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Sequence 1516 Montessori, Maria. (1929). Child in the church: Essays on the religious education of children and the training of… |
Sequence 16Montessori, Maria. (1932). Mass explained to children. London: Sheed and Ward. l. America. (1933). 49, 572, ( 1). 2.… |
Sequence 1718 Montessori, Maria. (1964). The Montessori method. Cambridge, Mass.: Robert Bentley, Inc. 1. Stendler, Celia. (1965).… |
Sequence 1920 Standing, E. Mortimer. (1959). Maria Montessorit her life and work. Fresno, California: Academy Library Guild. British… |
Sequence 68Godefroy, J. C. L. (1925). Perspectives provided by the Montessori method. Call of Education, 3, 24-31, (8). Goodwin, Gary… |
Sequence 166168 F. Policy Kahn, David. (1975). Toward a handmade materials ownership policy. NAMTA Quarterly, !, 34-36, (3).… |
Sequence 2316 Montessori, Maria. (1929). Child in the church: Essays on the religious education of children and the training of… |
Sequence 24Montessori, Maria. (1932). Mass explained to children. London: Sheed and Ward. l. America. (1933). 49, 572, ( 1). 2.… |
Sequence 2518 Montessori, Maria. (1964). The Montessori method. Cambridge, Mass.: Robert Bentley, Inc. 1. Stendler, Celia. (1965).… |
Sequence 2720 Standing, E. Mortimer. (1959). Maria Montessorit her life and work. Fresno, California: Academy Library Guild. British… |
Sequence 76Godefroy, J. C. L. (1925). Perspectives provided by the Montessori method. Call of Education, 3, 24-31, (8). Goodwin, Gary… |
Sequence 174168 F. Policy Kahn, David. (1975). Toward a handmade materials ownership policy. NAMTA Quarterly, !, 34-36, (3).… |