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Displaying results 3601 - 3700 of 3837
Sequence 11out content of faith (sic) requires the interpretation of specialists, a gulf' may arise be- tween the specialist (… |
Sequence 21AMI/USA: Form Follows Function by Sanford Jones Mr. Jones describes his direcrions and achievemenrs for his first year as… |
Sequence 2218 Sanford Jones services. An expanded program of continuing education for teachers is being set in place, as well as the… |
Sequence 23making Montessori more widely-known by the larger academic community and the public at large. The Legislation Committee is… |
Sequence 25Towards AMI Summer Training in America by David Kahn With the reorganization of AMI in America, and the expansion of its… |
Sequence 2622 Montessori training models which permit more immediate career gratification and financial compensation for graduating… |
Sequence 27Response: Furthermore, supplemental staff could be in residence in the summer cutting down on airfares for imported lecturers… |
Sequence 28Status quo position: (unspoken) Summer training programs may put year-round alter- natives out of business. We should want to… |
Sequence 50NAMTA & AMI-USA Present The First Annual National Montessori Summer Institute July 25-July 30. 1982 Helen, Georgia… |
Sequence 51FIRST ANNUAL SUMMER INSTITUTE Unicoi State Park, Helen, Georgia July 25-30, 1982 PROGRAM Administrators: This week will be… |
Sequence 52r-----------------------------------~ FIRST ANNUAL SUMMF.R INSTITUTE REGISTRATION FORM Name t\J.,in.·,, I dc.•phtlll\.… |
Sequence 57Personals POSITIONS A VA I LA BLE 3-6 Dircciress needed for expanding AM I \Chool. College. suburban community near… |
Sequence 5854 Well cstabli,hcd school d1rcc1cd by AM I trarncd 1cacher is seeking Momc,.sori Guide~. AM I 1rni11ed. ror chiklrcn or 1he… |
Sequence 59POSITIONS AVAILABLE Head teacher needed for a first year class. Re- sponsible for extended day class in afternoons. School… |
Sequence 6056 N.A.M.T.A. News: MONTESSORI IN THE HEART OF TEXAS Thanks to Linda Reed for her giving of a wonderful and successful event… |
Sequence 61Spokane, Washington -NAMTA October 8 & 9 Contact: Jacquie Maughan P.O. Box 3952 WORKSHOPS 1982-83 San Diego,… |
Sequence 3PSYCHOLOGY, SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT AND MONTESSORI volume eight number one Editorial Report: Reflections on Learning by… |
Sequence 51Reorganization of AMI: Administrators Meet at Unicoi by John K. Long "Let us not be limited by patterns of the past… |
Sequence 52issues dominated the discussions: first, the evolving AMUUSA power structure; second, AMI finances; third, AMI responsiveness… |
Sequence 5316,000 children. The average school has 62 children; fewer than 20 schools are twice that size. Yet the NAMT A/ AMI mailing… |
Sequence 55Personals: Positions Available Trained AMI ELEMENTARY teacher for 6-9 class needed for 1983-84. Our Montessori depart• ment… |
Sequence 5652 Needed for 83-84: AMI Elementary Teacher for a newly-formed school in St. Paul, Minnesota. Com- petitive salaries.… |
Sequence 57Schools For Sole Well-established. certified school in sou1hwes1ern NY state. Full enrollment and excellent growth po·… |
Sequence 6662 Announcements: NAMTA Regional Workshops Winter and Spring 1983 The Child's Nature: Inside and Out San Diego,… |
Sequence 67Schedule of Events for 1983. (Other Workshops) February 12: AMI/USA Regional Workshop - New York City, N.Y. Contact: Ravi… |
Sequence 6864 NAMTA - AMI-USA present THE REGIONAL WORKSHOP "The Child in Society" Milwaukee . ......... Savannah… |
Sequence 3228 I find that the triangle theme can translate rather easily into math, language, and the cultural subjects of geography,… |
Sequence 43"Eighth Grade Graduation, 1983" by Sarah Pearce and Margaret Nowak Brown Sarah Pearce and Margaret Nowak… |
Sequence 7066 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE NEW ENGLAND Scituate, Massachuse11s: Elementary teacher needed Sept. 1983 10 reach a… |
Sequence 71SOUTHEAST NEEDED FALL 1983: One AMI Primary and one Junior teacher. Start own class in stable. viable school in Winston-… |
Sequence 7268 THE CHARLOTTE MONTESSORI SCHOOL in Charlotte. N.C. is seeking a Primary level teacher. Begin August 15. I 983. Would… |
Sequence 73PRIMARY - We need a primary AMI directress for our excellent Montessori school. This growing school currently serves 78… |
Sequence 7470 Excellent opportunity available for Primary Mon• tessori Directress with established school in Uni- versity town. Respond… |
Sequence 75Bilingual ISpanish-Englishl Montessori teacher sought for preschool and day care center at Keene, California. Contact Ann… |
Sequence 7672 TEACHERS AVAILABLE 31 year old man w/background in Business Admin- istration looking for sponsor for training in Bergamo… |
Sequence 78Announcements: Montessori Elementary Geography Workshop sponsored by AMIIEAA Workshop Leader- Fahmida Malik June 19-24,… |
Sequence 15I The Computer in the Montessori Class by Dr. Peter G. Gebhardt-Seele The following is an absrract from a detailed… |
Sequence 35Editorial: The Philosopher Trainer: Endangered Species By David Kahn There is a continuing sense of loss - the deaths of… |
Sequence 36eliminates family, career and income from being a matter of concern and reduces the number of trainer inquiries because of the… |
Sequence 37There seems to be a paralysis. We are tied to patterns which are exlusionary in nature and therefore choking out the potential… |
Sequence 41Announcement: Texas Montessori Institute Assistants to Infancy Training in affiliation with the Association Montessori… |
Sequence 4238 I he ap11hca111 must prO\ 1dc transcnpt, of college record,. two recent photograph,. and a completed apphca uon form An… |
Sequence 4440 Mornings: Course of Study (9:00-12:00) I ht> nmne srruc·turr t\ cle.s1,:11ed m mu.umr::.e deprh und .,horm1t w,rh u… |
Sequence 45Afternoons (1;30-3:00) Something Light Monda): Crearfrr H ritinR in thr f'rimory Clas.Jro1,m introduce<; nt.… |
Sequence 47~AMTA - AMI/USA Summer lnslilule Schedule - Jui) 1983 - lrvinf?, Texas "tl'"\O,\\ 1 ?.a \tO,nA \ 1… |
Sequence 49Personals: POSITIONS A VA I LA BLE AM I teacher needed September 1983 for well- established pre-primary clas,, of 30… |
Sequence 5046 Opcn111g for J-<i Mon1c,<,0n teacher at Whitby School. Take over an C\Ulbh,hcd cla;_, of 25 child· ren with… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI CROSSCURRENTS PART I CARL ROGERS SPEAKS TO MONTESSORIANS The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of… |
Sequence 29The catechesis of the Good Shepherd in North America had grown from a tiny mus- tard seed so small that you could blow it away… |
Sequence 33"Life is a Series of Rebirths" by David Kahn The 1983 Summer Institute One did not know what to expect at… |
Sequence 34the leadership of Barbara Gordon - quiet, persuasive, and able to bring a community of teachers and parents together in a… |
Sequence 35Ko,·ach. Hi/dick, Sullivan workshop parricipanls. pointed between the workshops were NAMTA media events reminding participants… |
Sequence 38"Do you believe in God?" Part way through my stylized and defensive response. she in- terrupted. For I.he… |
Sequence 45Montessori Elementary Teacher Training Study Project by David Kahn Enclosed is a brief outline of a new national project for… |
Sequence 46model to meet the objective conditions required for the continuation and expansion of Montessori elementary training. Such… |
Sequence 47II I I I I I ( 1 ment brochures, pre-college recruitment, post graduate recruitment, etc.). D. Inter-Training Center… |
Sequence 51THE THTRD ANNUAL SUMMER INSTITUTE Presented by: AMI/USA (Association Montessori lnternationale) and NAMTA (North American… |
Sequence 56school cla,scs. Suppom,c. cxrerienccd AM I st.1ff & adn11111,trution. Well equipped: exccllcn1 hhrary: prore"… |
Sequence 33Dramatic Experiences for Children by Sanford Jones With the adroitness of a folk arrist. Mr. Jones relates how he nurtures… |
Sequence 47Contact: Paula Polk Lillard Organizing Chairman 121 East Sheridan Place lake Bluff. Illinois 60044 Telephone: 1 I 2-295-… |
Sequence 50Personals: POSITIONS A I AILABLL Montes<;0r, School of Greater Lafaycuc, n 12 year old parcni run school for 21/1 6… |
Sequence 51AMI Elementary and Pre-primary teaching posi- tions available. Live in beautiful sunny Arizona. Great Year round climate.… |
Sequence 60NAMTA NEWS NAMTA LAUNCHES NEW CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE FOR FALL 1984 As a service LO teachers and parents, the NAMT A Board… |
Sequence 6today run some successful nurseries, but their methods are generally rigid and out of sync with modern theories on creativity… |
Sequence 8"master teachers" in the Montessori profession will be called into administration of their schools. This… |
Sequence 9to observe and evaluate the emotional, academic and physical needs of a child. " This teacher is stating clearly what… |
Sequence 10the United States which does require a degree. This disparity between ways of training teachers has not been a crucial issue… |
Sequence 11Montessori elementary teachers and for more accessible training. This proposal develops goals, schedules and curriculum for a… |
Sequence 127. Summer training allows for the Director of Training to engage in expanded activities for the school year as well as follow-… |
Sequence 13not waste time. This summer AMI and NAMTA hold their Third Annual Summer Institute. The guts of our study will be completed… |
Sequence 14Summary of Teachers' Survey (Interpretations and Recommendations) by David Kahn Preface Report Summary School… |
Sequence 15cases) one-half hour with another third of the cases as long as 45 minutes. Chil- dren are grouped by 80-95% of the teachers… |
Sequence 175 . Methodology for the application of math skills, memorization of math facts, mental math and standards which are related to… |
Sequence 193. Literature and creative writing should be included in Montessori training, perhaps better integrated with grammar. 4 . A… |
Sequence 216. Teachers' certification; list special certification validation, such as L.D., reading, guidance, etc.: No. o/o… |
Sequence 3330. My training provided the necessary content and background for the cultural subjects. 31. My training included the… |
Sequence 34inexperienced teachers don't walk into a new classroom helpless. Better yet, why doesn't the course manufac- ture… |
Sequence 35would have been valuable. The issue of accountability was not addressed fully. Teachers in our position need to be aware of… |
Sequence 36Summary of Administrators' Survey (Interpretations and Recommendations) 2.1 Tuitions and Salaries Median tuitions for… |
Sequence 37eighties, Montessori enrollment trends may suffer as people look for "conven- tional" alternatives or less… |
Sequence 3834 plied that their graduates were not successful. However, only three of the 45 schools who responded to this question did a… |
Sequence 418. Average life span in your school of directress: No. of Years No. of Schools o/o I 2 4% 2 7 15% 3 12 26% 4 9 20… |
Sequence 42Questions 13, 14, 15. Dollars invested by schools for sponsorship: Under 2,000 Raw Count: I Percentage: 2,001-4,000 9… |
Sequence 43Two of our teachers were (experienced) Bergamo trained; the Amsterdam trained one had 16 years' experience team-teaching… |
Sequence 44He is incompetent. He has no skill in classroom management. He is not at all sensitive to the individual child. He has to read… |
Sequence 45system. AMS weakness - same as AMI. Also, scattered knowledge and little understanding about scope and sequence. Weakness 3 -… |
Sequence 49Comments on question #I 9: Usually chonological age corresponds with readiness, but we have moved from a more chronological… |
Sequence 50support system among administrators support system among teachers (peer counseling) summer teacher workshops parent… |
Sequence 53A Study of College/University Accredited Montessori Teacher Training Programs by Mary Maher Boehnlein Ph.D., Introduction… |
Sequence 54both public and private Montessori schools in the United States. Montessori administrators and boards of trustees are aware… |
Sequence 55Methods All Montessori elementary teacher training programs affiliated with the Association Montessori Internationale and the… |
Sequence 59It appears from this study that Montessori elementary training can be structured so that students can obtain both the… |
Sequence 61Academic Standards Meet Exceed Traditional I. 2. 3. x AMI Standards recognized as more stringent x AMI Standards… |
Sequence 63University of Maine University of Northern Colorado Villanova (PAl undergraduate, indep. study graduate undergraduate I… |
Sequence 65Montessori Elementary Teacher Training Study Project Cleveland Report on Training Centers by Peter Gebhardt Seele Intro The… |
Sequence 71Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Opportunity for one elementary and one primary directress for Fall, 1984. Established school… |
Sequence 72San Anselmo Montessori School, PO Box 707, San Anselmo, CA 94960. (415) 457-3428. Primary Directress needed for full day… |
Sequence 59NAMTA News Summer Institute - Splendor in the Grass The NAMTA/AMI-USA Summer Institute was a smashing event housed by the… |