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Sequence 6The Greek Educational Analogue We look to the classics at this point, not to suggest that a study of the ancient culture… |
Sequence 8corporate agriculture-farm owners don't want to live where they farm because it's boring, it's dirty; they… |
Sequence 1or Los Angeles. But the Greeks who began to live on the farm created a chauvinism about what they did and who they were.… |
Sequence 8HUMANITIES PROJECTS 2000-2001 Study of the Maya I. Study of Living Things II. Technology and the Building Up of Civilization… |
Sequence 30In some ways, it started with our election study, when two people were invited to each represent the views of Gore and Bush on… |
Sequence 48The Greek Educational Analogue We look to the classics at this point, not to suggest that a study of the ancient culture… |
Sequence 247corporate agriculture-farm owners don't want to live where they farm because it's boring, it's dirty; they… |
Sequence 344The Greeks found out that this new diversi- tied scheme gave each farm family au- tonomy that could not be undermined by… |
Sequence 408HUMANITIES PROJECTS 2000-2001 Study of the Maya I. Study of Living Things II. Technology and the Building Up of Civilization… |
Sequence 446In some ways, it started with our election study, when two people were invited to each represent the views of Gore and Bush on… |