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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 3837
Sequence 9raining coirs, nctioningas co-ordnor ofhe whoenetwork of wcognzed organ Satons. s s founded & raming o Trainers… |
Sequence 14Hakan baknctes bearingrospacvely he images o Maria Montesso and Gigheno Marcon and,betwean 50 e, an cxcorp faken rom Mara… |
Sequence 26here wa b a conorance i San Franciscoon ths subec Affiited Socities and Horma of intres rom other Moriessori sources (rsports… |
Sequence 30AMUUSA REPORT AMUUSA s plaase o subro i oot th 1953 Anual Moot o ne ssociaon Montescon mormaiansio on Ab 17,1953 s Arstardam… |
Sequence 31Consultaton Talning Course 1 noa 10 ncease thonumbor ofvaned conlars who ae I bl servce 10 ut e, and roo organized &… |
Sequence 325 princol of Greenid Wenlessor School. which s & pat of e Miaukes Pubic ‘oo Syst, Steve s econty appcinid an Admeisfae… |
Sequence 33Educatonsl rogrammes AAIUSA coninued ek partership wth o AMI aftes i h U S wih th spon- Saig fin sl CoiGronces A wONODS TS… |
Sequence 50Monsseri Instute of Miwaukee n. Tha Montesor nstiu of Mivaukes was leasad o havo 15 studerts evoled i the 19912 almontay… |
Sequence 52Now NAMTA Video e Wid i (Tt s feonaizedtm aboutHar) Starting rom th Yoar Zao (e Japanase ideo dovoted o iiant and 1 com… |
Sequence 53"UNIGEE at e present ime. W Boutos-Ghal s recety stte: “New possites vt o shred. cologated and e coributons 1 e wosd… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 2misleading if it leads someone to believe that cosmic education also applies, or can apply, to other planes of development-… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts; and, finally, where specialization of… |
Sequence 17answers or ideological solutions to the problems facing humanity. Furthermore, on the personal level, Montessori had no reason… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 2misleading if it leads someone to believe that cosmic education also applies, or can apply, to other planes of development-… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts; and, finally, where specialization of… |
Sequence 17answers or ideological solutions to the problems facing humanity. Furthermore, on the personal level, Montessori had no reason… |
Sequence 1PSYCHIC ACTIVITY DURING PRENATAL LIFE by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Dr. Montanaro's refreshingly clear… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AND DAYCARE: MAKING A DISTINCTION by Mary Black Verschuur, Ph.D. Dr. Verschuur describes her all day Montessori… |
Sequence 1ALL DAY/ALL YEAR: A MONTESSORI SCHOOL IN A CORPORATE SETTING by Phyllis Kiechle Phyllis Kiechle directs the program she… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI, POVERTY, AND THE SPECIAL CHILD by Jon R. Osterkorn, Ph.D. With wit and substance, Dr. Osterkorn exposes the… |
Sequence 4While looking for a larger space for the food store more and more requests were being made by local residents for child care.… |
Sequence 2offer to all the children of Milwaukee. MacDowell is today joined by a second public Montessori program - Greenfield… |
Sequence 4• Children's House classes have full-time assistants. • Elementary classes have half-time assistants. • An art… |
Sequence 1CINCINNATI: DEVELOPING THE MONTESSORI MAGNET SCHOOL by Phyllis J. Williams Building and Grounds Crew North Avondale… |
Sequence 1THE MAROTTA MONTESSORI SCHOOL: A CONCEPT DEDICATED TO URBAN RENEWAL by Alcillia Jones Clifford There is an urgent calling… |
Sequence 2• Elementary age: better scholastic placement, improved achievement • Adolescent age: lower rate of delinquency, higher rate… |
Sequence 1ONE WORLD, ONE DRUM by Tom Sipes My first teaching assignment was in a Catholic seminary in East Africa, in the town of… |
Sequence 1THE PURE WONDER OF YOUNG LIVES By Carol Dittberner Carol Dittberner utilizes her wealth of personal understanding as parent… |
Sequence 10Mr. Montessori stressed, however, that these lofty aims can only be sought by the individual exercise of will power. No amount… |
Sequence 11"' A.M. Joosten "The Silence Lesson" in AMI Co1111111111icalio11~ 4:(19(i7) 27. "Tape… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL: AMI MONTESSORI: BACK TO THE FUTURE By David Kahn We are in the turmoil of becoming. And as one undergoes the… |
Sequence 2of beliefs, its ability to ignite the enthusiasm and commitment of teach- ers, stems from a spiritual and undiluted energy… |
Sequence 3basically teachers turned trainers. How objectively valid is that pro- cess in terms of maintaining Montessori heritage?… |
Sequence 5There is, in AMI circles, an evolving sense of a need to build linkages between the integral idea and the experimental… |
Sequence 6intensity of the Montessori vision that makes the system work; knowl- edge of the materials is bound by the interiority of the… |
Sequence 7tofight mediocrity, and renew our own fires by returning to the first flames, the sources of Montessori. These sources are,… |
Sequence 1PHYSICS IN THE PRIMARY CLASS by Susan Stephenson Ms. St,ephenson innovates activities which focus on principles of physics… |
Sequence 11is,not just an outdated image, made obsolete by physical research. It is rather a very helpful and ever valid image of the… |
Sequence 13teacher and material) provides the raw materials for that act of build- ing, but the work has to be done by the children… |
Sequence 15Footnotes 'Maria Montessori (1948) To Educate the Human Potential 5th Edition 1973, Kalakshetra Publica- tions Press,… |
Sequence 8Disadvantaged; studies done with low socioeconomic status (SES) chil- dren. These studies tended to overlap into both the… |
Sequence 91. The teacher held a recognized Montessori diploma: AMI or AMS. 2. The classroom was fully equipped in all basic areas, and… |
Sequence 35with a set solution, a product. Their purpose is process not product oriented. They are to provide a sensorial impression, not… |
Sequence 42Akron Model Cities Program Guidubaldi et al. (1974) evaluated the effectiveness of four types of preschool programs on the… |
Sequence 43children. He investigated the long-term effects of a traditional day care and a Montessori preschool for disadvantaged… |
Sequence 1beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 2Children were pre- and posttested on measures of cognitive skills, curiosity, self-concept, and spontaneous language.… |
Sequence 5The children were from middle income families and were restricted to four-year-olds attending school for the first time and… |
Sequence 5Education. She strongly supports the idea of the social responsibility of humans and their interdependence with each other and… |
Sequence 1Urban Education PERFORMANCE OF MONTESSORI GRADUATES IN PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASSROOMS Carol Takacs Cleveland State University… |
Sequence 1Elementary Curriculum THE ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM DIALECTIC: ESSENTIALIST VS. STRUCTURALIST by David Kahn As one moves from… |
Sequence 8the subjects of geometry and language. In geometry the essentialist will be governed by the sensorial reality of the materials… |
Sequence 1New Montessori Scholarship__; THE ACQUISITION OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE THE NEBULA HYPOTHESIS by Annette Haines ThefoUowi:ng two… |
Sequence 2This assessment is based on data gathered from standardized achievement tests and on the opinions of traditional teachers… |
Sequence 1Sciences EXPOSING THE ELEMENTARY CHILD TO THE WORLD OF CHEMISTRY by Rajendra K. Gupta Raj Gupt,a 's pioneering work… |
Sequence 1Features WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY CLASS? by Polli Soholt Polli Scholt provides the primary teacher with practical… |
Sequence 1NORMALIZATION by Chulanganee Fernando Ms. Fernando J>resents an in-depth mew of the genesis of the i,dea of… |
Sequence 8So the character traits that we call virtues spring up spontaneously. We cannot teach this kind of morality to children of… |
Sequence 1OBSTACLE HUNTING: A "PRACTICAL" FOR TEACHERS by Nikki Hughes Ms. Hughes gives a li,ghthearted examinat:ion… |
Sequence 6Staff Development Montessorians should provide assistance to schools and districts in the effort to improve staff development… |
Sequence 2best conduct a collaborative project which would provide impartial involvement of both AMI and AMS. With the assistance of NAM… |
Sequence 3David Kahn, Executive Directm; NAMTA , wlw has su:pported CYUr work UJ disseminate research information UJ Montessori.ans and… |
Sequence 1PARENTS AS FIRST EDUCATORS IN THE 21ST CENTURY by Judi Orion Judi Orion s description of hame care of the infant-toddler for… |
Sequence 1FAMILY STAR: MONTESSORI IN COMMUNITY LIFE by Karin Salzmann The Denver Family Star Project i,s not just a school extension… |
Sequence 3Maria Montessori said, ''We have nothing to hope from the external world till the normalization of man is recognized… |
Sequence 5the facility by different personnel which always adds stress to any program. (Good teachers, especially Montessorians, do not… |
Sequence 1ALBER!' M. JOOSTEN - A BIOGRAPHY Albert M. Joosten was born in the Nether lands on November 21, 1914. His formal… |
Sequence 2Dr. Montessori lectured from 9 A.M. until 12 noon and 3 P.M. to 6 P.M. every day. Saturdays_ were ow· practical days, our… |
Sequence 4where he sees only the sky. This is the difference between Montessori and normal education. I don't think Montessori will… |
Sequence 8observations. There was a book that was prepared for her coming. At first I didn't know what she had written. At a… |
Sequence 1THE IDFA OF THE ERDKINDER by Gerry Leonard Today, more than ever before, there is a tremendous need for the Erdkinder. We… |
Sequence 1AN INTERvIEwWTIH TuoMAS BERRY In an interview with Gerry Leonard in November 1990, Thomas Berry discussed his views about the… |
Sequence 1MO~ORI AND THE BAHA'f FAITH* by Barbara Hacker The life and work of Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952), scientist and… |
Sequence 1ORDER IN CoNSCIOUSNFs.5 by Jim Roberts As a Montessori primary teacher, Jim Roberts had often observed deep joy in his… |
Sequence 2is part of the Milwaukee Public School system, and has been a Montessori school since 1983. The school has been recognized by… |
Sequence 1MAINTAINING VAWFS IN 1HE ScHOOL by Kathleen Futrell This tried and true formula for successfolly normalizing the child in the… |
Sequence 5These are latch-key children who go home and stay by themselves until a parent comes home in the evening. We have discovered… |
Sequence 1DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 1Tm: CHILD AND THE WORLD OF NATURE by Annecce Haines We hnve reached a critical time of our residence on earth. If we expect… |
Sequence 1ALL-DAY MONTESSORI: THE HUMAN CONCERN by Lilian Bryan Although Li/inn Bryan has self-described, old-fashioned beliefs about… |
Sequence 12References Bjorklund, D.F. ( l 989). Children's thinking: developmental function and individual differences. Pacific… |
Sequence 16invention, it also provides the holistic, integrated basis for clarifying complex tensions between human and natural systems.… |
Sequence 11(AMI), established by Dr. Montessori in 1929, provides the most com- prehensive approach to teacher training. Other training… |
Sequence 3Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 5Key Institutions • The following institutions are key to the development of the Montessori 2000 project. Montessori… |
Sequence 13Key Institutions • The following institutions are key to the development of the Montessori 2000 project. Montessori… |
Sequence 15Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 1APPENDIX I HERSHEY MONTESSORI ERDKINDER PROJECT A Preliminary Proposal by Michael Bagiackas Hershey Montessori School has… |
Sequence 1INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT OF A MONTESSORI OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT by Michael Bagiackas Toleration by earth's ecosystems to… |
Sequence 7Direct application of ideas conceived through observations and interpre- tation of the work of children is curriculum… |
Sequence 9Hershey staff applied con- scientious effort to attain its degree of unity. Most signi fi- cant was an approximately six-… |
Sequence 3ESTABLISHING A PERSONAL TEACHER IDENTITY by Rita Schaefer In this speech presented at the Baltimore conference (October, /… |
Sequence 1SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHER by Kay Baker Kay Baker's succinct speech (presented at the… |