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Displaying results 1901 - 2000 of 3837
Sequence 172THE ERDKINDER STORY: IN THE BEGINNING by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker and David Kahn This informal paper summarizes the recent work… |
Sequence 173story, is clearly touched by the Montessori ideas-whether they have ever heard ofMaria"Montessori or not, whether or… |
Sequence 230STORY UPON STORY by Kathleen Allen Kathleen Allen demonstrates what it means to be a II storyteller of the truth."… |
Sequence 259NAMTANEWS MULTI-THEME CONFERENCES ATTRACT Gooo ATTENDANCE Nearly 160 attended Discovering the Child's True Nature, NAMT… |
Sequence 260Pedagogy for the Planet: From Childhood to Adolescence (Baltimore, November 5-8) linked the adolescent quest for Erdkinder to… |
Sequence 262by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker and David Kahn in this Journal issue). He reported on the project to the AMI Pedagogical Committee in… |
Sequence 264CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Good Earth Montessori Charter School is looking for an AMI trained elementary teacher for the 1999-… |
Sequence 265ence in a Montessori school. Our new Program Manager will hold an AMI diploma, a B.A., and have five years teaching… |
Sequence 267Montessori programs. We are lo- cated in the small city ofEmeryville on the east side of San Francisco Bay. Interested… |
Sequence 268(Donna)/831-455-1546 (Adrii) 8:00 AM-3:00 PM. MONTESSORI CHILDREN'S HOUSE, a well-established San Francisco preschool… |
Sequence 269The Montessori Institute of San Diego offers AMI Primary Teacher Training Program September to June English and Spanish… |
Sequence 270loyola college in maryland Master's of Education (M.Ed.) In Montessori E'4lcatlon Incorporating AMI Teacher… |
Sequence 271at your earliest convenience: 935 San Andres, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, phone: 805-966-7701, fax: 805-966-9612, e-mail:… |
Sequence 272Montessori Discovery School seeks an AMS / AMI trained el- ementary teacher to accept tp.e chal- lenges of guiding an… |
Sequence 274proactive attitude in the areas of fundraising and marketing; and demonstrated leadership in Board relations and fiscal… |
Sequence 277as well as personal and profes- sional leave constitutes a competi- tive benefits package. If you are interested in a teach… |
Sequence 278Ohio Montessori Training Institute at Computer Associates International Inc., Long Island NY • AMI Primary Training ( ages… |
Sequence 280e Montessori Institute OF MILWAUKEE, INC. 3195 S. Superior St. • Suite L 428 • Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-481-5050 • Fax 414-… |
Sequence 281http:/ / Please send cover letter and resume to: MSGL Search Committee, PO Box 2311, West Lafayette, IN 47996… |
Sequence 282VMS is also accepting resumes for an Educational Director. The position entails directing a pri- mary class in the mornings… |
Sequence 284school and the positions offered. We invite your telephone, written, or email inquiry at: Mark Fish, Executive Director… |
Sequence 285teacher to start a new class. In ad- dition, we are looking for an AMI certified primary and/ or elemen- tary teacher and a… |
Sequence 286Ontario. Send resume to Rosa Piccirillo, 300 Chesterton Road, Rochester, New York 14626 or call (716) 227-4830 or home (716… |
Sequence 287around the school, eventually en- compassing infancy to Erdkinder. Immediate need for a primary teacher. Contact: Anna Marie… |
Sequence 288located on a gracious eight-acre campus in Dallas, Texas. We'd like to know more about you if: this advertisement… |
Sequence 289Virginia Teach in one of the best loca- tions in the country! We are look- ing for dynamic, energetic, Montessori-certified… |
Sequence 29023507, 757-622-8174 or e-mail: Washington Established non-profit Mon- tessori school seeks… |
Sequence 291bonus offered. Currently have 8 classrooms taught by AMI-certi- fied teachers and are ready to ex- pand to meet the growing… |
Sequence 292Heartland Community School, River Falls, WI is seeking AMI- trained applicants at all levels for school serving children 2… |
Sequence 293Tel:310-542-4097. E-mail: Canada Having developed a curriculum of richness and depth by… |
Sequence 294Soon-to-be master degreed teacher, experienced with: organic farming, wetlands ecological res- toration, community building… |
Sequence 300MONTESSORI MATERIALS In Montessori schools the environment is the principal teacher. every piece of material carefully chosen… |
Sequence 25DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 2) by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro presents an intellectual view… |
Sequence 89COSMOS, HISTORY, AND THE HUMAN SPIRIT by Gerard Leonard A rare weave of classroom examples, literary allusions, and… |
Sequence 110Tire Earthworm. Haughley, Suffolk: The Soil Association, n.d. Fil kin, David. Stephen Hawking's Universe. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 128The human is a great collaborator. And nature welcomes a gentle intervention. The trees' wounds will heal, and the maple… |
Sequence 180CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Good Earth Montessori Char- ter School is looking for an AMI trained elementary teacher for the 1999-… |
Sequence 181Orange County, CA: AMI/ AMS Directress and an as- sistant. We are currently accepting ap- plications for Montessori… |
Sequence 182come the benchmark of quality education in Marin County and is highly regarded by Montessorians throughout the world. We… |
Sequence 184If interested, please send or fax resume and handwritten cover let- ter to: Paula Biwer, Administrator, PO Box 736, 5200… |
Sequence 185mensurate with education and experience. Interested candidates should send resumes/ references to: Montessori Children… |
Sequence 186the west side of San Francisco Bay, south of San Francisco. Contact Christinia Cheung or Patricia Gwin by telephone and/ or… |
Sequence 187Become a Montessori Teacher • preschool level (ages 3-6) • bachelor's degree required • master's program available… |
Sequence 188loyola college in maryland Master's of Education (M.Ed.) In Montessort Education lncol1JC)latlng AMI TeacherTrakmg… |
Sequence 189Colorado Scenic Boulder, Colorado's Pub- lic Montessori School is continu- ing to expand and is seeking dedicated… |
Sequence 190The Montessori Institute of San Diego offers AMI Primary Teacher Training Program September to June English and Spanish… |
Sequence 191ebrates its 15th anniversary with plans to expand enrollment to 220 students ( ages 15 mos. to 14). Open- ings for… |
Sequence 192ated, Alcuin offers competitive salary and benefits, well-equipped classrooms and a supportive par- ent comm unity.… |
Sequence 193miles south of Hinsdale. Montessori certified teachers needed at the 3-6 and 6-9 levels of our growing, Teacher-run school… |
Sequence 194community. Situated on 4 acres, just outside Washington D.C. our Montessori designed facility offers a unique environment… |
Sequence 195Montessori School of West Tisbury, on Martha's Vineyard (MA) has a position for either teacher. We are a small school… |
Sequence 196(508) 655-7333, FAX (508) 655- 3867. The Montessori School Of Northampton, of Northampton, MA is looking for an… |
Sequence 197sium. Salary negotiable based on education and experience. Please call or write: Susan Cavanaugh Hyatt, Administrator,… |
Sequence 198available at Primary, 6-9 and 9-12 and Junior levels. Please send to M. Rice, THE CORNERSTONE SCHOOL, 146 High Street,… |
Sequence 199Lake Erie and are about 30 miles from Cleveland. We invite qualified candidates to contact Deborah Bricker at ( 440) 357-… |
Sequence 200Please visit our website atwww. ~ems. Send resume, three references and cover letter to: Corvallis Montessori… |
Sequence 201e Montessori Institute OF MILWAUKEE, INC. 3195 S. Superior St. • Suite L 428 • Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-481-5050 • Fax 414-… |
Sequence 2021999. CMS is an established AMI recognized school, founded in 1981, and now serves over 100 children with toddler, primary… |
Sequence 203should be motivated to work with a diverse, mostly low income group of families, and also be excited about the challenges… |
Sequence 204taurants, beautiful parks, major universities and a renowned medi- cal center. Cost of living is rela- tively low. The Post… |
Sequence 206from 2½-14 years of age. Richmond is located in Central Virginia and an easy drive to the Eastern Shore and Blue Ridge… |
Sequence 207sume or contact: Suzanne Pugin, Ghent Montessori School, 610 Mowbray Arch, Norfolk, VA 23507, 757-622-8174 or e-mail: gms@… |
Sequence 208SPOKANE, WASHINGTON- NOW HIRING FOR SEPTEMBER 1999! Need qualified Montessori certified elementary teacher. Com- petitive… |
Sequence 2097150. Applications can be re- ceived by contacting: Department of Human Resources School Administration Building Room 124… |
Sequence 210VILLE-MARIE MONTESSORI SCHOOL in Montreal, Canada is seeking creative and dedicated AMI primary and elementary teachers for… |
Sequence 211Needs to be mature, well edu- cated, AMI qualified 3-6 & 6-12, with leadership experience. The school employs two… |
Sequence 213RECOMMENDED MONTESSORI MATERIALS SUPPLIERS: ln Montessori schools !he environment is !he principal teacher, and the adult the… |
Sequence 82SINGING by Jean K. Miller Dr. Miller's article combines curriculum breadth and philosophical context with a series of… |
Sequence 127ART FROM THE UNIVERSE STORY: NEW MEANING FOR THE CHILD by John Fowler An ardent devotee of Brian Swimme, Mr. Fowler… |
Sequence 143NAMTANEWS ADOLESCENT RETREAT Is F1LL1NC Ur As of June 21, more than fifty participants had registered to attend NAMTA'… |
Sequence 147CLASSIFIEDS Alaska Island Montessori School in Ju- neau, AK, is looking for an AMI cer- tified primaryguideforthc 1999-2000… |
Sequence 148out the world. MMS is housed in a uniquely beautiful facility set on the shore of San Francisco Bay. It serves two hundred… |
Sequence 149sion plan, professional development fees, tuition discounts & more.Nelda Nutter (805-683-9383, 805-683-9384 fax,… |
Sequence 150Christinia Cheung, Executive Director Pacific Rim International School 454 Peninsula A venue San Mateo, CA 94401 (650) 685… |
Sequence 151Street, Cortez, CO 81321 or phone Fred Blackburn at (970) 565-4747. Connecticut Hall Neighborhood House, a rec- ognized… |
Sequence 152and an Assistant to Infancy. The school is AMI Recognized with a very supportive staff consisting of 2 lnfant Communities, 2… |
Sequence 153expanding. We are seeking an AMI primary-trained directress to start a third class. The ideal candidate would have at least… |
Sequence 155CMA; Post Office Box 14, LaFox, IL 60147 e-mail: Phone: (630) 542-1589. Chicago Suburb. AMI recognized… |
Sequence 157Allentown Rd., Temple Hills, MD, 20748; phone, (301)449-4442; fax (301) 449-6695; e-mail, The Julia… |
Sequence 158maturity, a must. Our Teacher / Director has 25 years Montessori teaching experience and values true Montessorians. Send… |
Sequence 159We are two hours from Minneapo- lis/St. Paul or the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness! Experience with preschool or… |
Sequence 160loyola college in maryland was in ton Master's of Education (M.Ed.) In Montesson EalC:allon lncorpoialtlag AMI… |
Sequence 161This is a new school that expects expansion through age 12. We would like an enthusiastic, independent, self-motivated indi… |
Sequence 162Wooster, a progressive rural com- munity of approx. 26,000 is the county seat of Wayne County, approx.105,000. The beautiful… |
Sequence 163school is committed to maintaining beautiful, fully equipped classrooms. The building is architecturally strik- ing and was… |
Sequence 164Orcas Island Teacher/ Director Orcas Montessori School seeks a talented head teacher/ director with at least three years… |
Sequence 165Tortola, B.V.I. Apply by e-mail to Mrs. Patricia Morgan, Principal at or by fax to 1-284-495-9802… |
Sequence 166dergone extensive renovations and expansion. Our staff is solidly entrenched in the school. Most of them have been at… |
Sequence 169RECOMMENDED MONTESSORI MATERIALS SUPPLIERS: In Montessori schools the environment is the principal teacher, and the adult the… |
Sequence 10THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A CENTURY CONCEPT by Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall walks readers through early Montessori history, from… |
Sequence 22FOREWORD TO THE SECRET OF CHILDHOOD by Margaret E. Stephenson Margaret Stephenson's classic introduction to the root… |
Sequence 36THE CASA DEI BAMBINI: p ATHS TO CULTURE by Annette Haines Jn an attempt to reunify science, geography, history, music, and… |
Sequence 42participation within shared organizational forms. So unlike the old way, where each subject was treated as a separate entity… |
Sequence 54Montessori, Mario. The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education. Amsterdam: Association Montessori lnternationale, 1966.… |
Sequence 56THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A PERSONAL PILGRIMAGE by Marianne Moore Marianne Moore's eloquent characterization of the… |
Sequence 61essence of Montessori, who in a variety of ways contributed to make Montessori a dynamic force in education here and around… |
Sequence 62cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 63Some of you may remember those early days of WM! when the course and office were at 3000 Connecticut Avenue,opposite the Zoo… |
Sequence 64something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |