think we have to make a distinction between development and learning. We… |
Sequence 15interest in, what is extraordinary, what is magnificent; and they have a natural tendency to hero worship. All of this can be… |
Sequence 14Conference Proceedings, July 19-24, 1994, Washington, DC]. Rochester, NY: AMI/USA, 1995. 117-130. Lakoff, George. "… |
Sequence 13* * * So if this is part of the human predicament-the idea that we are given this urge to continually refine, to make things… |
Sequence 6Preface, continued The exhibit left its impression of Montessori significance on visitors at Centennial celebrations in both… |
Sequence 178A Montessori Journey 1907 to 2007 Patrons Anonymous Donation through Si Helena Monressori School Association Montessori… |
Sequence 180Welcome to the Children's Mural This portion of the exhibit was created from over 800 pieces of work submitted by 35… |
Sequence 17Montessori, Maria. "HL1man Solidarity in Time and Space." Trans. Renilde Montessori. Tl,e Sn11 Re1110… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES Montessori, Maria. "The Four Planes of Education." From lectures given in Edinburgh, 1938, and… |
Sequence 15Atkins, Peter W. The Periodic Ki11gdo111. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Ball, Philip. The l11gredie11ts: A Guided Tour of the… |
Sequence 13Our short-term goal is building and retaining enrollment. Our long-term goal is bringing the Montessori experience to all… |
Sequence 2How SCIENCE AND HISTORY LEAD TO COMMUNITY SERVICE by Annabeth Jensen A nabet/1 Jensen's presentation is the proceedings… |
Sequence 2STRUCTURE AND SPONTANEOUS LEARNING by John R. Snyder Begin11i11g with the origins of freedom and responsibility in the Ameri… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 3060 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Brown, John Seely & Thomas, Douglas. A New Culture of Learning:… |
Sequence 1UndeRsTandinG The yoUnGesT ChildRen: hoW To BUild a deep aWaReness of The ToddleR WiTh paRenTs and CaReGiveRs by Nichole… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 1Part Two Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent Introduction by David Kahn 1 The Development of Movement… |
Sequence 3AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 83 under six is decisive. Whatever abilities the child constructs will remain incarnate in him… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 84AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 86AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 83 under six is decisive. Whatever abilities the child constructs will remain incarnate in him… |
Sequence 105Part Two Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent Introduction by David Kahn 1 The Development of Movement… |
Sequence 152AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 1Reflections by Colleagues on the AMI Editorial Board My first memory of Annette was as a student in the elementary course she… |
Sequence 85AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 87AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 83 under six is decisive. Whatever abilities the child constructs will remain incarnate in him… |
Sequence 106Part Two Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent Introduction by David Kahn 1 The Development of Movement… |
Sequence 153AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 9102 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Yesterday I gave the example of the alphabet. It’s extraordinary to think… |
Sequence 3cial child especially in Europe. Both Eldert and Montessori Jr. in panel discussion later that day expressed a negative view… |
Sequence 1Towards AMI Summer Training in America by David Kahn With the reorganization of AMI in America, and the expansion of its… |
Sequence 222 Montessori training models which permit more immediate career gratification and financial compensation for graduating… |
Sequence 3The catechesis of the Good Shepherd in North America had grown from a tiny mus- tard seed so small that you could blow it away… |
Sequence 2model to meet the objective conditions required for the continuation and expansion of Montessori elementary training. Such… |
Sequence 6the United States which does require a degree. This disparity between ways of training teachers has not been a crucial issue… |
Sequence 5Two of our teachers were (experienced) Bergamo trained; the Amsterdam trained one had 16 years' experience team-teaching… |
Sequence 6He is incompetent. He has no skill in classroom management. He is not at all sensitive to the individual child. He has to read… |
Sequence 7system. AMS weakness - same as AMI. Also, scattered knowledge and little understanding about scope and sequence. Weakness 3 -… |
Sequence 11University of Maine University of Northern Colorado Villanova (PAl undergraduate, indep. study graduate undergraduate I… |
Sequence 1Montessori Elementary Teacher Training Study Project Cleveland Report on Training Centers Intro by Peter Gebhardt Seele The… |
Sequence 32I. Neurological Claremont, Claude. (1968). The two children. Communications, 3/4, 6-18, (7). 33 Feexman, Jerry E.… |
Sequence 7273 Montessori, Mario. (1972). Voices from the past and the present. Communications,_!, 2-4, (3). Montessori, Mario, Jr… |
Sequence 8687 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 200202 Hanrath, c. .!., 7-8, (1972). (2) . First AMI training course in Mexico. Comnrnunications, l Harmon, Thomas. (1967… |
Sequence 3'What kind of a human being will I be todayr How will I affect others today?' It is these thoughts that explain why… |
Sequence 115ALCUIN MONTESSORI SCHOOL, estab- lished 1961. Five primary-all extended day; five elementary. Montessorian as full-time… |
Sequence 118Ghent Montessori School seeking August 1987 Primary (3-6) and Elementary (6-9) trained teachers. Established school of 110… |
Sequence 139AMI TRAINING CENTER ANNOUNCEMENTS AMI SUPPORTS FLEXIBLE FORMATS In June of 1987 the Pedagogical Committee of the Association… |
Sequence 141Bright Star Montessori School is seeking experienced primary and elementary guides for the 1987-88 school year. Bright Star… |
Sequence 142Educational/Executive Director. Well established, 26 yr old school in a pictur- esque Chicago suburb. Parent/Infant through… |
Sequence 145School, 372 Hiden Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606. (804) 596-2555. WASHINGTON Cathedral Montessori School is located in… |
Sequence 146SEEKING POSITIONS AMI-trained (2 1/,! • 12) almost 15 yrs experience as classroom teacher and administrator, M.Ed., address… |
Sequence 148New NAMTA Video Selections Five Going On Six - Montessori Style A help to Montessori Schools wanting to demonstrate… |
Sequence 141who eajoy working together in a beauti- ful, established, expanding school. Palm Harbor Montessori School is located on a 5… |
Sequence 145Begin an exciting career with us as we move to our beautiful new school campus situated on 4 acres and located near His-… |
Sequence 147--f;: .. - . ----:i~;,,•w•- ~....,DaCATION FOR THE 21ST CENT(JR AMI ill hold an International Study Conference ngton, D.C… |
Sequence 63beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 71Children were pre- and posttested on measures of cognitive skills, curiosity, self-concept, and spontaneous language.… |
Sequence 94CONNECTICUT Well established AMI school in New Eng- land is seeking a certified AMI primary t.eacher for an established,… |
Sequence 97ENGLAND El.ementary in England. The first 3 Ele- mentary Schools in England are opening in autumn 1989. Unique opportunity… |
Sequence 139possess humor and wide-ranging interests. They respond well t.o an adult of similar mind. Our area is rural yet close to… |
Sequence 90best conduct a collaborative project which would provide impartial involvement of both AMI and AMS. With the assistance of NAM… |
Sequence 117HOLDEN MONTESSORI - Bethesda MD 20816 (suburb of Washington, D.C.~ Wanbld ek'. menta.ry teacher for est. ~9 class for… |
Sequence 98PARENTS AS FIRST EDUCATORS IN THE 21ST CENTURY by Judi Orion Judi Orion s description of hame care of the infant-toddler for… |
Sequence 140Administrator, MONTESSORI INTERNA- TIONAL CHILDREN'S HOUSE, 1641 Winches- ter Road, Annapolis, MD, 21401, (301) 757-7789… |
Sequence 155PENNSYLVANIA NEW HORIZONS MONTESSORI SCHOOL of Fbrt Washington, PA, founded 1970, invites appli- cations for primary and… |
Sequence 191Seattle (Washington) Montessori 2000 entails a conversion of a private Montessori institution to a public school spanning the… |
Sequence 205plicant must have AMI or AMS certification, minimum 3 years experience, strong interper- sonal, communications, and community… |
Sequence 208FOR FALL OF '93. Primary teacher to team teach in small day home setting. Beautiful envi- ronment in the museum district… |
Sequence 213MONTESSORI TEACHER EDUCATION COLLABORATIVE 11424 Bellflower Road NE Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 421-1905 fax (216) 421-8193… |
Sequence 190Marin Montessori School in Corte Madera, is seeking one AMI primary guide for Septem- ber, 1993. We welcome applicants who… |
Sequence 192ILLINOIS Opportunity to work with respect, support, independence. Beautiful environments. Experienced colleagues and… |