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Displaying results 501 - 586 of 586
Sequence 127121 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds Oregon The Montessori School of Bea- verton (MSB) is a nationally recog- nized AMI… |
Sequence 41the Dallas public schools to open a private school and are currently continuing to train teachers. And Terry is standing in… |
Sequence 4646 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 46 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 One of our most… |
Sequence 33Miller, Belcher-Badal • The Return to Scientific Pedagogy 33 THE RETURN TO SCIENTIFIC PEDAGOGY: EMBRACING OUR ROOTS AND… |
Sequence 42Announcements and Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE: AMl trained Primary and Junior teachers needed for Sept. L976. Located in… |
Sequence 71Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Experienced Bergamo trained teacher with good references needed for new ERD· KINDER SCHULE… |
Sequence 59Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Applications are being accepted for AMS trained Junior (ages 6-12) Teacher and Teacher… |
Sequence 60The Thacher Montessori School, 1041 Blue Hill Ave., Milton, MA 02186 has an opening available in September for an Ele-… |
Sequence 61MONTESSORI CHILDREN HOUSE OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS seeks a teacher for growing primary class. Pleasant Ozark town; near… |
Sequence 62through elem. school. Located outside of Princeton. Will hire soon to begin preparing environment. School also needs two… |
Sequence 78Omares1 Dr. Columbia. SC 29210 Elementary teacher before August I. Ten year old. year-round school for potentially-gifted.… |
Sequence 63You can live near the school in historic area or 15 min away on a beautiful beach. Easy access to fas· cinating low-country… |
Sequence 64choosing 10 sacrifice so their children may have Montessori. A strong primary program provides 6- 9 year old class with well… |
Sequence 80GROWTH.COMMON LAW ASSOCIATES is looking for some libertarian Montessori trained people 10 help set up and operate a… |
Sequence 81Massasoit Montessori School needs AMI trained directress Sept. '79. Morning class of 20 children ages 21/1·6. Salary neg… |
Sequence 58Mon1cssori House of Children is a high quali1y, well-developed, well-budge1ed 4 yr old program. Enrolled children are 2½-7… |
Sequence 59Near Nonh Moncessori School. 1010 W. Chicago Ave .. Chicago. IL has positions available for Fall '79: AMI director/ess… |
Sequence 61Exp. elementary Montessori teacher position available in Arvada. Colo. Denver suburb. School is situated on JO-acre ranch in… |
Sequence 62Teaching pos1t1on available for Sept. '79 at Greene Towne School, 2013 Appletree St., Phila- delphia, PA 19103 an AMI… |
Sequence 63Full time Montessori directress with BA, AMI or AMS beginning fall 79. Double sessions, benefits, salary open. Send resume to… |
Sequence 5652 Openings Sept. '80 for one AMI trained primary and one AMI-trained Junior teacher. Both positions offer opponunity… |
Sequence 3632 1st and 2nd level Monles.wri teachers needed for Fall '80 to work in Mpl. area. (2 positions available in each… |
Sequence 50I"'---------------------------------~- Announcement: 1981 NAMTA Workshop February 6, 7 at Vancouver, 8.C.… |
Sequence 13• A recent School Board decision authorized admission of THREE YEAR OLDS beginning SEPTEMBER, 1981!!! • The majority of… |
Sequence 51Response has been so great in our preschool classes (2 Vi-6). that we are expanding to the ele• mentary level. We have an AMI… |
Sequence 5248 AMI Primary Direc1or/ess for school in N.W. CT 1981-82. Near N.Y.C. & Boston. Comac1 Ani1a O. Torizzo. Montessori… |
Sequence 5450 Direc1resslor needed, Fall 1981. for school in iis second year al Faye11eville. Nonh Carolina. less 1han 2 hrs. from… |
Sequence 128 above that are tangible and personal to the individual as well as intangible to the movement or field in general. Am I a… |
Sequence 6864 Personals: P0S1710NS AVAILABLE AMI Junior Elementary Teacher needed for Fall I 981. Salary negotiable. Small, well-… |
Sequence 69MONTESSORI IN SOUTH AFRICA MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL has a vacancy for an AMI dircc1or/ess from Sept '8 I. Fully equipped… |
Sequence 7268 Renew While You Remember ... Instructions For Individual Membership Form Please read and follow these instructions so… |
Sequence 7268 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE AM I Mon1essori teacher needed Sept. 82 for pre• primary class ages 2½ 10 6. Full day;… |
Sequence 51Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE AMS or AMI elementary trained teacher for 6-9 class in Scranton. PA. School in 7th year… |
Sequence 5248 WESTMINISTER MARYLAND MONTES SOR I seeking experienced primary !3·61 dircc1ress/ or 10 begin Sep1. '82. BA Degree… |
Sequence 5450 EDWARDS MO TESSORI SCHOOL. bilingual education. ,eeking AMI ELEMENTARY TEACHER FOR THE FALL. This AMI 4 class• room… |
Sequence 57Personals POSITIONS A VA I LA BLE 3-6 Dircciress needed for expanding AM I \Chool. College. suburban community near… |
Sequence 59POSITIONS AVAILABLE Head teacher needed for a first year class. Re- sponsible for extended day class in afternoons. School… |
Sequence 5652 Needed for 83-84: AMI Elementary Teacher for a newly-formed school in St. Paul, Minnesota. Com- petitive salaries.… |
Sequence 7066 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE NEW ENGLAND Scituate, Massachuse11s: Elementary teacher needed Sept. 1983 10 reach a… |
Sequence 71SOUTHEAST NEEDED FALL 1983: One AMI Primary and one Junior teacher. Start own class in stable. viable school in Winston-… |
Sequence 7268 THE CHARLOTTE MONTESSORI SCHOOL in Charlotte. N.C. is seeking a Primary level teacher. Begin August 15. I 983. Would… |
Sequence 73PRIMARY - We need a primary AMI directress for our excellent Montessori school. This growing school currently serves 78… |
Sequence 7672 TEACHERS AVAILABLE 31 year old man w/background in Business Admin- istration looking for sponsor for training in Bergamo… |
Sequence 29The catechesis of the Good Shepherd in North America had grown from a tiny mus- tard seed so small that you could blow it away… |
Sequence 47II I I I I I ( 1 ment brochures, pre-college recruitment, post graduate recruitment, etc.). D. Inter-Training Center… |
Sequence 50Personals: POSITIONS A I AILABLL Montes<;0r, School of Greater Lafaycuc, n 12 year old parcni run school for 21/1 6… |
Sequence 43Two of our teachers were (experienced) Bergamo trained; the Amsterdam trained one had 16 years' experience team-teaching… |
Sequence 44He is incompetent. He has no skill in classroom management. He is not at all sensitive to the individual child. He has to read… |
Sequence 45system. AMS weakness - same as AMI. Also, scattered knowledge and little understanding about scope and sequence. Weakness 3 -… |
Sequence 53A Study of College/University Accredited Montessori Teacher Training Programs by Mary Maher Boehnlein Ph.D., Introduction… |
Sequence 55Methods All Montessori elementary teacher training programs affiliated with the Association Montessori Internationale and the… |
Sequence 56Undergraduate credit, however was possible only if the student was currently enrolled at a university or college and actively… |
Sequence 59It appears from this study that Montessori elementary training can be structured so that students can obtain both the… |
Sequence 60State Certification I. no-none avail. 2. yes 3. none avail. only elem. or K-3 4. none avail. 5. yes 6. yes 7. yes 8.… |
Sequence 61Academic Standards Meet Exceed Traditional I. 2. 3. x AMI Standards recognized as more stringent x AMI Standards… |
Sequence 71Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Opportunity for one elementary and one primary directress for Fall, 1984. Established school… |
Sequence 7067 for 1he career minded Mon1essorian. Send resume and credcmials 10: Momessori ln1crna1ional . School. Inc. PO Box 2362… |
Sequence 71AMI PRIMARY GUIDE NEEDED for fall '85. School is in I 0th year with projected enrollment or 60 children (2½-6) !extended… |
Sequence 42"Montessori In Cincinnati Public Schools: Past, Present and Future" By Phyllis Williams Jn this short… |
Sequence 57Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Henson Valley Montessori School is seeking bo1h a Primary 1eacher and an experienced… |
Sequence 596·9 program in September. 1985. Salary negotiable. For further information please contact: Romeo Montessori Center. Susan… |
Sequence 60I I 1214 Varela St .. Key West. FL 33040. SEEKING full or pan time experienced and qual• ified direc1ress. Salary… |
Sequence 1510 Frost, Joe. L. (1968). Earl childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 78 Fynne,… |
Sequence 58Chattin-McNichols, John. (1982). Counterpoint to Campbell's computer article. The Constructive Triangle, 2, 7-8, (… |
Sequence 5952 Barnard, Grace Everett. (1916, February). Montessori conference at the NEA 1915 meeting. The Kindergarten and First… |
Sequence 60Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 9992 Joosten, A. M. (1974). Helping one helping all (II): Helping the child in the conquest of the written language. Bombay… |
Sequence 100Hainstock, Elizabeth. years. New York: (1971). Teachin Montessori in the home: The school New American Library Plume ,… |
Sequence 10194 Neubert, Ann B. (1972). A way of learning: A Montessori manual. New York: American Montessori Society. Perry, Celma… |
Sequence 124NEWSLETTERS/JOURNALS News Notes. (1966). American Montessori Society, 4. (4). Only one or two copies are in the NAMTA… |
Sequence 126Freedom for the Child. This was the first Montessori journal in the U.S. and was publied by The Montessori Organization… |
Sequence 127120 Spectator, ( 1952). 188. 599, ( l). Tablet (London), (1952, May 23). 199. p. 405, (1). La Dotteresa, (1952, May 19… |
Sequence 130124 Ethical basis. (1912, September 11). Times Educational Supplement, p.463, (2). Joosten, A.M. (1958). Observation.… |
Sequence 131125 Clarke, Margaret. (1965). Letter from teacher's chairman. The Constructive Triangle, !, 1-3. (3) Lowery,… |
Sequence 139Kahn, David. rebirths. ( 1983). Second AMI su.mmer institute: Life is a series of NAMTA Quarterly, ~. 28-31, (4). New… |
Sequence 1552. Foreign Language/Bilingual Jackson, Stepman Lawrence. (1980). Formative evaluation of a bilingual Montessori preschool… |
Sequence 157Foster, Lawrence J. (1970). Maria Montessori and modern educational thought some criticism of the Montessori method… |
Sequence 165159 Karnes, Merle B. (1973). The evaluation and implications of research with young handicapped and low-income children at… |
Sequence 167161 Cos, Helen R. (1968). Effect of maternal attitudes, teacher attitudes, and type of nursery school training on the… |
Sequence 178172 Gans, Ruth (1979). Consultation: A rationale for the total school approach. 30-32, (3). The Constructive Triangle… |
Sequence 183A Montessori mother. 0978). [Letter]. Communications, .!_, 34, (1). The Montessori movement in Holland. (1924). Call of… |
Sequence 202196 Bronsil, Kenneth E. (1983). A letter to members of the AMS teachers' section. The Constructive Triangle, .!.Q_… |
Sequence 206200 Bashyal, R. P. (1969/70). Glimpses at the Indian Montessori training courses. Around the Child, 13, 105-110, (6).… |
Sequence 72ALCulN /IIONTESSORI SCHOOL. ,'\t3bhshed 1961. Five primary-all extended day: four clemcn 1ar) MontC'-',()rtan… |
Sequence 73Contact Madeleine Onman, The Woods Academy, 6801 Grccntree Road. Bethe&la, MD 20817. 301-365-3080. Three highly… |
Sequence 74CENTRAL US Head 1eachcr neetlctl for Fall of 86. School in 9ih icar Re,ponsiblc for age, 3 K. AMS or .\Ml ex pericnc-.:d.… |