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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 116
Sequence 3Behind the stated con- cerns of individuals for the environment, there are at least three possible moti- vations. One is a… |
Sequence 9community level where solutions need to be found for the more appro- priate management of the landscape. By beginning with… |
Sequence 10Froebe}, F. (1887). The education of man (Trans. W.M. Hailman). New York: Appleton. (Original work published 1886) Hart, R… |
Sequence 9reflection on this issue, and the CRC is a superb base document for this reflection. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN'S… |
Sequence 11There are probably other aspects of children's relationship to nature that differ from those of adults and could lead… |
Sequence 14enjoyment of natural environments close to home-wild commonlands, gardens, ponds, city farms, or schoolgrounds, ideally with… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 24Hart, R., & L. Chawla. The Development of Children's Concern for the Environment. Zeitschrift fur Umelweltpolitik… |
Sequence 2ics, philosophy, etc. This process of exploring time and space is certainly different from worship. Mitchell Thomashow, as he… |
Sequence 2THE NATURAL WORLD AS PREPARED ENVIRONMENT by Louise Chawla Louise Chawla masterfully weaves Montessori and Edith Cobb,… |
Sequence 7When I arrived in New York, I visited Cobb's collection of books at Columbia Teacher's College-and I noticed that… |
Sequence 14ciation, but this is the conclusion that a series of studies now suggest. 3 This formula of free time in the natural world,… |
Sequence 18Annan, K. We the Peoples. New York: United Nations Publications, 2000. BBC. Soul. Three part video series. London: BBC-TV,… |
Sequence 8they are within sight and call of their parents, where they can dash inside as they need to. But when you ask them about their… |
Sequence 13the farm manager and teachers: What were their goals? What did they want the children to be taking away from their visit? The… |
Sequence 14the natural world. Then they talk also, again and again, about some special person who showed the value of natural places (… |
Sequence 18idea? Beginning with the local, beginning with what's in their school yard, beginning with the individual creatures, that… |
Sequence 21A. I think it's a basic issue. The world is filled with people who care for their individual pets, care for their… |
Sequence 22Chawla, Louise. "Significant Life Experiences Revisited." Journal of Environmental Education 29.1 (1998,… |
Sequence 11Chawla, Louise, & Roger A. Hart. "The Roots of Environ- mental Concern." The NAMTA Journal 20.1 (… |
Sequence 3If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder without any such gift from the fairies, he needs the companionship of… |
Sequence 4claim that these people had different backgrounds than others who appear less environmentally concerned. Several studies,… |
Sequence 16experiences usually happened in places characterized by freedom for movement and m ultisensory discovery, where the child felt… |
Sequence 17Chawla, Louise. "Life Paths into Effective Environmental Action." Jo11rnn/ of E11viro11111e11tnl Ed11cntio11… |
Sequence 17picture) on the wall and a short list of words from the picture to be placed next to it. [t is wise to remember that creative… |
Sequence 31stimulate thought on how to introduce nature experiences to the classroom if areas for walking and exploring are not available… |
Sequence 35REFERENCES Bagot, Kathleen L. "Perceived Restorative Components: A Scale for Children." Children, Yo11th… |
Sequence 442 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 effects of television is to create what researchers call the mean world… |
Sequence 745 Chawla • Bonding with the Natural World: The Roots of Environmental Awareness Chicago have also begun to do work with… |
Sequence 1048 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 share with all the other elements of the web of life. To go from… |
Sequence 1250 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 migrating animals: monarch butterflies, birds, creatures that move… |
Sequence 565 Verschuur • Ecosystems in the Backyard: Preparing a Diverse Outdoor Environment for Primary level, but by becoming… |
Sequence 979 Vaz • Montessori Special Education and Nature’s Playground Nimal Vaz has been associated with AMI training courses since… |
Sequence 2192 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 fear of taking children outside—a concern for the wildness of nature (… |
Sequence 1the natural World as PrePared environment by Louise Chawla Louise Chawla’s autobiographical beginning of this article shows… |
Sequence 343 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment This caught me up short. I don’t think of Dr. Montessori as a vagrant—… |
Sequence 545 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment What captured my interest during my first year in graduate school was… |
Sequence 646 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 around their homes, too. And they often wrote about this out-of- school… |
Sequence 747 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment I did find, however, that among the authors who recorded these… |
Sequence 949 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment adolescents can live at all times of day and night, in all weathers,… |
Sequence 1151 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment Human Potential. Although many people in her generation shared this… |
Sequence 1353 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment to find fishing bait under rocks, but also just to “appreciate what’s… |
Sequence 1555 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment inhabited by 1,000 people, 780 live in low-income areas and 390 are… |
Sequence 1757 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment about what Maria Montessori herself epitomized: the education of girls… |
Sequence 1858 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 Chawla, L. In the First Country of Places: Nature, Poetry and Childhood… |
Sequence 1959 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment Montessori, M. To Educate the Human Potential. 1948. Ox- ford: Clio… |
Sequence 16266 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 possibly provide a structure for indigenous educators to create their… |
Sequence 18268 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Bielenberg, B. (2000). Charter schools for American Indi- ans. In J.… |
Sequence 1PlACe-BAseD eDuCATioN AND CiTiZeN sCieNCe: resourCes For leArNiNg BeyoND The ClAssrooM 4 Louise Chawla is professor emerita… |
Sequence 25 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science PlACe-BAseD eDuCATioN AND CiTiZeN sCieNCe: resourCes For… |
Sequence 47 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science outdoor education, forest kindergartens, schoolyard greening,… |
Sequence 69 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science Krishnaswami, Uma. Beyond the Field Trip: Teaching and… |
Sequence 811 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science Children, Youth and Environments – special issue on “Place-… |
Sequence 1013 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science Schools that Change Communities, 2013 (58 mins.) Features… |
Sequence 1215 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science for its success at such a large scale is the use of… |
Sequence 1417 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science closely with children, teachers, schools, and nature centers… |
Sequence 1619 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science that allow you to pool your observations with others. “Herps… |
Sequence 1821 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science Dickinson, Janis L. and Rick Bonney, editors. Citizen Science… |
Sequence 67Behind the stated con- cerns of individuals for the environment, there are at least three possible moti- vations. One is a… |
Sequence 73community level where solutions need to be found for the more appro- priate management of the landscape. By beginning with… |
Sequence 74Froebe}, F. (1887). The education of man (Trans. W.M. Hailman). New York: Appleton. (Original work published 1886) Hart, R… |
Sequence 195reflection on this issue, and the CRC is a superb base document for this reflection. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN'S… |
Sequence 197There are probably other aspects of children's relationship to nature that differ from those of adults and could lead… |
Sequence 200enjoyment of natural environments close to home-wild commonlands, gardens, ponds, city farms, or schoolgrounds, ideally with… |
Sequence 209REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 210Hart, R., & L. Chawla. The Development of Children's Concern for the Environment. Zeitschrift fur Umelweltpolitik… |
Sequence 7ics, philosophy, etc. This process of exploring time and space is certainly different from worship. Mitchell Thomashow, as he… |
Sequence 136THE NATURAL WORLD AS PREPARED ENVIRONMENT by Louise Chawla Louise Chawla masterfully weaves Montessori and Edith Cobb,… |
Sequence 141When I arrived in New York, I visited Cobb's collection of books at Columbia Teacher's College-and I noticed that… |
Sequence 148ciation, but this is the conclusion that a series of studies now suggest. 3 This formula of free time in the natural world,… |
Sequence 152Annan, K. We the Peoples. New York: United Nations Publications, 2000. BBC. Soul. Three part video series. London: BBC-TV,… |
Sequence 143they are within sight and call of their parents, where they can dash inside as they need to. But when you ask them about their… |
Sequence 148the farm manager and teachers: What were their goals? What did they want the children to be taking away from their visit? The… |
Sequence 149the natural world. Then they talk also, again and again, about some special person who showed the value of natural places (… |
Sequence 153idea? Beginning with the local, beginning with what's in their school yard, beginning with the individual creatures, that… |
Sequence 156A. I think it's a basic issue. The world is filled with people who care for their individual pets, care for their… |
Sequence 157Chawla, Louise. "Significant Life Experiences Revisited." Journal of Environmental Education 29.1 (1998,… |
Sequence 208Chawla, Louise, & Roger A. Hart. "The Roots of Environ- mental Concern." The NAMTA Journal 20.1 (… |
Sequence 159If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder without any such gift from the fairies, he needs the companionship of… |
Sequence 160claim that these people had different backgrounds than others who appear less environmentally concerned. Several studies,… |
Sequence 172experiences usually happened in places characterized by freedom for movement and m ultisensory discovery, where the child felt… |
Sequence 173Chawla, Louise. "Life Paths into Effective Environmental Action." Jo11rnn/ of E11viro11111e11tnl Ed11cntio11… |
Sequence 162picture) on the wall and a short list of words from the picture to be placed next to it. [t is wise to remember that creative… |
Sequence 248stimulate thought on how to introduce nature experiences to the classroom if areas for walking and exploring are not available… |
Sequence 252REFERENCES Bagot, Kathleen L. "Perceived Restorative Components: A Scale for Children." Children, Yo11th… |
Sequence 5242 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 effects of television is to create what researchers call the mean world… |
Sequence 5545 Chawla • Bonding with the Natural World: The Roots of Environmental Awareness Chicago have also begun to do work with… |
Sequence 5848 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 share with all the other elements of the web of life. To go from… |
Sequence 6050 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 migrating animals: monarch butterflies, birds, creatures that move… |
Sequence 7565 Verschuur • Ecosystems in the Backyard: Preparing a Diverse Outdoor Environment for Primary level, but by becoming… |
Sequence 8979 Vaz • Montessori Special Education and Nature’s Playground Nimal Vaz has been associated with AMI training courses since… |
Sequence 202192 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 fear of taking children outside—a concern for the wildness of nature (… |
Sequence 4741 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment the natural World as PrePared environment by Louise Chawla Louise… |
Sequence 4943 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment This caught me up short. I don’t think of Dr. Montessori as a vagrant—… |
Sequence 5145 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment What captured my interest during my first year in graduate school was… |
Sequence 5246 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 around their homes, too. And they often wrote about this out-of- school… |
Sequence 5347 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment I did find, however, that among the authors who recorded these… |
Sequence 5549 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment adolescents can live at all times of day and night, in all weathers,… |
Sequence 5751 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment Human Potential. Although many people in her generation shared this… |
Sequence 5953 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment to find fishing bait under rocks, but also just to “appreciate what’s… |