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Displaying results 2001 - 2100 of 3837
Sequence 66When we began the course, we were given a corridor in the dormitory of the high school as our place. We had no secretary, so… |
Sequence 69MONTESSORI TO ROMANIA: PROJECT UPDATE by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Zener' s continuing dedication to Romania has brought… |
Sequence 72Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 73Aida Cretu, new AMI diploma holder, and Mihaela Fulga, Inspector for the region's five hundred kindergartens and also a… |
Sequence 74Romanian Montessori Association to celebrate the 90th birthday of its founder, Dr. Ilie Sule-Firu. Dr. Sule-Firu was an ardent… |
Sequence 75Marcel, the Romanian professor who got Children of the World interested in doing Montessori in Romania, was and still is… |
Sequence 76Graduation, Summer, 1999. Seated at the left: Anca Stanisoara, Director of the Alternative Pedagogical Association; Martha… |
Sequence 80opportunity to see what sort of work level the children were achieving in the Montessori class. In the Montessori class,… |
Sequence 81Children of the World, Judy Maloney and Martha McDermott, both of the U.S. There was no easy way to take care of them.… |
Sequence 84THE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL: PREPARATION FOR WRITING AND READING by Sylvia 0. Richardson Dr. Richardson brings together her… |
Sequence 106NURTURING THE RESPECTFUL COMMUNITY THROUGH PRACTICAL LIFE by Joen Bettmann Joen Bettmann 's depiction of Practical Life… |
Sequence 124THE CHILD AND THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT by Molly O'Shaughnessy Molly O'Shaughnessy has written a definitive article… |
Sequence 136sympathy, pity, admiration or love-then we wish for knowledge about the object of our emotional response. Once found, it has… |
Sequence 222MONTESSORI AND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: A CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE by Annette Haines A survey of constructivism and… |
Sequence 232Another idea that has been missed is the idea of freedom within limits. If we do not provide freedom within the limits of a… |
Sequence 251CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Good Earth Montessori Charter School is looking for an AMI trained elementary teacher for the 2000-… |
Sequence 252in large part on the cooperative ef- forts of an experienced and corn mit- ted faculty and board. Position requirements: A… |
Sequence 254will haveexperiencew / conflictreso- lution & class meetings, thrive on collaboration & autonomy, team- work… |
Sequence 255AMI school seeking a 6-9 Elemen- tary Directress for the Fall of 2000 in Tampa, Florida. Call Roberta at 813- 354-9511.… |
Sequence 256The modern, spacious facilities in- clude over 12,000 square feet of class- room environments in eight rooms as well as a… |
Sequence 257and a very low turn over of staff. Most teachers have been with our school for over 15 years, some much longer. We are a non… |
Sequence 258established in 1966, 22 beautiful acres of developed outdoor class- room for exploration and discovery. Centrallocation… |
Sequence 259Contact us today to learn more about preparing for a career as a Montessori teacher. Graduate Admissions Office, Loyola… |
Sequence 260Springfield Pub I ic Schools 59 Howard Street Springfield, MA 01105 413-787-7747 or 413-750-2059 The Eliot Montessori… |
Sequence 261Traverse City, MI 49684. FAX: 231- 929-9384; e-mail: traversemonte Minnesota Lake Country School is seeking an… |
Sequence 2628 Elementary Training (for 6-12 years) BeginningJune 2000 Ending August 2002 Presented by The Texas Montessori Education… |
Sequence 263We are seeking to fill this position as quickly as we can and offer com- petitive salary and benefits as well as the support… |
Sequence 264Nienhuis and hand made materials. Attractive salary, fringe benefits. Located on Long Island, less than 1 hour from Times… |
Sequence 265mary,Lower/UpperElementaryand Middle School. The school year sala- ries range from $22,000-$29 ,000 with opportunity for… |
Sequence 268motivated Primary directress to help build a strong, community-oriented environment. All applicants wel- come. Please call… |
Sequence 269CMS is an AMI recognized school, founded in 1981, and serves over 100 children with toddler, primary, and lower elementary… |
Sequence 270Virginia The Fredericksburg Montessori School, located in historic down- town Fredericksburg, Virginia, is seekjng an… |
Sequence 271Ron Ackerman, Head of School, (email) Christine McDonald, Director of Studies, (email) cmcdonald@… |
Sequence 273serves 3-6 year olds, with morning and afternoon classes. The island is proud of our school and it shows through the support… |
Sequence 274being accepted for the 2000-2001 school year for all levels, primary, lower elementary, upper elementary and adolescent (3… |
Sequence 275400 students in a mid-size commu- nity, just 2 hours from Toronto, Canada. Salaries are competitive with private schools in… |
Sequence 276renovatedAMischoolwith400stu- dents ranging in age from 18 months to 14 years. Send resume or queries to: Pat McLaughlin,… |
Sequence 65DEVELOPING A POSITIVE VISION FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL by Sharon L. Dubble Dr. Dubble features one of the pivotal methodologies… |
Sequence 79THE GENIUS OF MONTESSORI HISTORY by Larry Schaefer This keynote will focus on two things: Maria Montessori and her pedagogy… |
Sequence 96[Interview with Donald Brownlee]. [Minneapolis] Star Tribune February 5, 2000. Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in… |
Sequence 99EMERGING ADOLESCENCE: FINDING ONE'S PLACE IN THE COSMOS by Patricia Schaefer Our society tends to view a child emerging… |
Sequence 117ENCOUNTERING POSITIVE VISION ON THE THIRD PLANE by Larry Schaefer Youth is, after all, just a moment, but it is the moment,… |
Sequence 128REVIEW OF THE GREAT WoRK BY THOMAS BERRY by Gerard Leonard Thomas Berry's latest book, The Great Work, is a very… |
Sequence 214Presenters at the Innovation within Limits Seminar E. Thomas Casey, registered architect, came to the Taliesin Fellowship in… |
Sequence 222The first meeting of the Educateurs sans Frontieres, in the summer of 1999, looked at Montessori principles and practices that… |
Sequence 242CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Montessorilnt. School seeks AMI directresses/ directors for primary and infant/ toddler program. Please… |
Sequence 244ideallocationwithamoderateMedi- terranean climate. Our future el- ementary guide should have excellentinterpersonalandcommu… |
Sequence 245on the east side of San Francisco Bay (north of Oakland and south of Ber- keley). Our second campus is in San Mateo,… |
Sequence 246Salinas, CA 93908 Phone: 831-455-1546 Fax: 831-455-9628 WeareseekingaPrimaryTeacher starting summer… |
Sequence 247petitive salaries along with paid health and retirement benefits. Please send resume to: Compass Montessori School, 10399 W… |
Sequence 248Litchfield Country School, founded in 1972, is accepting appli- cations for qualified Montessori teachers (AMI or AMS) at… |
Sequence 2492000/01 school year. Beautiful grounds,gardens,andfarmanimals. Contact/fax Polly Nelson at 813- 831-4378. Montessori… |
Sequence 251Georgia Decatur Montessori School is look- ing for an AMI teachertoheadanew primary classroom. Decatur is a small, family… |
Sequence 252School is a small school of two (2) rooms each with 28 children, 3 to 6' s and each with a full time aid. We are a non-… |
Sequence 253resume to: Sophia McCarthy, Ad- ministrator, Alta Vista Montessori School, 1850 W. Winchester Road, Libertyville, IL 60048;… |
Sequence 254looking forcertified3-6and 6-9 teach- ers. Our newly constructed school has eight classrooms with the maxi- mum class size… |
Sequence 255Accelerator Laboratory. Wearecur- rently looking for Montessori trained teachers who share our commitment and vision to add… |
Sequence 257Contact us today to INm more about preparing for I carNr •• a Montessori teacher. Graduate Admissions Office, Loyola College… |
Sequence 258Elementary Montessori Teacher for Fall 2000-2001. Needed for 9-12 yr. class. School established 1966, 22 acres of developed… |
Sequence 259tact GordonMaas by telephone (978- 465-0065), E-mail (Mogomaas@, or facsimile (978-465- 0119), or mail to 2 Perry… |
Sequence 260and enthusiasm about leading an exceptional community-based school, please send a letter, resume, and three references to:… |
Sequence 261Persons involved in teacher train- ing are also invited to contact Prairie Hill for infonna tion regarding spon- sorship… |
Sequence 26236 year established growing schools seeking a trained 0-3 teacher to start a new class. In addition, we are looking for AMI… |
Sequence 264Ohio Montessori Training lnsfiMe Now ACCEPTltG APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2000-2001 ACADEMIC YEARI • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 265a Children's House (3-6) and an Ele- mentary (9-12) classroom. Located in a small historic city between Cleve- land and… |
Sequence 266web pages: franciscanmontessori. or Pennsylvania New Horizons Montessori School of Ft.… |
Sequence 267Montessori education to a diverse group of mostly low income families in a beautifully remodeled facility that is owned and… |
Sequence 268Charlottesville, VA. Seeking ex- perienced 3-6 Primary teachers. Full time with opportunity to assume Curriculum Director… |
Sequence 269Please send/fax or e-mail your resumeto: Skinner Montessori School 400EastEvergreenBoulevard#112 Vancouver, WA 98660 1-800… |
Sequence 270Montessori curriculum and peda- gogy. The district strongly supports Montessori education. All class- rooms have a full… |
Sequence 271ative and dedicated AMI primary and elementary teachers for the 2000- 2001 school year. Ville-Marie Montessori School,… |
Sequence 272England Montessori Elementary Directress Wanted in North London, England. We are an established AMI Montessori school in… |
Sequence 273rience a plus. Montessori training preferred. Please send resume and cover letter to: Jeff Pettit, c/ o VI Montessori, 6936… |
Sequence 4ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I NAMTA is grateful to Renilde Montessori an1 the Association Montessori Internationale for permissio•n to… |
Sequence 7Montessori Institute of Milwaukee. Miss Stephenson now lives in England, where she is an AMI lecturer, examiner, and trainer… |
Sequence 58COSMIC EDUCATION by Margaret E. Stephenson Cosmic Education is, in a way, what we have been leading up to all these days,… |
Sequence 90NOTES ON THE MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT by Margaret E. Stephenson I think we have encountered some gems already, which will help… |
Sequence 96THE ADOLESCENT AND THE FUTURE by Margaret E. Stephenson I have read just recently in a London newspaper the obituary of… |
Sequence 122stressed that education for adolescents should address the fact that this is the time when the child matures and becomes a… |
Sequence 126NAMTA publications, and became well-known at NAMTA confer- ences. Amy Gedgaudas, who has provided editorial and administra-… |
Sequence 127development, showing us what happens with the fullest realization of human formation and development," said Mr. Kahn… |
Sequence 131CLASSIFIEDS Alabama Well-established (32 years) Montessori school in Birmingham, AL. Facilities are well-equipped &… |
Sequence 132erative, non-profit Montessori school located in the beautiful San Fran- cisco Bay Area. For fourteen years we have run a… |
Sequence 133administrative experience, prefer- ably in a Montessori environment. We are looking for a dynamic, vi- sionary leader who is… |
Sequence 134(north ofOakland and south ofBer- keley). Our second campus is in San Mateo,onthewestsideofSanFran- - cisco Bay, south of… |
Sequence 135Phone: 831-455-1546 Fax: 831-455-9628 Preschool Kindergarten Teacher: Montessori School of Linda Mar has… |
Sequence 136Our school was established in 1995 and has grown to be an asset to the surrounding community. With overwhelming support and… |
Sequence 137mail to 9126 W. Bowles Ave., Littleton, CO 80123. Join a terrific team! Job opportunity in Telluride, CO. Small school… |
Sequence 138Contact us today to learn more about preparing for a career as a Montessori teacher. Graduate Admissions Office, Loyola… |
Sequence 139Teachers in Connecticut are the highest paid teachers in the United States with excellent benefits. Qualified Applicants… |
Sequence 140New Gate's mission is "to inspire academic excellence; to nurture cu- riosity, creativity, and imagination;… |
Sequence 141parent, and one Montessori educa- tor at a time. Weare presently search- ing for an extraordinary elementary guide who wants… |
Sequence 142Illinois Primary and Elementary Montessori Teachers Needed The Joliet Illinois Montessori School, 35 miles south of Chicago… |
Sequence 1439-12 class and a very low turn over of staff. Most teachers have been with our school for over 15 years, some much longer.… |
Sequence 144Montessori Children's House, Anne T. Riley, Administrator, 5004 Randonstone Lane, Bowie, MD 20715. Email: ARileyMCH@… |
Sequence 145243 Essex Street Beverly, MA 01915 Fax: 978-922-0594 Thacher Montessori School, Milton, MA… |
Sequence 146AJexander Rice Esty, is listed on the Na tionaJRegistry of Historic Places. Reminiscent of the early Montessori "… |
Sequence 147portant is the ability to interact with parents, students, and the commu- nity. Weoffercompetitivesalaryand benefits. Please… |