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Displaying results 201 - 300 of 586
Sequence 168Ohio. We will be starting our 3rd year with 45 students from age 2½ through 10. We will eventually grow to include8th grade… |
Sequence 169sive 8-week summer study program on meeting the needs of early adoles- cents; creating responsive learning en- vironments… |
Sequence 252ence, excellent benefits. Please send re- sume and a hand written letter to: Jules Layman, Administrator, Marin Mon- tessori… |
Sequence 254Supportive administration as well as primary and lower elementary staff. Small class size, beautiful cam- pus setting,… |
Sequence 257Maryland Chesapeake Montessori School, An- napolis, MD, is seeking an AMI-trained Elementary teacher, beginning Fall 1997.… |
Sequence 262We are purchasing 5 acres of property with creeks, trees and a lovely view and will soon start designing our own facility.… |
Sequence 263Infant/Toddler Community, 13 months to3 years; Primary, 3 to 6 years; Lower Elementary, 6 to 9 years. School year from… |
Sequence 265Phoenix Montessori School is accept- ing applications for Primary, Elemen- tary and Erdkinder Guides. Our school has… |
Sequence 210Marin Montessori School in Corte Madera, is seeking one AMI primary guide for September, 1997. One of our founding members,… |
Sequence 213Montessori School, 2997 Main Street, Duluth, GA 30136 or call Dianne Farrelly, 770-476-9307. Illinois Teacher Position… |
Sequence 215the mission of the School is to invest in effective and committed Montessori teachers in order to ensure academic excellence… |
Sequence 219If you are interested in this profes- sional opportunity, the Montessori School of Raleigh invites you to find out more… |
Sequence 224Virginia RICHMOND-New program is seek- ing an AMI or AMS certified primary teacher. This position can begin as part time or… |
Sequence 227The American Montessori Society congratulates the winners of the AMS 1996 Awards for Best Master's Thesis and Best… |
Sequence 343school (in the home of Alexander Graham Bell) without her direct management, and that it was due to this "proprietary… |
Sequence 354CLASSIFIEDS Alabama SEEKING ADMINISTRATOR to grow with our 32 yr. old AMS not-for-profit school. Toddler, preprimary,… |
Sequence 355Director/ Administrator. The Santa Cruz Montessori School is seeking an experienced Director/ Administrator. Founded in… |
Sequence 358to: Gena Engelfried, Academic Director, Montessori in Redlands; 1890 Orange A venue; Redlands, CA 92374 (909) 793-6989.… |
Sequence 360ents in understanding their child's development. Qualifications include: a master teacher with Montessori certifi-… |
Sequence 362NE 11th Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Fax # (954) 768-8117. Montessori Country Day School seeks AMI teacher for established… |
Sequence 363tive salary and benefits, well- equipped classrooms and a sup- portive parent community. Montessori certified director, ac… |
Sequence 364settings and is currently enrolled in the Elementary training course would be preferred. Competitive salary and benefits.… |
Sequence 365ten located in Northwest Michi- gan. The School was established in 1978 and operates as an inde- pendent non-profit… |
Sequence 366which continue to provide new materials, etc., for the classrooms each year. The salary is competi- tive and fringe benefits… |
Sequence 368Greenville Montessori School Greenville, NC, private, non~ profit, established in 1981, is seek- ing AMI teacher to start… |
Sequence 268(Donna)/831-455-1546 (Adrii) 8:00 AM-3:00 PM. MONTESSORI CHILDREN'S HOUSE, a well-established San Francisco preschool… |
Sequence 271at your earliest convenience: 935 San Andres, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, phone: 805-966-7701, fax: 805-966-9612, e-mail:… |
Sequence 272Montessori Discovery School seeks an AMS / AMI trained el- ementary teacher to accept tp.e chal- lenges of guiding an… |
Sequence 274proactive attitude in the areas of fundraising and marketing; and demonstrated leadership in Board relations and fiscal… |
Sequence 277as well as personal and profes- sional leave constitutes a competi- tive benefits package. If you are interested in a teach… |
Sequence 279Please forward a letter of inter- est and a resume to AGBMS; 2020 East Camp McDonald Road; Mount Prospect, IL 60056, or fax… |
Sequence 281http:/ / Please send cover letter and resume to: MSGL Search Committee, PO Box 2311, West Lafayette, IN 47996… |
Sequence 282VMS is also accepting resumes for an Educational Director. The position entails directing a pri- mary class in the mornings… |
Sequence 284school and the positions offered. We invite your telephone, written, or email inquiry at: Mark Fish, Executive Director… |
Sequence 286Ontario. Send resume to Rosa Piccirillo, 300 Chesterton Road, Rochester, New York 14626 or call (716) 227-4830 or home (716… |
Sequence 288located on a gracious eight-acre campus in Dallas, Texas. We'd like to know more about you if: this advertisement… |
Sequence 29023507, 757-622-8174 or e-mail: Washington Established non-profit Mon- tessori school seeks… |
Sequence 291bonus offered. Currently have 8 classrooms taught by AMI-certi- fied teachers and are ready to ex- pand to meet the growing… |
Sequence 180CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Good Earth Montessori Char- ter School is looking for an AMI trained elementary teacher for the 1999-… |
Sequence 184If interested, please send or fax resume and handwritten cover let- ter to: Paula Biwer, Administrator, PO Box 736, 5200… |
Sequence 189Colorado Scenic Boulder, Colorado's Pub- lic Montessori School is continu- ing to expand and is seeking dedicated… |
Sequence 191ebrates its 15th anniversary with plans to expand enrollment to 220 students ( ages 15 mos. to 14). Open- ings for… |
Sequence 193miles south of Hinsdale. Montessori certified teachers needed at the 3-6 and 6-9 levels of our growing, Teacher-run school… |
Sequence 195Montessori School of West Tisbury, on Martha's Vineyard (MA) has a position for either teacher. We are a small school… |
Sequence 200Please visit our website atwww. ~ems. Send resume, three references and cover letter to: Corvallis Montessori… |
Sequence 206from 2½-14 years of age. Richmond is located in Central Virginia and an easy drive to the Eastern Shore and Blue Ridge… |
Sequence 208SPOKANE, WASHINGTON- NOW HIRING FOR SEPTEMBER 1999! Need qualified Montessori certified elementary teacher. Com- petitive… |
Sequence 2097150. Applications can be re- ceived by contacting: Department of Human Resources School Administration Building Room 124… |
Sequence 143NAMTANEWS ADOLESCENT RETREAT Is F1LL1NC Ur As of June 21, more than fifty participants had registered to attend NAMTA'… |
Sequence 148out the world. MMS is housed in a uniquely beautiful facility set on the shore of San Francisco Bay. It serves two hundred… |
Sequence 149sion plan, professional development fees, tuition discounts & more.Nelda Nutter (805-683-9383, 805-683-9384 fax,… |
Sequence 153expanding. We are seeking an AMI primary-trained directress to start a third class. The ideal candidate would have at least… |
Sequence 159We are two hours from Minneapo- lis/St. Paul or the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness! Experience with preschool or… |
Sequence 164Orcas Island Teacher/ Director Orcas Montessori School seeks a talented head teacher/ director with at least three years… |
Sequence 61essence of Montessori, who in a variety of ways contributed to make Montessori a dynamic force in education here and around… |
Sequence 62cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 84THE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL: PREPARATION FOR WRITING AND READING by Sylvia 0. Richardson Dr. Richardson brings together her… |
Sequence 236METANOIA FOR MONTESSORIANS by Gary Looper Gary Looper's response to the whole-school development process sug- gested by… |
Sequence 252in large part on the cooperative ef- forts of an experienced and corn mit- ted faculty and board. Position requirements: A… |
Sequence 253children of all socioeconomic back- grounds in bilingual environments. Resume to Deborah Sullivan, 2246 Federal Blvd.,… |
Sequence 254will haveexperiencew / conflictreso- lution & class meetings, thrive on collaboration & autonomy, team- work… |
Sequence 255AMI school seeking a 6-9 Elemen- tary Directress for the Fall of 2000 in Tampa, Florida. Call Roberta at 813- 354-9511.… |
Sequence 257and a very low turn over of staff. Most teachers have been with our school for over 15 years, some much longer. We are a non… |
Sequence 258established in 1966, 22 beautiful acres of developed outdoor class- room for exploration and discovery. Centrallocation… |
Sequence 263We are seeking to fill this position as quickly as we can and offer com- petitive salary and benefits as well as the support… |
Sequence 264Nienhuis and hand made materials. Attractive salary, fringe benefits. Located on Long Island, less than 1 hour from Times… |
Sequence 265mary,Lower/UpperElementaryand Middle School. The school year sala- ries range from $22,000-$29 ,000 with opportunity for… |
Sequence 270Virginia The Fredericksburg Montessori School, located in historic down- town Fredericksburg, Virginia, is seekjng an… |
Sequence 271Ron Ackerman, Head of School, (email) Christine McDonald, Director of Studies, (email) cmcdonald@… |
Sequence 274being accepted for the 2000-2001 school year for all levels, primary, lower elementary, upper elementary and adolescent (3… |
Sequence 246Salinas, CA 93908 Phone: 831-455-1546 Fax: 831-455-9628 WeareseekingaPrimaryTeacher starting summer… |
Sequence 247petitive salaries along with paid health and retirement benefits. Please send resume to: Compass Montessori School, 10399 W… |
Sequence 248Litchfield Country School, founded in 1972, is accepting appli- cations for qualified Montessori teachers (AMI or AMS) at… |
Sequence 2492000/01 school year. Beautiful grounds,gardens,andfarmanimals. Contact/fax Polly Nelson at 813- 831-4378. Montessori… |
Sequence 251Georgia Decatur Montessori School is look- ing for an AMI teachertoheadanew primary classroom. Decatur is a small, family… |
Sequence 253resume to: Sophia McCarthy, Ad- ministrator, Alta Vista Montessori School, 1850 W. Winchester Road, Libertyville, IL 60048;… |
Sequence 254looking forcertified3-6and 6-9 teach- ers. Our newly constructed school has eight classrooms with the maxi- mum class size… |
Sequence 258Elementary Montessori Teacher for Fall 2000-2001. Needed for 9-12 yr. class. School established 1966, 22 acres of developed… |
Sequence 261Persons involved in teacher train- ing are also invited to contact Prairie Hill for infonna tion regarding spon- sorship… |
Sequence 265a Children's House (3-6) and an Ele- mentary (9-12) classroom. Located in a small historic city between Cleve- land and… |
Sequence 266web pages: franciscanmontessori. or Pennsylvania New Horizons Montessori School of Ft.… |
Sequence 267Montessori education to a diverse group of mostly low income families in a beautifully remodeled facility that is owned and… |
Sequence 270Montessori curriculum and peda- gogy. The district strongly supports Montessori education. All class- rooms have a full… |
Sequence 127development, showing us what happens with the fullest realization of human formation and development," said Mr. Kahn… |
Sequence 135Phone: 831-455-1546 Fax: 831-455-9628 Preschool Kindergarten Teacher: Montessori School of Linda Mar has… |
Sequence 136Our school was established in 1995 and has grown to be an asset to the surrounding community. With overwhelming support and… |
Sequence 137mail to 9126 W. Bowles Ave., Littleton, CO 80123. Join a terrific team! Job opportunity in Telluride, CO. Small school… |
Sequence 139Teachers in Connecticut are the highest paid teachers in the United States with excellent benefits. Qualified Applicants… |
Sequence 140New Gate's mission is "to inspire academic excellence; to nurture cu- riosity, creativity, and imagination;… |
Sequence 1439-12 class and a very low turn over of staff. Most teachers have been with our school for over 15 years, some much longer.… |
Sequence 144Montessori Children's House, Anne T. Riley, Administrator, 5004 Randonstone Lane, Bowie, MD 20715. Email: ARileyMCH@… |
Sequence 145243 Essex Street Beverly, MA 01915 Fax: 978-922-0594 Thacher Montessori School, Milton, MA… |
Sequence 146AJexander Rice Esty, is listed on the Na tionaJRegistry of Historic Places. Reminiscent of the early Montessori "… |
Sequence 151Ohio, just a short commute from Cleveland and beautiful Lake Erie. Currentlyweofferprograrnsforchil- dren from 18 months - 6… |
Sequence 153Founded in 1993, Salem Mon- tessori School is looking for certi- fied/ in-training teachers for our 2-6 yr. old programs who… |
Sequence 212CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Mesa Public Schools seek teach- ers with Montessori credentials (AMI or AMS), ages 6-12. Salary range… |
Sequence 214Valley Inn & Spa, 905 Country Club Road, Ojai, CA 93023. Tel: 805-646- 5511. Montessori Leaming Center Est. 1973… |
Sequence 21580302. 303-447-5407, Fax 303-444- 7479. Corne to the Rocky Mountains Denison Montessori Elementary (Magnet School) in the… |
Sequence 221We are located on the far north- west side of Chicago, nestled in a corporate office park and conve- niently located near… |
Sequence 222assistance and support for continu- ing education. We are ready to hire immediatelyorwecanwaituntil fall of 2001.… |