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Displaying results 1 - 38 of 38
Sequence 38ground. New York: Oxford University Press. Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1985). The singing game. New York: Oxford University… |
Sequence 9asked to play or sing the next line and create a variation based upon it. In both examples, the second "intelligence-… |
Sequence 18in the classroom are also present in the gym-repetition, choice, individual lessons, protection of the work cycle, and, best… |
Sequence 19contact. While he continued singing, Cole began to slowly tie Austin's shoes. When Cole was finished, he went on his way… |
Sequence 3• being sensitive to the needs and desires of others • being on time for appointments · having a social conscience • making… |
Sequence 4In 1921, the editors of the Journal of Educational Psychology listed these characteristics of intelligence (cited in Cole… |
Sequence 5child's development. That is to say, we can look at behaviors since we have seen that intelligence is revealed in… |
Sequence 10REFERENCES Bjorklw1d, David F. Children's Thinking: Developmental Function and Individual Differences. Pacific Grove, CA… |
Sequence 8Reflections: What is your school's mission statement? To what extent do students and parents have an opportunity to… |
Sequence 19ge11t. Ed. R. Bar-On, J.G. Maree, & M.J. Elias. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007. Cohen,J., L. McCabe, N.M. Mitchel Ii,… |
Sequence 8Books RESOURCES Chance, Paul. First Course /11 Applied Beh11vior A1wlysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1998… |
Sequence 17Creative persons differ from one another in a variety of ways, but in one respect they are unanimous: They love what they do… |
Sequence 367 Urioste • Multicultural Inclusion in an Urban Setting English/Spanish heritage and the Chicano riots pressures, I had… |
Sequence 4254 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 the same developmental sequence, children had within them a par- ticular… |
Sequence 15265 Schonleber • Hawaiian Indigenous Education educational approach that is congruent with some of their deepest beliefs.… |
Sequence 18268 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Bielenberg, B. (2000). Charter schools for American Indi- ans. In J.… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 63 references Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber. 1993. “First-Grade Classroom Behavior: Its… |
Sequence 106AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 63 references Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber. 1993. “First-Grade Classroom Behavior: Its… |
Sequence 107AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 63 references Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber. 1993. “First-Grade Classroom Behavior: Its… |
Sequence 58 Chicago Board of Education. (1977). Options in Public education: a source document, Available from National… |
Sequence 52ground. New York: Oxford University Press. Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1985). The singing game. New York: Oxford University… |
Sequence 19asked to play or sing the next line and create a variation based upon it. In both examples, the second "intelligence-… |
Sequence 98in the classroom are also present in the gym-repetition, choice, individual lessons, protection of the work cycle, and, best… |
Sequence 99contact. While he continued singing, Cole began to slowly tie Austin's shoes. When Cole was finished, he went on his way… |
Sequence 67• being sensitive to the needs and desires of others • being on time for appointments · having a social conscience • making… |
Sequence 68In 1921, the editors of the Journal of Educational Psychology listed these characteristics of intelligence (cited in Cole… |
Sequence 69child's development. That is to say, we can look at behaviors since we have seen that intelligence is revealed in… |
Sequence 74REFERENCES Bjorklw1d, David F. Children's Thinking: Developmental Function and Individual Differences. Pacific Grove, CA… |
Sequence 289Reflections: What is your school's mission statement? To what extent do students and parents have an opportunity to… |
Sequence 300ge11t. Ed. R. Bar-On, J.G. Maree, & M.J. Elias. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007. Cohen,J., L. McCabe, N.M. Mitchel Ii,… |
Sequence 77Books RESOURCES Chance, Paul. First Course /11 Applied Beh11vior A1wlysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1998… |
Sequence 106Creative persons differ from one another in a variety of ways, but in one respect they are unanimous: They love what they do… |
Sequence 7367 Urioste • Multicultural Inclusion in an Urban Setting English/Spanish heritage and the Chicano riots pressures, I had… |
Sequence 260254 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 the same developmental sequence, children had within them a par- ticular… |
Sequence 271265 Schonleber • Hawaiian Indigenous Education educational approach that is congruent with some of their deepest beliefs.… |
Sequence 274268 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Bielenberg, B. (2000). Charter schools for American Indi- ans. In J.… |
Sequence 64AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 63 references Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber. 1993. “First-Grade Classroom Behavior: Its… |
Sequence 138 Chicago Board of Education. (1977). Options in Public education: a source document, Available from National… |