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Displaying results 1001 - 1100 of 1140
Sequence 3THE CHILD IN NATURE Editorial Report: Cosmic Education by Mario Montessori, Jr… |
Sequence 22The Montessori Intellectual Approach to Nature Study by David Kahn The Children's House intimacy with nature experience… |
Sequence 73N.A.M.T.A. News: NIENHUIS CONTRACTS N.A.M.T.A. Nienhuis Montessori USA will codistribute the N.A.M.T.A. Jour- nal as a… |
Sequence 3CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Editorial Report: East of the Sun and West of the Moon by Lilian B. Mullane… |
Sequence 57School Management: A Fundraiser For Children: Slim Goodbody by David Kahn The Ruffing Montessori School of Cleveland Heights… |
Sequence 63N.A.M.T.A. Workshops 1977-1978 Location: Washington, D.C. Time: October 21-23 Contact: Charlotte Kovach 4014 W.… |
Sequence 1THE N.A.M.T.A. QUARTERLY teachers' volume three number one THE MONTESSORI ERO KINDER EXPERIMENT Maria Montessori… |
Sequence 5THE MONTESSORI ERDKINDER EXPERIMENT Editorial Report: Maria Montessori's Erdkinder Experiment by Ursula Thrush… |
Sequence 21MERCY MONTESSORI CENTER presents MONTESSORI ERDKINDER STUDY CONFERENCE Coordinators: Sister Mary Jacinta Shay R.S.M. David… |
Sequence 43Through ·the Magic Lantern: The Montessori Erdkinder by David Kahn The following is a transcription of a lecture delivered by… |
Sequence 79N.A.M.T.A. News: ANNOUNCEMENT- NATIONAL MONTESSORI MEDIA PROJECT One of the most effective services which national… |
Sequence 83Publication Schedule for 1978-79 Publications will be circulated the following times next year: Sept. I, 1978 Bulletin… |
Sequence 3THE CASE FOR MONTESSORI CREATIVITY Editorial Report: The Case for Montessori Creativity by David Kahn… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: The Case for Montessori Creativity by David Kahn The following article is a reprint of the keynote lecture… |
Sequence 23"Aren't You Glad You Don't Believe In Group Art?" By Nel Weniger Just before Christmas as my… |
Sequence 35Feature: Nienhuis - Who Are You? by David Kahn Introduction When a customer receives a refined. polished nomenclature box,… |
Sequence 3THE SPECIAL CHILD, MUNICH, AND MONTESSORI Editorial Report: On the Significance of Personality Subsitution by Jon Osterkorn… |
Sequence 42Curriculum Development: Departmentalized Team Teaching: Negative Compromise by David Kahn ", .. It is not enough… |
Sequence 53N.A.M.T.A. News: WORKSHOPS San Diego, California Feb.12-14 Contact: Peggy Renkke (714) 582-J 262 6104 Adelaide Ave. San… |
Sequence 3PREPARED ENVIRONMENT/ PSYCHOANAL YSIS/ERDKINDER & MONTESSORI Part I Montessori Prepared Environment The Prepared… |
Sequence 17Identifying the Elementary Environment by David Kahn A few brief clarifications might save many from futile debate later.… |
Sequence 55Part III Erdkinder Revisited The Kibbutz, Boy's Town, Williamsburg and the Montessori Erdkinder by David Kahn Report… |
Sequence 56The Kibbutz, Boy's Town, Williamsburg and the Montessori Erdkinder by David Kahn Here follows the keynote lecture for… |
Sequence 75N.A.M.T.A. News JOURNAL REVISIONS FOR 1978-1979 This year to accommodate rising costs due to media center outlay and to the… |
Sequence 76ANNOUNCEMENT: NATIONAL MONTESSORI MEDIA PROJECT One of the most effective services which national organizations can offer… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI CONGRESS IN AMSTERDAM Help AMI Shape the Montessori Future David Kahn - Early Social Development Theodor… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI CONGRESS IN AMSTERDAM F.ditorial Report Help AMI Shape the Montessori Future by David Kahn… |
Sequence 4"And like the acute artistry and pride invested in the selection of tympanums and friezes, the Congress program was… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: Help A.M.I. Shape the Montessori Future: Notes on Amsterdam-1979 by David Kahn The Dutch Montessori… |
Sequence 53Location: Time: Contact: Location: Time: Theme: Contact: Location: Time: Contact: NAMTA WORKSHOPS 1978-1979… |
Sequence 60WANTED: EXPERIENCED AMI ELE- MENTARY DIRECTRESS/DIRECTOR for new school opening Sept '79 in Evergreen, Colo in the… |
Sequence 3BIRTH/INF ANCY/KODAIKANAL AND MONTESSORI PART I The Child From Birth to Three Montessori Birth Assistance by G. Honegger… |
Sequence 49The Kodaikanal Experience - Chapter I Kahn-Wikramaratne Interview David Kahn: The KodaikanaJ experience was instrumental to… |
Sequence 59The Kodaikanal Experience - Chapter II Kahn-Montessori Interview David Kahn: You once alluded to Kodaikanal as a community in… |
Sequence 73Personals: POSITIONS A VAILABLE: AMI trained Primary teacher to take over 3rd year class and AMI Junior teacher to begin a 6… |
Sequence 75A NAMTA WORKSHOP FOR THE NORTHWEST PORTLAND, OREGON FEBRUARYB-9, 1980 Contact: Nancy Hildick 4920 S.W. Vermont St.… |
Sequence 1EXTENDING THE MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY Some Characteristics of a Montessori Erdkinder Compromise by Phil Gang The Montessori 9… |
Sequence 3EXTENDING THE MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY Editorial Report Some Characteristics of a Montessori Erdkinder Compromise by Phil Gang… |
Sequence 9The Montessori 9-12 Class: An Overview by David Kahn Before an Erdkinder can be achieved, a consolidated Montessori… |
Sequence 59Advanced Montessori Math (7 -12) and Geometry Workshop by David Kahn, Couer D'alene - Idaho Northwest Couer D'Alene… |
Sequence 6056 Announcement II NAMTA PRESENTS: JEROME BRUNER IN LECTURE CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, OHIO Dr. Jerome Bruner, Harvard, Oxford… |
Sequence 61What Is Man: A Course of Study? Teachers and students explore the roots of man's social behavior through the study of… |
Sequence 63N.A.M.T.A. NEWS: Regional Elementary In-Service Workshops - U.S.A. For 1980-198 I, in-service elementary workshops will be… |
Sequence 6460 Elementary Action Series: Classroom technique and documentary material would be accrued to build the NAMTA Elementary… |
Sequence 65NAMTA Directories Have Been Mailed Many disgruntled members will be getting their directory late this year. This is due in… |
Sequence 3SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE CHILD volume five number three Editorial Report Towards Improving the Human Ecology… |
Sequence 5Towards Improving Human Ecology Bronfenbrenner Kahn Interview Dr. Bronfenbrenner in his stirring description of the social… |
Sequence 39within schools. Full training begins in Rome this year. This workshop will be especially helpful to teachers and… |
Sequence 4238 National Montessori Media Center - Part II FIim Library The Medlo Center will begin to toke film bookings for the… |
Sequence 4440 NAMTA News: David Kahn Appointed Executive Director of NAMTA After five years of service to N AMT A in both the Media and… |
Sequence 45Publication Schedule 1980-81 Approximate Submjssions Mailing Date Publication Deadline September I, 1980 Bulletin… |
Sequence 1UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE UMBRELLA Low Cost Expansion Ron Ackerman Proposed Junior High Outline David Kahn Normalizing the… |
Sequence 3UNDER "THE ADMINISTRATIVE UMBRELLA volume six number one Expansion Low Cost Expansion by Ron Ackerman… |
Sequence 39Feature: Quintilian Was First By Marcus Fabius Quintilian Quintilian wrote the Institutio Oratorio in 95 A.D. Yet his… |
Sequence 4844 Announcement: • NAMTA PRESENTS THE MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY: A WIDER PERSPECTIVE A program for the elementary… |
Sequence 51(B) "A Multi-Cultural Approach toward International Understanding through Practical Life, Geography, Music, Art and… |
Sequence 5248 Announcement: AMI CONFERENCE ON ADOLESCENT SCHEDULED Adolescent: An Exploration is a study conference on the needs of… |
Sequence 5450 National MonteHorl Media Center - Part II Film Library The Media Center will begin to take fllm bookings for the… |
Sequence 6056 N.A.M.T.A. News NEW ELEMENT ARY WORKSHOP - SUCCESS Barbara Gordon and staff should be congratulated for their excellent… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI IN DIFFERENT SETTINGS volume six number two Editorial: Opportunity for Renewal: Montessori in the Inner City by… |
Sequence 2420 David Kahn: How has the profession changed over the last 25 years? You once told me you worked with an entirely different… |
Sequence 41Announcement: THE PROGRAM "ADOLESCENCE: AN EXPLORATION" to be held in Atlanta. Georgia at the Northwest… |
Sequence 48REMAINING PUBLICATION SCHEDULE FOR 1980-81 Approximate Mailing Date April 5, 1981 Spring-Summer Publication Bulletin -… |
Sequence 53AMI trained 3-6 and 6-9 1eacher.; wanted for Sep1. I 98 I. Compe1i1ive salaries. pleasant environ- ment. Montessori School of… |
Sequence 5854 National MonteHorl Media Center - Part II FIim Library The Media Center will begin to take film bookings for the… |
Sequence 1TRAINING, TEACHER AND PRAXIS Training, Teacher and Praxis by David Kahn The Professional Montessorian: An Examination of… |
Sequence 3TRAINING, TEACHER AND PRAXIS volume six number three Editorial: Training, Teacher and Praxis by David Kahn… |
Sequence 4II "Only dialogue between teacher and trainer will be able to mitigate the tension between theory and practice.… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: Training, The Teacher, and Praxis By David Kahn AMI training must address the whole Montessori picture,… |
Sequence 40to center on the need for the ability to adapt. The pattern of thought that emerged was profound. Ors. Bremer and Salzmann… |
Sequence 7066 SCHOOLS FOR SALE FOR SALE: Incline Montessori School. Lake Tahoe. Licensed for 2½-7 yr. olds, with Washoe County Welfare… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI HUMANISM: ORIGIN AND TRENDS Montessori in the Humanist Tradition by Ron Miller The Perfectibility of the… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI HUMANISM: ORIGIN AND TRENDS volume seven number one Part One On Human Nature: Montessori in the Humanist… |
Sequence 3632 Some Higher Education Guidelines for the Prospective Montessori Teacher By David J. Kahn Ckcasions arise when high… |
Sequence 71N.A.M.T.A. News: NAMTA-AMI Workshop• Perfecting a New Concept Olga Dantus, Judi Maloof, David Kahn, Sanford Jones and… |
Sequence 7470 Remaining Publication Schedule 1981-82 Approximate Mailing Date Publication January Directory Winter Quarterly •… |
Sequence 1THE PARENT, CHILDCARE, AND MONTESSORI Parents Make the Best Teachers by David Kahn A View of Child Minding by Jerome Bruner… |
Sequence 3THE PARENT, CHILDCARE, AND MONTESSORI volume seven number 1wo Editorial: Parents Make the Best Teachers by David Kahn… |
Sequence 5Editorial: Parents Make The Best Teachers by David Kahn Although the Montessori school has a major role to play in the child… |
Sequence 6460 NAMTA NEWS: MEDIA CENTER IS SEEKING MEDIA PROJECTS NAMTA is planning a significant expansion of titles for media… |
Sequence 65A TRIBUTE TO MARIO MONTESSORI pho10 by Oa,•id Kahn Mario Montessori, Died Feb. 10, 1982 Baarn; Holland Mario Montessori was… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI MOVEMENT - THE END OF AN ERA THE START OF RENEWAL volume seven number three Part I The Movement for the… |
Sequence 25Towards AMI Summer Training in America by David Kahn With the reorganization of AMI in America, and the expansion of its… |
Sequence 6056 N.A.M.T.A. News: MONTESSORI IN THE HEART OF TEXAS Thanks to Linda Reed for her giving of a wonderful and successful event… |
Sequence 3PSYCHOLOGY, SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT AND MONTESSORI volume eight number one Editorial Report: Reflections on Learning by… |
Sequence 35Teacher Discussion Groups: Insight and Ref err al Kahn-Furman Interview David Kahn: When did you start working with… |
Sequence 5450 A Tribute to Miss Lena The death of Miss Lena Wikamaratne on August 6, 1982 marks still another generational loss to the… |
Sequence 5652 Needed for 83-84: AMI Elementary Teacher for a newly-formed school in St. Paul, Minnesota. Com- petitive salaries.… |
Sequence 65NAMTA News: New Parent Newsletter Well Received NAMT A members received with this Quarterly a sample of an eight part series… |
Sequence 1THE N.A.M.T.A. QUARTERLY volume eight number two MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY AND BEYOND Montessori Secondary School -… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY AND BEYOND volume eight number two Editorial Theme: Montessori Secondary School - Developing the… |
Sequence 4"Perhaps the Middle School's greatest role is to provide for inte- gration and self reflection at a time when… |
Sequence 5The Montessori Secondary Schoo! - Developing the Urban Compromise by David Kahn Here folfows a simple chronicle of a… |
Sequence 53Feature Section: Elkind vs. Montessori: A Debate Jn the January issue of the widely distributed journal of the NAEYC, Young… |
Sequence 73PRIMARY - We need a primary AMI directress for our excellent Montessori school. This growing school currently serves 78… |
Sequence 77NAMTA News: New Release on Discipline - Project Video David Kahn announced that he is resuming his video documentary work on… |
Sequence 1THE N.A.M.T.A. QUARTERLY teachers' g --a u 0 CD CD as volume eight number three MONTESSORI: PEOPLE AND ISSUES… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI: PEOPLE AND ISSUES volume eight number three Editorial Theme: Marva Collins, American Public Education, and… |
Sequence 35Editorial: The Philosopher Trainer: Endangered Species By David Kahn There is a continuing sense of loss - the deaths of… |
Sequence 43Curlis Mathes (right) with Montessori Family. Atlanta Curtis Mathes: Friend of Montessori Died June 2 I 983, plane crash.… |