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Displaying results 2201 - 2300 of 3837
Sequence 228were put in strollers to go for walks. The rooms contained lots of plastic toys. The only mixed age groups were the… |
Sequence 232what their child has received until they have moved into the elemen- tary school arena and they see the results in their… |
Sequence 236CLASSIFIEDS Arkansas Walnut Farm Montessori School is seeking an AMI 6 to 9 teacher for the 2002-2003 school year ( or… |
Sequence 237five Primary, three Lower Elemen- tary, one Upper Elementary and one Middle School. MIR is actively seeking AMI trained… |
Sequence 238Lake Tahoe's recreational area. We have fully equipped classrooms, in several different campuses through- out Northern… |
Sequence 240Florida The Montessori Children's School of Key West is seeking ener- getic Montessori trained teachers to join their… |
Sequence 242Contact: Gail Pruitt Borden 3340 Chestnut Drive Atlanta, GA 30340 Phone: 770-457-7261 Or email… |
Sequence 243Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level (ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JUNE 2002! ♦ Convenient three-… |
Sequence 2442002. Located in historic Newnan, GA (45 min. southwest of Atlanta), we are on a path of slow growth from 3 primaries and 1… |
Sequence 245324 N. Oak Park Ave. Oak Park, IL 60302 708-366-1882 Fax 708-386-1892 email Maryland Chesapeake… |
Sequence 247The world is their Offering the Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree combined with an AMI diploma. Primary Course (ages 3---6… |
Sequence 248gree/Masterspreferredandmustbe OCCS qualified as director 1 or di- rector 2. School administration ex- perience minimum 2-3… |
Sequence 250Joyful in Boston Opening for one Primary (3-6) and one expansion Elementary Montes- sori teacher in Boston area. Follow… |
Sequence 251nesota River, about 30 miles from Minneapolis. A beautiful, expansive additiontoourbuildingwillbecom- pleted by fall of 2002… |
Sequence 252tion; aquatic learning center with lap & wading pool in the Islandia, NY location. Each classroom is a beautiful… |
Sequence 254of Independent Schools and has been a member of American Montessori Society since 1989. We offer a very competitive sal-… |
Sequence 255Contact us today to learn about the M.Ed. in Montessori Education offered in collaboration with off-site AMI training centers… |
Sequence 256teacher to begin anew lower elemen- tary classroom. MSHR is in the heart of Cleveland's "Little Italy"… |
Sequence 257Locatedminutesfromdowntown Cleveland, this small center is part of the Creative Playrooms family of schools. We offer… |
Sequence 258Paula Fein Chair, Director Search Committee Greene Towne School 2121 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Fax:215-563-4016… |
Sequence 259The Post Oak School in Houston, Texas is accepting applications for AMI trained teachers at all levels for the 2002-2003… |
Sequence 260,--------------------------- - --- ---- of ll0children. Currently our school has one toddler class, three primary and one… |
Sequence 261Applications are being accepted for the 2002-03 school year for all levels including, exceptional educa- tion resource… |
Sequence 262Email: naturec@naturesclass Australia Montessori Teacher Wanted- The Beehive Montessori School 9-12 position… |
Sequence 264Why not train in beautiful Bavaria, near the German Alps? e Montessori Elementary Teacher Training for ages 6-12 years, a… |
Sequence 18THE Goo Wtto HAs No HANDS-PART I by Peter Gebhardt-Seele The "cosmic tale" of God Who Has No Hands is put… |
Sequence 36The Lord is in charge; He is the All-Mighty. That is understood as to say, He acts in nature, the particles obey Him, He does… |
Sequence 38Goo WHo HAs No HANDS by Mario M. Montessori Sometimes referred to as the "Story of the Universe," "… |
Sequence 48Goo's CosMic PLAN AND THE WORK OF THE CHILD by Carol Cannon Dittberner Integrating the broad vision of cosmic education… |
Sequence 120CIVILITY AND CITIZENSHIP: THE ROOTS OF COMMUNITY CONNECTION by Patricia Ludick This article weaves into the adolescent… |
Sequence 150the Children's House, let them first know a friendly world, which they can love, admire, and feel at one with. Where they… |
Sequence 214NAMTANEWS N AMT A INTRODUCES NEW MEDIA PRODUCT For the first time NAMT A will provide schools with a professional… |
Sequence 215planes of education experiencing the most growth, such as ages 0-3, 12-15, and 15-18. • Overview of university level research… |
Sequence 217CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI Certified Teacher Needed Cave Creek Montessori is now accepting applications for a part- time or… |
Sequence 220ary and benefits, a beautiful, well- equipped environment, and a won- derful community of teachers, staff, and families who… |
Sequence 221The world is their Offering the Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree combined with an AMI diploma. Primary Course (ages 3--6… |
Sequence 222ary commensurate with experience and education, benefits offered. The Renaissance School Leslie Hites, Head of School 3668… |
Sequence 224Haven. We are excited about our new amazing campus and need teachers for all levels for the 2002- 2003 school year.… |
Sequence 226... Come To The Beautiful, Pacific Northwest For MONTESSORI TEACHER TRAINING AMI Primary Certification MACTE Accredited… |
Sequence 227This is a wonderful opportunity to work with experienced, support- ive staff and administration in an intimate school… |
Sequence 229Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2002-2003 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 230Children's House Montessori School, Rockport, Maine Ma land The Children's House Montessori School is located on… |
Sequence 231creativity for all families. Competi- tive salary and excellent benefits. Send resume and inquiries to: Ann Byrne, Chief… |
Sequence 232salary fortopcredentials, ten-month contract, four weeks vacation. Excel- lent benefits including health/ den- tal/ 403(b… |
Sequence 233Fax: 856-461-6835 E-mail: New York Our corporate on-site child devel- opment centers provide a Montes-… |
Sequence 234OUI school is entering its 24th year with a total enrollment of 185. We have 2 primary classes, 3 classes of 6-9 yearolds,… |
Sequence 235competitive salaries, full individual health coverage and 403(b) retire- mentcontribution. Interested candidates should send… |
Sequence 236available for the 2002-2003 school year-1 Toddler and 1 Primary. We are accepting applications from guides/ teachers with… |
Sequence 238Contact us today to learn about the M.Ed. in Montessori Education offered in collaboration with off-site AMI training centers… |
Sequence 11ALIGNING CLASSROOM PRACTICE WITH TRUE MONTESSORI ESSENTIALS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Peter Gebhardt-Seele presents his… |
Sequence 25How SENSITIVELY TIMED ARE SENSITIVE PERIODS? by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Schaefer Zener's theory base for sensitive… |
Sequence 61THE WHOLE ELEMENTARY EXPERIENCE: AGES Six To TWELVE by Kay M. Baker Kay Baker delves into the theory of self-construction,… |
Sequence 75care about the development of the child. In a lecture given in 1939 in London, Dr. Montessori said: The child is not only the… |
Sequence 80our hours were changed. This time we had a dismissal time of 3:00 p.m. to ensure that our dismissal did not interfere with the… |
Sequence 81standards. We discuss each standard in relation to how it helps support the development of the child. I pull information from… |
Sequence 83When I was considering splitting the class into two classes, I also ran into the issue of what materials would need to be… |
Sequence 89ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION by Greg MacDonald Looking at the Montessori perspective including the psychological charac-… |
Sequence 126• feeling of usefulness and an understanding of one's "many sided powers of adaptation" (Montessori,… |
Sequence 129BRINGING THE MONTESSORI THREE-YEAR MULTI-AGE GROUP TO THE ADOLESCENT by David Kahn Speaking from direct experience at The… |
Sequence 224Results of the study will be released at the Adolescent National Retreat taking place in Cleveland July 28-August 1, 2003, as… |
Sequence 226the one hand and grassroots training on the other. Due to the generous sponsorship and leadership of Mrs. Orcillia Oppenheimer… |
Sequence 228CLASSIFIEDS Alaska BeautifulJuneau-Alaska'scapi- tal city-is looking to hire a full-time adolescent teacher for 2003-… |
Sequence 229ementary Directress/ or. Marin Montessori School, located on the San Francisco Bay in beautiful Marin County, California,… |
Sequence 230Montessori in Red lands, an AMI school, located at the foot of the San Bernardino Mountains, 70 miles east of Los Angeles,… |
Sequence 231tain Shadows is currently seeking an AMI trained Primary teacher for an established class beginning fall, 2003. Established… |
Sequence 232The Atlanta Montessori Community is proud to announce the AMI Primary Teacher Training Course e 3-summers format 2003-2005… |
Sequence 233Florida The Center for Education Montessori School in Bradenton, Florida is searching for an Elemen- tary II teacher to… |
Sequence 234The world is their c Offering the Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree combined with an AMI diploma. Primary Course (ages 3-6… |
Sequence 235Established A.M.I. School in the Emory University area of Atlanta is seeking a Primary teacher and a Toddler Teacher for… |
Sequence 236Decatur Montessori School is looking for an AMI elementary directress to start a lower elementary class. Since 1993, we have… |
Sequence 237Tom Downey, Administrative Director @ Telephone: 208-726-9060 Fax 208-726-9060 Pioneer Montessori School P.O. Box 1809… |
Sequence 2383531 Somerset Drive Prairie Village, KS 66208 Or call: 913-649-6160 E-mail: Maryland Summer with… |
Sequence 239Patuxent Montessori School is gov- erned by a Board of Directors, which iscomposedoftheAdministration/ Elementary Di.redress… |
Sequence 240Massachusetts Elementary Position The Vineyard Montessori School is accepting resumes from AMI/ AMS (6-9 yr.) teachers for… |
Sequence 241Come To Tlie Beauti.f uJ Pacific Nortl,west For e AMI Teacher Training Now Enrolling Two Primary Courses Summer Course… |
Sequence 242school has seven fully-equipped classrooms and an outdoor garden and is fully enrolled and growing with an excellent AMS and… |
Sequence 247weekend duties, comm unity meet- ings, outdoor activities, etc.). Ap- plicants should enjoy working with young adolescents… |
Sequence 248AMI Elementary Directress. With a toddler class, five primary classes, three lower elementary classes, two upper elementary… |
Sequence 249equipped/beautiful classrooms, Diverse staff/student population, comprehensive benefits and com- petitivesalary.… |
Sequence 250THE MONTESSORI INSTITUTE OF SAN DIEGO 7467 Draper Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037 Tel: 858 454-3748; Fax: 858 454-3672 E-mail:… |
Sequence 251Seeking an experienced Montessori educator with proven leadership skills for our well-estab- lished school with 126… |
Sequence 253Early Childhood Educators Computer Associates Our corporate, on-site child development centers provide a :Montessori… |
Sequence 255In Cooperation with Loyola College in Maryland NAMTA presents: A Montessori Orientation to Adolescent Studies (Ages 12-15… |
Sequence 258• develop opportunities for independent and collaborative work and study within adolescent programs • maintain a photographic… |
Sequence 259Speakers A Community of Program Speakers The following speakers represent a core of AMI practitioners and organizers who… |
Sequence 260Linda Davis is a freelance Montessori adolescent specialist who assists Montessori schools in their adolescent program… |
Sequence 261economics from the Technical University of Munich and a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Erlangen-Nurenberg.… |
Sequence 7A MONTESSORI LIFE AS A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY-PART 1 by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro speaks of how Montessori… |
Sequence 8Let me explain, very briefly, how I entered the Montessori world and how this experience changed deeply my personal and profes… |
Sequence 23NURTURING THE SPIRIT OF THE TEACHER by Mary Ra udonis Loew Taking a philosophical look at the motivational underpinnings of a… |
Sequence 55WORK by Annette M. Haines Dr. Haines touches on the work of adaptation of the infant, the work of the "psycho-… |
Sequence 89environment. He is self-directed, self-disciplined, and ready for the larger world. But he is not alone. We look to the entire… |
Sequence 140As for our schools' cosmic task, the State of Texas has given us permission to open up to six charter schools. Our big… |
Sequence 175NAMTA NEWS NORMALIZATION/FLOW STUDY PREPARES DATA FOR RELEASE NAMTA will hold its presses until October, 2003, for the last… |
Sequence 178CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Pleasant, flexible, reliable and experienced AMI Montessori teacher ages 2-7. Attractive salary,… |
Sequence 179a growing school that is located in the beautiful Ozark Mountains in Northwest Arkansas. We would consider sponsoring a… |
Sequence 180environment,a love for children and excellent communication and man- agement skills. Preschool offers high level of parent… |