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Displaying results 1701 - 1800 of 3837
Sequence 115kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intra personal. This unique conference will use the Gardner model of intelligences to expand… |
Sequence 116Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences Phoenix, Arizona February 29-March 2, 1996 Speakers to be announced. Montessori educators… |
Sequence 117chology, and materials of the primary classroom, including problem- solving, classroom management, and new ways of seeing the… |
Sequence 118CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Toddler, Primary, Elementary and Sec- ondary Teachers. Arizona Montessori Charter Schools and… |
Sequence 121care" one. Work with qualified and experienced Mon tessorians who prac- tice Montessori-all day. Applications are… |
Sequence 122Knoxville Montessori School is a small school of 45 students with a Primary Program of 30 students and an El- ementary… |
Sequence 123358-6188orcall for an application 703/ 358-6100. Arlington Public Schools, Personnel, 1426 N. Quincy Street, Ar- lington, VA… |
Sequence 130Montessori materials are never chosen at random - whether for the nido {birth to one year), infant community (age one to three… |
Sequence 44UJ'l0\11:\(, NAMTAC0,11RI:\l!S Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences Phoenix, Arizona February 29-March 2, 1996 Featuring… |
Sequence 45present an introspective experience in the philosophy. psychology, and ma- terials of the primary classroom, including… |
Sequence 46CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI Elementary and Primary teach- ing positions available. Please send resume and credentials to:… |
Sequence 47Colorado Scenic Boulder Colorado's Public Mon- tessori School is accepting applications thru March 31st from qualified… |
Sequence 48Established in 1961, Alcuin is a parent- owned, not-for-profit, state of Illinois recognized school located in a pictur-… |
Sequence 49The Montessori School of Northampton is looking for an experienced Director/ Directress to start up a 9-12 program over a… |
Sequence 50New Jersey AMI school established in 1965 seek- ing a Primary Guide for a new class. Come join our dedicated supportive… |
Sequence 52dergarten. Must have strong finan- cial and personnel management skills. Established in 1972; provides before and after… |
Sequence 53Elementary & Primary: Positions be- gin August 1, 1996. Undergraduate degree and two years of AM1 or AMS experience… |
Sequence 541971. lnterim (Jan.-Sept. '96) or longer. Education or related degree required 703 / 43 7-8285. Washington… |
Sequence 55established in 1974 and has 4 Casa classes (with Extended Day) and 1 Toddler class. We are a parent-run school, with an AMI… |
Sequence 59e Montesson· Institute OF MILWAUKEE, INC. 3195 S. Superior St.• Suite L 428 • Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-481-5050 • (Fax) 414-… |
Sequence 62MONTESSORI MATERIALS Montessori materials are never chosen at random, whether for the nido (Italian for "nest&… |
Sequence 51THE VERBAL/LINGUISTIC AND VISUAL/ SPATIAL INTELLIGENCES by Rita Schaefer Zener Dr. Zener aligns Gardner's verbal/… |
Sequence 145WHY NoT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Answering possible objections and citing his own personal experiences,… |
Sequence 155THE ELEMENTS OF SOCIAL LIFE AND THE MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT by Linda Davis Linda Davis traces the Montessori view of… |
Sequence 196p ARENTING FOR INDEPENDENCE by Mary G. Matthews In our Spring 1995 issue, we published an article by William Sears, MD,… |
Sequence 197tinely tells parents that there is no set number of years (italics added) to nurse (Sears, 1992, p. 120). To further… |
Sequence 203RESPONSE TO .11p ARENTING FOR INDEPENDENCE" by Anne McNamara Anne McNamara, who submitted the original William… |
Sequence 213and the role of AMI in counteracting dilution are all issues that could extend from this important chapter. Lillard's… |
Sequence 214THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 215birth to 3 years of age, the child from 3 to 6 years, the child from 6 to 12, concerns a much more detailed look at individual… |
Sequence 239MARIA MONTESSORI ANO PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION During the two decades between the first publication of The Montessori Method 18 (… |
Sequence 240John Dewey's American pedagogy and William Heard Kilpatrick's realization of this (Project-Method, 1918); Carleton… |
Sequence 250The NAMTA Board is a tightly woven working group with a collective understanding of how NAMTA interfaces with a variety of… |
Sequence 251February 7, 1996 Dear Fellow Montessorians, Our students, staff and parents at VIRGIN ISLANDS MONTESSORI SCHOOL, ST. THOMAS… |
Sequence 253A multicultural perspective for all elementary-aged students, the program is set at the time of the Roman Empire and centered… |
Sequence 255Specific approaches to independence and care of the classroom will be emphasized in a comprehensive view of preschool class… |
Sequence 256Participants will be expected to complete reading and writing assignments both in preparation for and during the course. John… |
Sequence 257the Latin presented in the Keepers of Alexandria grammar component. In the end, however, the goal of the course is to instill… |
Sequence 260CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI Elementary and Primary teach- ing positions available. Please send resume and credentials to:… |
Sequence 261Established in 1963, MMS now has 200 students from age 2 through 12. Our beautifulcampus is located directly on the San… |
Sequence 262portive parent body, AMI-trained ad- ministration and staff, competitive sal- ary and benefits. Please send resume and… |
Sequence 263faculty comes from diverse back- grounds and we strive to maintain a diverse student population. The school has a supportive… |
Sequence 264what TEAM really means! Our 5 acre school of thirteen years is just two miles from the Gulf beaches and na- ture parks.… |
Sequence 265Montessori School of Lake Forest has served the North Shore for 30 years. It is located near Lake Michigan in a lovely… |
Sequence 266program for the 1996-97 school year. The school is located on 22 beautiful acres, sections of which are forested. Thriving… |
Sequence 267the Berkshires, where opportunities for seasonal recreation abound. The Five College Consortium (Mount Holyoke, Smith… |
Sequence 268sibilities/ advancement. Mail hand- written cover letter, resume with ref- erences to: Maria Montessori Ctr., 32450 W. 13… |
Sequence 269Weare dedicated toA.M.I. Montessori and have maintained an excellent reputation in the area. We have alJ A.M.l. teachers. We… |
Sequence 270seasoned Montessori students. Candi- date must love and respect children and be able to provide a nurturing and happy… |
Sequence 271rural community near Chesapeake Bay. AMS or AMI certification re- quired. Experience required. Call Carol Frieden 804/693-… |
Sequence 272414/647-2767 or Carol Hicks at MacDowell Montessori 414/933-0088. Resumes and references may be sent to: Greenfield… |
Sequence 273Late Addition PROGRAM ASSIST ANT FOR MONTESSORI EDUCATION Loyola College in Maryland is seeking an individual to assist with… |
Sequence 277e Montesson· Institute OF MILWAUKEE, INC. 3195 S. Superior St.• Suite L 428 • Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-481-5050 • (Fax) 414-… |
Sequence 279MONTESSORI MATERIALS Montessori materials are never chosen at random, whether for the nido (Italian for "nest&… |
Sequence 48THE CASA OF SEVRES, FRANCE by Margot Waltuch Margot Waltuch's pictorial documentation and personal description of her… |
Sequence 68adult must become intellectually calm, she says, and thus open him- or herself up to the secrets of childhood. A comfortable,… |
Sequence 76NORTHWOODS MONTESSORI FULL-DAY PROGRAM by Laura Morris Laura Morris honestly describes the trial-and-error approach of the… |
Sequence 94MONTESSORI: A CARING PEDAGOGY by Elizabeth Hall In this Montessori manifesto of caring, Ms. Hall puts forward the impor-… |
Sequence 128REFLECTIONS FROM THE FARM by Patricia Ludick As a precursor to Erdkinder, 13-and 14-year-olds at Ruffing Montessori School… |
Sequence 162CLASSIFIEDS Alaska Juneau, Alaska: (vacancy # 97-01) Opening for a full-time Montessori aide in a multi-age environment (… |
Sequence 163puters; and excellent oral and written communication skills. Competitive salary and benefits. Letter and resume to B.… |
Sequence 164Full benefit package and salary com- mensurate with experience. Applicants should fax or send resume to: TURNING POINT… |
Sequence 165room. We also host an extended-day child/care/enrichment program. We are seeking ... an A.M.I. certified Upper Elementary… |
Sequence 166MONTESSORI INSTITUTE NORTIIWEST Six reasons to consider a career as a Montessori Teacher: • lnte~tionaUy recognized programs… |
Sequence 168Ohio. We will be starting our 3rd year with 45 students from age 2½ through 10. We will eventually grow to include8th grade… |
Sequence 169sive 8-week summer study program on meeting the needs of early adoles- cents; creating responsive learning en- vironments… |
Sequence 170England The South London Montessori School. Head Teacher Required. An AMI trained (age 3-12) Montessori Head Teacher… |
Sequence 171THE FUTURE OF MANKIND RESTS IN THE BEST EDUCATION OF TODAYS CHILDREN The Montessori Institute of San Diego announces the… |
Sequence 174MONTESSORI MATERIALS Montessori materials are never chosen at random, whether for the nido (Italian for "nest&… |
Sequence 11To DANCE WITH THE ADOLESCENT by Larry Schaefer Dr. Schaefer's vivid metaphor of the dance unites his vision of… |
Sequence 18EVALUATING EXPERIENCES IN ADOLESCENT PROGRAMS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Gebhardt-Seele asserts that the development of… |
Sequence 27UNIFYING THE URBAN CONTRIBUTION: MOVING TOWARD ERDKINDER by David Kahn This article suggests that the Erdkinder is a… |
Sequence 43REFERENCES Dewey, J. (1956). The school and society (Combined edition with The child and the curriculum). Chicago: U of… |
Sequence 44COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Carnillo Grazzini The first section of Mr.… |
Sequence 45misleading if it leads someone to believe that cosmic education also applies, or can apply, to other planes of development-… |
Sequence 55is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts;and,finally,… |
Sequence 60answers or ideological solutions to the problems facing humanity. Furthermore, on the personal level, Montessori had no reason… |
Sequence 154EVOLUTION AS PHILOSOPHY AND ACTION by Judith Cunningham-Scott Judith Cunningham-Scott's survey of the spiritual and… |
Sequence 163GROWING SCHOOLS FOR HUMAN GROWTH by Sharon Dubble Sharon Dubble' s philosophy of developing schools incorporates a… |
Sequence 188Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 209EMBRACING LEARNING DIVERSITY IN THE MONTESSORI SCHOOL by Donna Bryant Goertz Donna Bryant Goertz writes this passionate… |
Sequence 213medication for attention deficit disor- der or hyperactivity. It is our thinking that the pressure we Montessori guides put… |
Sequence 237inclusive community, not one that divides them in order to conquer, but one that unifies them in order to set them free. I… |
Sequence 241A TRIBUTE TO PATRICIA f AY HILSON It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Pat Hilson on July 25, 1996. Pat… |
Sequence 247opening this year. The conference emphasized implementation of quality Montessori in the public sector as magnet schools,… |
Sequence 248Meanwhile, Professor Marcel Capraru of the Casa Corpului Di- dactic (Turnu-Severin, Romania), with the assistance of the… |
Sequence 251CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI primary (3-6) and elementary (6-9) openings Sept. '97. Scenic Papago Park & Camelback… |
Sequence 252ence, excellent benefits. Please send re- sume and a hand written letter to: Jules Layman, Administrator, Marin Mon- tessori… |
Sequence 253forfulldayprograminaMontessorischool located in inner city Denver whose mis- sion is transformation through educa- tion.… |
Sequence 254Supportive administration as well as primary and lower elementary staff. Small class size, beautiful cam- pus setting,… |
Sequence 257Maryland Chesapeake Montessori School, An- napolis, MD, is seeking an AMI-trained Elementary teacher, beginning Fall 1997.… |
Sequence 259Michigan Primary & Elementary Teachers needed in September '97 for an Ex- tended Day and 6-9 classroom. Class… |
Sequence 260New Jersey, 28 Conrow Rd., Delran, NJ 08075, 609/461-2121. New York 33 year established growing schools seeking a trained 0… |
Sequence 261Ohio Join our staff of professionals as we enter our 26th year of excellence in Montessori education. Our school is located… |
Sequence 263Infant/Toddler Community, 13 months to3 years; Primary, 3 to 6 years; Lower Elementary, 6 to 9 years. School year from… |
Sequence 264(6-12) teacher for the 97 /98 school year. Located in the Portland, OR metropolitan area, the school has easy access to the… |
Sequence 265Phoenix Montessori School is accept- ing applications for Primary, Elemen- tary and Erdkinder Guides. Our school has… |
Sequence 266free housing, health insurance, bo- nus, R/T tickets, vacation and sick leave. Year round opening. Any inter- ested party is… |